The Interview 2014

Box Office



112 min




In this outrageous action-comedy, unlikely TV hosts Dave Skylark and Aaron Rapoport go from interviewing celebrities to targeting tyrants. When they're recruited by the CIA to take out North Korea's enigmatic leader Kim Jong-un, these tabloid journalists-turned-assassins must navigate deadly espionage and hilarious culture clashes in Pyongyang.

In this outrageous action-comedy, unlikely TV hosts Dave Skylark and Aaron Rapoport go from interviewing celebrities to targeting tyrants. When they're recruited by the CIA to take out North Korea's enigmatic leader Kim Jong-un, these tabloid journalists-turned-assassins must navigate deadly espionage and hilarious culture clashes in Pyongyang.

Does The Interview have end credit scenes?


The Interview does not have end credit scenes.






User Score


6.5 /10

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Plot Summary

The curtain opens on a poignant scene: a young Korean girl’s innocent voice soars as she sings the North Korean national anthem, its lyrics replete with vitriolic rhetoric aimed at the United States. The jarring juxtaposition is a harbinger of the tumult to come. As news outlets across America amplify the controversy surrounding Kim Jong-un (Randall Park), the enigmatic leader’s grip on power seems unshakeable.

Meanwhile, in the bustling metropolis of New York City, Dave Skylark (James Franco) reigns supreme as the charismatic host of “Skylark Tonight,” a popular entertainment talk show. His trusty sidekick and producer, Aaron Rapoport (Seth Rogen), oversees operations from behind the scenes. The duo’s latest guest is none other than hip-hop icon Eminem (appearing as himself). As Dave probes Em about the provocative lyrics in his songs, the rapper’s candid revelation sends shockwaves through the control room: he’s been keeping his true nature – a gay individual – hidden from the public eye.

The crew seizes the opportunity to sensationalize the news, capitalizing on Eminem’s bravery. Aaron advises Dave on how to milk the story for maximum ratings, and as they celebrate their good fortune, the atmosphere is electric. Later that night, Dave surprises Aaron with a lavish party commemorating the show’s 1,000th episode – a milestone worthy of commemoration. However, the revelry is short-lived, as Aaron is confronted by an old acquaintance, Jake (Anders Holm), who lambasts him for selling out and focusing on fluff pieces instead of meaningful journalism.

Aaron’s self-doubt is piqued, and he begins to question his career choices. The episode’s momentum shifts with the arrival of Rob Lowe as a guest on the show. The actor’s bold move – removing his hairpiece to reveal an unsettling bald spot – leaves the crew in stunned silence. Just as they’re recovering from this awkwardness, news breaks of North Korea’s escalating nuclear arsenal, casting a shadow over the proceedings.

As the curtain closes on this episode of “Skylark Tonight,” Aaron implores Dave to shift their focus towards more substantial, thought-provoking stories. Dave agrees, sensing an opportunity to revitalize his show and his own professional identity. The stage is set for a dramatic transformation, as these two unlikely friends embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

As Aaron (scriptwriter) makes a crucial phone call to John Kerry’s office in an effort to secure an extraordinary guest for the show, his colleague Dave bursts into the room, brandishing a printout of Wikipedia’s entry on Kim Jong-un. The enigmatic leader of North Korea has apparently captured Dave’s imagination, and he becomes fixated on the idea of landing an interview with the reclusive dictator. Aaron is initially skeptical but eventually agrees to make the connection, claiming he can arrange a meeting through his contacts in Korea, where the Olympics are held.

Just as this conversation is unfolding, one of the crew members strolls in, displaying a provocative video clip featuring Matthew McConaughey (unspecified) engaging in an intimate moment with a goat. The team’s collective reaction is palpable: they are desperate to obtain this footage for their show. This unexpected development sets the tone for Aaron’s subsequent phone call from a representative of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, inviting him to travel to China to meet with high-ranking officials and discuss the feasibility of securing an interview with Kim.

Aaron embarks on a grueling journey to the top of a mountain near the North Korean border, where exhaustion eventually catches up with him. He is awoken by the unmistakable sound of helicopters descending onto the mountainous terrain. As he regains consciousness, a woman named Sook (Diana Bang) emerges from the mist, accompanied by an entourage of stern-looking North Korean soldiers. With an air of quiet authority, she delivers a series of instructions to Aaron, detailing the protocols he must follow during his meeting with Kim.

Upon returning to New York, Aaron shares his extraordinary experience with Dave and the rest of the studio team. However, when word spreads that the show has secured an interview with Kim Jong-un, rival TV hosts like Seth Meyers and Bill Maher begin to criticize their efforts. Undeterred by the backlash, Dave remains convinced that they are simply jealous of his achievement.

