
Does The Hitcher have end credit scenes?


The Hitcher does not have end credit scenes.

The Hitcher

The Hitcher


In a deadly ride-along, a young couple's innocent road trip turns into a harrowing nightmare when they pick up a ruthless hitchhiker with a taste for terror. As they try to escape his clutches, the stakes escalate, and the lines between reality and hysteria blur in a heart-pumping game of survival.

Runtime: 84 min

Box Office: $25M








User Score


5.6 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in The Hitcher!

As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the desert landscape, Jim (Zachary Knighton) navigates his sleek Oldsmobile 442 down the highway, with his girlfriend Grace (Sophia Bush) by his side. The rhythmic hum of the engine and the soft patter of raindrops on the roof create a soothing melody as they embark on their Spring Break adventure to Lake Havasu. Jim's eyes gleam with affection whenever he catches Grace's gaze, and as they chat about her friends, he momentarily loses focus on the road ahead.

The rain intensifies, reducing visibility to near zero, and Jim's attention is drawn back to the road just in time to avoid a calamity. A lone figure stands steadfastly in the middle of the highway, oblivious to the danger that nearly befalls him. The couple's car screeches to a halt mere inches from the stranger's sodden form. Jim's expression contorts with remorse as he realizes the gravity of the situation.

The stranger, seemingly unharmed but soaked to the bone, begins walking towards their vehicle, his pace deliberate and purposeful. Grace's voice rings out, her tone laced with warning, cautioning Jim against stopping to assist this mysterious individual. Yet, Jim's conscience compels him to make amends for his near-miss, and he invites the stranger into their car.

However, just as they prepare to depart, Jim's Oldsmobile 442 refuses to cooperate. The engine sputters and coughs, its motor flooded by the torrential rain. After a few tense moments, the car finally roars back to life, and they hit the open road once more, narrowly escaping the stranger's grasping hand as he reaches for their door handle.

As the miles ticked by, Jim's conscience wrestled with the moral dilemma of abandoning the stranger on the roadside. The weight of his decision hung heavy in the air as they stopped at a quirky gas station, where an eccentric attendant offered a meager apology for being unable to dispatch a tow truck until the next day. Meanwhile, Grace slipped away to freshen up, leaving Jim to indulge in her sweet tooth's weakness for processed treats - the iconic Hostess Twinkies. As he fueled up their vehicle, a behemoth of a rig suddenly appeared, depositing its lone passenger, none other than the very stranger they had left behind. This enigmatic individual, introduced as John Rider (Sean Bean), calmly inquired about the nearest motel's whereabouts, only to discover it was a 12-mile trek down the highway. With an air of nonchalance, he requested a ride from Jim, his request met with a mixture of trepidation and resignation. As they set off, John Rider appeared amiable, engaging in pleasant conversation with Jim as Grace listened intently from the backseat, earbuds plugged into her iPod.

However, this veneer of cordiality swiftly gave way to an unsettling shift in tone. Without warning, John Rider's curiosity turned invasive, probing Jim about his intimate life with his girlfriend. Jim's shock and discomfort were palpable as he gazed upon the ring adorning John's left hand, a symbol of a marriage that was decidedly not his own. As John's inquiry segued into a nonchalant exploration of his own marital status - or lack thereof - it became apparent that this man wore the ring solely to project an aura of niceness. The atmosphere in the car grew increasingly oppressive as John Rider seized Jim's cell phone, shattering it with ease. Meanwhile, Grace frantically dialed 911 on her own device, only for John to produce a knife and hold it menacingly against Jim's throat. His demands were simple: "I want to die." With John's blade pressed firmly against his skin, Jim's panic was matched only by the desperation in his voice as he slowly uttered the fateful words... just as Grace flung open the door, sending John Rider tumbling onto the asphalt.

As the dark hours ticked by, Jim and Grace (still reeling from their harrowing ordeal) pushed on, their agreement to reveal the truth to the authorities at the next town a faint glimmer of hope in an otherwise desolate landscape. The weight of their shared trauma hung heavy in the air, threatening to consume them whole.

Hours later, exhaustion had claimed both Jim and Grace, with only one managing to stay awake behind the wheel. As they drove on autopilot, the GPS-guided highway unwinding before them like a cold, unforgiving snake. Suddenly, Jim's eyelids grew heavy, and he pulled over to catch some shut-eye, his dreams no doubt haunted by the horrors they had faced.

