
Does The Innocents have end credit scenes?


The Innocents does not have end credit scenes.

The Innocents

The Innocents


In the radiant light of the Nordic summer, a circle of children discovers their hidden abilities, but as the days unfold, an eerie darkness seeps in, transforming innocence into terror and revealing the sinister forces lurking beneath.

Runtime: 117 min

Box Office: $252K








User Score






User Score


7.0 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in The Innocents!

In the midst of navigating their new apartment life, Ida (no actor specified) shoulders the responsibility of caring for her older sister Anna, who lives with nonverbal autism. As they settle into their routine, Ida befriends Ben and discovers that he possesses an extraordinary gift - telekinesis. This newfound connection allows Ben to effortlessly move small, lightweight objects, leaving Ida in awe.

As their bond grows stronger, Ida is tasked with taking Anna to the playground, allowing her to momentarily leave her sister's side and indulge in some fun with Ben. The duo engages in a rousing game of football until a bully snatches the ball, prompting Ben to unleash his telekinetic powers in an impromptu display of strength. However, their revelry is short-lived as they soon find themselves facing a somber reality - the lifeless body of a cat that Ben had brought with him from the woods.

Ida's search for Anna leads her to discover her sister playing with Aisha, another young resident of the apartment complex. What initially appears to be an ordinary encounter takes a fascinating turn as Aisha reveals her ability to communicate with Anna through telepathy. As Ida learns more about her sisters' unique connection, she begins to uncover secrets about her own abilities - and those of Ben and Aisha.

The trio soon finds themselves honing their powers, with Anna making significant strides in verbal communication. However, their newfound strength is put to the test when a telepathic message from Aisha sets off a chain reaction of emotions within Ben. His frustration boils over as he loses his temper, causing Aisha to tumble to the ground and Anna to intervene, resulting in an injury that leaves her leg bearing a piece of wood lodged deep inside.

The aftermath of this mental battle sees Ben struggling to come to terms with his actions. At home, his mother's scathing rebuke sends him into a rage, prompting him to use his powers to knock her unconscious. As the reality of their situation sets in, she eventually regains consciousness and implores Ben to seek help.

In a poignant moment, her lifeless form remains in the kitchen, shrouded under a towel - a haunting reminder of the consequences that can unfold when powers are wielded without restraint.

As Ben wields his extraordinary abilities, he's able to tap into the minds of those around him, bending them to his will through a mesmerizing trance-like state. With this newfound power, he sets out to right the wrongs of his past, including orchestrating the demise of his tormentor at the hands of a mindless neighbor. Sharing his gift with Ida during an idyllic forest excursion, she encourages him to prove its potency by controlling her actions. Ben obliges, guiding her to ascend the refrigerator, whereupon the spell is broken and she reveals having perceived a serpentine apparition - a manifestation of her own subconscious. This realization prompts Ben to demonstrate his mastery over the physical world, effortlessly snapping a sturdy tree branch in two and later, with Ida's unwitting assistance, inflicting harm on an unsuspecting child on the playground.

Aisha is drawn into this disturbing spectacle, pleading with Ben to cease his manipulation, only to be met with resistance as he uses his powers to propel a rock at her. The trance takes hold once more, forcing Aisha's throat shut and leaving her struggling for air. Ida physically intervenes, shattering the spell and sending Ben tumbling to the ground.

As the dynamics between Ben, Anna, and Ida begin to unravel, they realize his abilities will only lead to harm and danger for those around him. However, under the cover of darkness, Ben seizes control of Aisha's mother, compelling her to commit a heinous act with a knife.

A mysterious figure begins tracking Ida, Anna, and their father, suggesting that Ben has enlisted this stranger in his quest to eliminate them. The outsider attempts to infiltrate their apartment complex but is thwarted by the locked entrance. Later, when Ida invites Ben to join her in a game of launching toy gliders, they agree to head to a higher vantage point at the very location where Ben's tormentor met his demise.

At the highway overpass, Ben scales the wall with ease, while Ida precedes him, moving forward to push him off. A passing cyclist shouts at Ben to descend, but Ida's persistence proves too great, and he tumbles onto a grassy embankment alongside the road. As Ben appears to be trapped in his trance-like state, Ida flees, only to discover her surroundings darkening and the serpent reappearing. She dashes into the road, whereupon she suffers a devastating injury when struck by a speeding vehicle; simultaneously, Ben awakens, screaming in anguish.

As the tension builds in their home, Ida's anxiety reaches a fever pitch, fearing Ben will exploit her mother for revenge. She retreats to the sanctuary of the bathroom, locking herself away from the world outside. Meanwhile, their mother ventures out to run errands, leaving the apartment unattended. When Ida emerges from her self-imposed exile, she finds Anna nowhere to be found. It's then that she discovers her sister has slipped out into the open air, where Ben awaits across a serene lake-like pond.

The atmosphere becomes electric as both siblings employ their telekinetic abilities, manipulating the environment around them. However, Ben's prowess proves superior, sending Anna crashing to the ground. Ida's desperation grows as she navigates the treacherous stairs, her crutch slipping from her grasp. In a moment of raw emotion, she unleashes her pent-up energy, shattering her cast and revealing her own latent telekinetic powers.

As the battle between Anna and Ben reaches its climax, the surrounding landscape becomes a battleground – babies wail, dogs howl, and waves form as if conjured by their combined psychic force. Ida joins forces with Anna, and together they stand united against their foe. The nearby playground and apartment balconies become makeshift spectator areas, with children drawn to the spectacle like moths to flame.

Ben's strength begins to wane as Anna and Ida's bond grows stronger. The once-mighty opponent becomes increasingly vulnerable, until finally, a burst of collective energy sends his body crashing into a nearby tire swing. As the dust settles, Ben's limp form comes to rest, silenced forever. The mesmerized onlookers return to their games and homes, oblivious to the magnitude of what they've just witnessed.

In the aftermath, Ida and Anna return to their apartment, where their mother has returned from her outing. Overjoyed by her daughters' reunion, Ida envelops her in a warm hug. Meanwhile, Anna becomes engrossed with her scribble-board, pausing momentarily as if poised to record a message – a subtle hint that the sisters may have finally broken free from the shackles of autism's constraints.