In a bizarre turn of events, Dave decides to celebrate his perceived victory by indulging in ecstasy with Aaron. The two friends host an uninhibited party at their residence, which quickly spirals out of control, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

As dawn breaks on their new reality, the group is suddenly interrupted by a pair of CIA agents, Lacey (Lizzy Caplan) and Botwin, who have arrived with a proposal that will change everything. Dave’s eyes are immediately drawn to Lacey as she reveals the true nature of their visit - a mission to infiltrate North Korea, where they will be tasked with taking out its enigmatic leader, Kim Jong-un. The CIA’s ultimate goal is to orchestrate a military coup, paving the way for a new era of leadership in which the people can finally experience true freedom.

Dave is quick to jump on board, but Aaron expresses his skepticism, cautioning that Lacey may be using her charms to manipulate them into agreeing with the plan. This sparks a heated discussion between the two friends, as they deliberate over whether their newfound attraction to Lacey might cloud their judgment. Undeterred by these concerns, Dave and Aaron make their way to CIA headquarters, where Lacey briefs them on the intricacies of their mission.

She warns them that Kim is a master strategist, with an army of loyal followers who are willing to do his bidding. Moreover, rumors have circulated about his peculiar habits - or lack thereof - including whispers that he eschews basic bodily functions altogether. Dave’s plan is to take out Kim in a dramatic and attention-grabbing fashion, using explosives to blow him away on live television before making a daring escape with the help of SEAL Team Six. Lacey, however, has a more measured approach in mind, proposing they use a simple yet effective ricin-laced strip to dispatch their target.

As they test out the strip, Dave inadvertently covers his mouth when he sneezes, illustrating the importance of careful execution. With the device now safely in hand, the group sets off for North Korea, where they will put their plan into action. In a brazen display of confidence, Dave proudly proclaims that he has met Kim and is prepared to “give him something using a hand” - an announcement that only serves to further fuel the intrigue surrounding their mission.

As Sook (name not provided) guides the two travelers, Dave and Aaron (no actor names given), through the bustling streets of Pyongyang, North Korea, they are met with a sea of expectant faces at the airport. The capital city’s imposing presence is tempered by the warm hospitality shown to them by their host. A stroll past a supermarket dispels rumors of widespread famine, as a plump young boy on the sidewalk serves as living proof that the North Korean people are not starving. Sook then escorts them to Kim’s palace, situated in a tranquil wooded area outside the city, where they meet Officers Koh (James Yi) and Yu (Paul Bae). The latter’s perusal of Dave’s luggage reveals the strip, prompting a frantic attempt to pass it off as gum, which Yu ultimately decides to test for himself. After a tense encounter with the authorities, the duo is left alone in their room, where they utilize a CIA-provided watch to scan for listening devices and swiftly alert Lacey (no actor name given) of their lost strip.

That evening, the CIA dispatches a replacement strip via air drop, prompting Aaron to don dark attire and sneak out of the hotel under the cover of night. As he retrieves the package, he finds himself face-to-face with an unexpected threat: a tiger. The big cat’s hot pursuit sends Aaron scrambling for his life, but fate intervenes when the package lands on the tiger, neutralizing it. With the package secure, Aaron receives word from Lacey that armed forces are closing in on his location. In a daring move, Dave instructs him to stash the package in an unlikely hiding place – his buttocks. Reluctantly, Aaron complies and is subsequently apprehended by soldiers who strip him bare, only to find nothing amiss. The package’s successful concealment allows Aaron to retrieve it and reveal its contents to Dave: two strips, a contingency plan should they have botched the retrieval once more.

Later, Kim (no actor name given) pays a visit to Dave’s quarters, his face beaming with excitement at the prospect of meeting him. He extends an invitation for Dave to join him on a grand tour of his domain, during which they indulge in a tank ride accompanied by Katy Perry’s “Firework” and margaritas – a previously unshared indulgence of Kim’s. As they engage in a friendly game of basketball on a private court, Kim opens up about his tireless efforts to uphold the legacies of his father and grandfather. The evening concludes with an impromptu gathering of stunning Korean women, whom Kim invites to join their revelry in a festive atmosphere.

As the evening unfolds, the group’s tranquility is shattered by Yu’s sudden collapse at the state dinner. Sweat-drenched and struggling to breathe, he vomits blood onto the floor, his anguish palpable. Koh’s desperate attempts to soothe his friend only serve to heighten the sense of urgency as Yu’s grip on reality begins to slip. In a horrific turn of events, he raises his gun, but instead of taking his own life, he mistakenly shoots Koh, bathing the room in a gruesome haze of blood and chaos.