But it was only a dream – or so Jim thought, until he jolted awake to find John Rider's (John Rider) menacing visage staring back at him through the shattered remains of their car window. The sudden invasion of reality sent Jim's heart racing as he scrambled to regain control.

As they continued down the highway, the monotony of the open road was suddenly broken by a station wagon, its occupants – a happy family of four – blissfully unaware of the terror that lurked in their midst. A small boy perched in the backseat, clutching a giant stuffed frog to his chest, caught Jim's eye. And then, in an eerie echo of their own terrors, the frog's "owner" (John Rider) poked out from behind its green, felted hide, flashing a malevolent grin that sent Jim and Grace into a panic.

Their warnings to the oblivious family fell on deaf ears, as the station wagon continued on its merry way. In a desperate bid to shake off their pursuers, Jim lost control of the wheel, sending his car careening off the road and plummeting down a steep ravine, the sound of crunching metal and shattering glass echoing through the desolate night air.

As they emerge from the wreckage, Jim (actor name) and Grace struggle to their feet, battered but determined to press on. Their journey takes a harrowing turn when they stumble upon the station wagon abandoned by the roadside, its occupants fallen victim to John Rider's brutal knife work. The only survivor, the father, clings to life as Grace takes control of the wheel. But just as they're about to escape their darkest fears, a red pickup truck comes barreling down the road, attempting to send them careening off the face of the earth once more. With John Rider's malevolent spirit at the helm, the trio hurtles towards a cafe, where Grace seeks refuge and medical aid for the dying father. The waitress springs into action, dialing 911 as Grace dashes into the bathroom to gather supplies. But it's not until she catches a glimpse of the shadowy figure lurking just beyond the door that she realizes the true extent of their peril. With the cafe suddenly transformed into a scene of chaos, Grace is swiftly apprehended by authorities, who mistake her and Jim for the killers in their midst. The pair finds themselves behind bars, with Jim locked away and Grace subjected to a grueling interrogation. As the sheriff's questions continue to pierce her defenses, she begins to sense that something is amiss - and it's not until she gazes through the mirror-window that she discovers the horrifying truth: John Rider has claimed the lives of the very men sworn to protect them, using their own blood to taunt her from beyond the looking glass.

As Grace finally gains access to the interrogation room, she seizes the opportunity to free Jim from his cell by snatching the keys from the sheriff's lifeless body. With a burst of adrenaline, they make their escape through the back door of the jail, pilfering a gun from one of the fallen deputies as they flee. Meanwhile, John Rider has vanished into thin air, leaving behind a trail of chaos and destruction.

The state police arrive on the scene, led by a no-nonsense lieutenant who surveys the carnage in the sheriff's office. His gaze falls upon the gruesome drawing in blood on the interrogation room window, and his expression turns from shock to realization: Jim and Grace are not the only killers at large. As he digs deeper into their backgrounds, he discovers that they're nothing more than college students, sparking a glimmer of doubt about their culpability.

Jim and Grace make their way to an abandoned trailer park in search of a getaway vehicle. However, their cover is blown when a deputy arrives on the scene, prompting them to seek refuge inside an old building. A scorpion suddenly appears at Jim's feet, but instead of squashing it, he calmly redirects it away from harm. The tension builds as the deputy closes in, only for Jim and Grace to seize his gun and try to coax him back into his car.

In a flash of quick thinking, they manage to wrestle the gun away from the deputy, who retaliates by attempting to reclaim it from Grace. A single shot rings out, and a bullet hole appears in the deputy's head. As the chaos unfolds, another carload of lawmen arrives on the scene, convinced that Grace is responsible for the deputy's demise.

Unbeknownst to them, John Rider has been hiding in plain sight, utilizing a rifle pilfered from the sheriff's office to orchestrate the mayhem. Jim and Grace make their escape in the dead deputy's car, pursued by three police cars and a helicopter hovering ominously above.

As they speed away, Grace commandeers the police radio microphone, proclaiming their innocence to anyone who will listen. However, the overzealous lieutenant monitoring the situation from his office remains unconvinced, convinced that he has witnessed Grace take the deputy's life. In response, a policeman takes it upon himself to disable their vehicle by shooting out the tires.

With the helicopter hovering menacingly above, Jim and Grace are forced to pull over. Just as all hope seems lost, John Rider appears like a phantom, piloting a sleek black Trans Am that materializes seemingly out of nowhere. With calculated precision, he takes out the pursuing officers, causing multiple cars to crash into each other in a spectacular display of destruction.

As the chaos subsides, John Rider's gaze rises to meet the helicopter, its pilot now lying motionless on the ground. With one final shot, the chopper crashes to the earth, leaving Jim and Grace to escape into the unknown.

As Jim and Grace stumble into a dingy motel room, exhausted from their harrowing ordeal, they share a moment of quiet solace beneath the warm glow of the shower's steam. Apologetic for the chaos that has beset them, Jim resolves to escape their predicament by making a quick call from the payphone outside. He promises to return within 15 minutes, leaving Grace to settle into bed, where she succumbs to exhaustion and drifts off into a fitful slumber.

Meanwhile, her subconscious is momentarily placated by the sweet allure of a Hostess Twinkie left on the nightstand, its cheerful yellow wrapper a fleeting respite from the darkness that has consumed their lives. But as her eyes flutter open once more, she finds herself face to face with John Rider, his sinister intentions laid bare in the cold light of day.

As panic sets in, Grace's primal instincts take over; she wrestles with the intruder, employing a lamp as an impromptu bludgeon and claiming a gun that has been her faithful companion throughout their ordeal. Hiding out in the bathroom, she rapidly regroups, donning fresh attire before re-emerging into the motel room.

It is here that she discovers Jim, his arms bound to the front of one behemoth truck, his legs shackled to another. Her heart racing with desperation, Grace rushes to the cab of the first vehicle and finds John Rider, his eyes fixed on some morbid satisfaction as he prepares to send the rig forward, ensuring Jim's gruesome demise.

As Grace stands frozen in indecision, her finger poised precariously over the trigger, it is left to fate – or rather, the timely arrival of law enforcement – to intervene before further tragedy unfolds. In a heart-stopping climax, John Rider's sinister plan is foiled, and the authorities arrive just in time to bear witness to Jim's horrific dismemberment as the trucks collide, his screams echoing through the desolate landscape.

As the scene unfolds, a visibly shaken Grace (character name not provided) finds herself seated in the lieutenant's office, struggling to process the trauma she has endured. The lieutenant's words offer a glimmer of hope as he assures her that she will be taken to Albuquerque's state-of-the-art trauma facility, where her parents will soon join her. Meanwhile, the lieutenant's attention turns to John Rider (character not provided), whose true identity remains shrouded in mystery. The police lieutenant's inquiry into Rider's past reveals a peculiar truth: the real John Rider vanished just days prior, leaving behind only cryptic clues and a trail of bloodshed.

As the police van transporting Rider departs, the lieutenant and Grace follow closely in their vehicle. Inside the van, an unsuspecting officer is caught off guard as Rider exploits his momentary lapse, freeing himself from restraints and exacting a gruesome revenge upon his captor. The van careens out of control, colliding with the lieutenant's car, pinning his leg beneath the wreckage.

In this chaotic atmosphere, Grace seizes the initiative, snatching the lieutenant's gun and charging towards the van. With steely determination, she approaches the vehicle, intent on ending Rider's reign of terror once and for all. Opening the back door, she invites disaster by allowing him to emerge, claiming her gun, and locking her within the van. The killer's subsequent decision to set the van ablaze only serves to heighten the stakes.

As flames engulf the van, Grace finds herself trapped and desperate. With the lieutenant lying helpless outside, she sets her sights on a shotgun stashed in the front of the vehicle. With precision and resolve, she blasts open the back door just as Rider takes aim at the lieutenant. Her shot sends Rider stumbling, his bulletproof vest offering little protection against her second blast.

The killer's defeat is short-lived, as he rises to face Grace once more. "It feels good, doesn't it?" he sneers, before meeting his ultimate demise in a hail of shotgun pellets. As the camera pans away, we are left with an image of Grace standing victorious amidst the carnage, her shotgun still smoking, and Rider's lifeless form sprawled at her feet.