The aftermath of this tragedy leaves Dave questioning their mission’s morality, his concerns mirrored by Aaron’s growing unease. As Yu’s condition worsens, Dave makes the impulsive decision to dispose of the ricin strip by tossing it into a nearby fountain, much to Aaron’s protestations. This act of defiance serves as a catalyst for Dave’s growing distrust of Kim, whose true nature begins to reveal itself at the next state dinner.

The once charming and affable Kim transmutes into a menacing figure, his eyes blazing with a fervent intensity as he threatens to unleash nuclear devastation upon any perceived enemies that dare oppose him. This chilling display sends Dave fleeing in terror, his perception of Kim forever changed. As he navigates the streets, the façade of normalcy crumbles, revealing the stark reality: a fake supermarket stands before him, its painted walls and artificial fruits a haunting reminder of the world’s precarious balance.

Meanwhile, Sook visits Aaron in his quarters, their mutual attraction simmering beneath the surface. However, as they begin to explore this newfound intimacy, Sook’s revelation about her earlier deception regarding potato growth halts proceedings. Dave interrupts the tender moment, forcing Sook to hide beneath the covers. His distrust of Kim now openly confessed, he shares the assassination plot with Aaron, who remains stunned by the weight of their situation.

As Sook emerges from her hiding place, she confesses her own loathing for Kim and plots to manipulate the upcoming interview, seeking to catch him off guard and thereby dismantle his divine reputation among his followers. With this newfound understanding, the group’s dynamics have shifted, their once-blurred lines now starkly defined as they navigate the treacherous landscape of deception and betrayal.

As the moment of truth approaches, Kim and Dave steel themselves for the historic encounter, while Aaron and Sook meticulously monitor the control room’s systems. Kim presents Dave with a thoughtful gift - a puppy, meant to evoke memories of his cherished canine companion - as both nations, the United States and North Korea, hold their collective breaths in anticipation. The interview begins with Dave posing scripted questions about Kim’s life and upbringing, gradually escalating into more probing topics until he confronts Kim about the plight of his people. Kim responds by asserting that his citizens are well-fed, attributing their hunger to the unfair sanctions imposed by the United States. As tensions rise, a mysterious figure in the control room attempts to sever the transmission, but Aaron’s swift intervention foils the attempt. A violent struggle ensues, with the would-be saboteur biting off two of Aaron’s fingers and Aaron retaliating by nipping off one of his own fingers, causing the man to inadvertently activate a control stick that impales him. Sook swiftly ends the man’s life with a well-placed shot.

Meanwhile, Dave’s questioning turns more confrontational, touching on the subject of margaritas, Kim’s father, and eventually prompting Kim to break down in tears and suffer an unfortunate “accident.” The soldiers and station crew are left aghast by their leader’s uncharacteristic display. Enraged, Kim produces a firearm and threatens Dave, ultimately firing at him on live television. As Kim exits the scene, Dave lies wounded on the floor - or so it appears. Upon standing up, he reveals that he was indeed wearing a bulletproof vest.

The soldiers storm into the control room, only to be met with a hail of bullets from Sook. Aaron and she reunite with Dave and the puppy, while Kim is left seething after learning that Dave had outmaneuvered him. The trio makes a desperate bid for escape as they realize more reinforcements are on their way. Dave commandeers Kim’s tank and uses it to mow down the approaching soldiers, drawing fire from Kim’s chopper, which prepares to launch a nuclear strike. With precision, Dave launches an RPG, incinerating Kim in a spectacular explosion and successfully halting the impending attack.

As Sook’s guidance, Dave and Aaron embark upon a perilous journey westward, venturing into the labyrinthine depths of an abandoned mining tunnel that promises to lead them to the unforgiving coastline. With a bittersweet farewell, Sook shares one final, fervent kiss with Aaron before parting ways, leaving behind a trail of memories etched in their hearts like the rugged terrain they’ve traversed.

As the duo navigates the treacherous tunnel, they finally catch a glimpse of salvation on the horizon: Seal Team Six, dispatched to rescue them from the jaws of uncertainty. With the rescue mission accomplished, the two companions are whisked away to safety, where they’re reunited with loved ones and begin the arduous process of reintegration into their former lives.

Meanwhile, back in the comfort of familiar surroundings, Dave’s fingers dance across the keyboard as he crafts a candid memoir chronicling the highs and lows of their daring escapade. The world beyond their shores is also undergoing significant transformations: North Korea, once shrouded in mystery and repression, begins to take halting steps towards democratic reform, its people slowly embracing the promise of freedom.

As Aaron settles back into his daily routine, he finds solace in maintaining a digital connection with Sook, their bond strengthened by regular Skype sessions that transcend time and distance. Through these virtual encounters, they’re able to relive the thrill of their adventure and share their hopes for a brighter future.

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