The Iron Giant 1999

In 1957 Maine, a curious boy named Hogarth stumbles upon an extraordinary visitor: a gigantic, extraterrestrial robot, voiced by Vin Diesel. As their bond grows, they face off against Kent Mansley, a dogmatic government agent hell-bent on destroying the gentle giant. Can Hogarth and beatnik Dean McCoppin outsmart the authorities to save this misunderstood marvel?

In 1957 Maine, a curious boy named Hogarth stumbles upon an extraordinary visitor: a gigantic, extraterrestrial robot, voiced by Vin Diesel. As their bond grows, they face off against Kent Mansley, a dogmatic government agent hell-bent on destroying the gentle giant. Can Hogarth and beatnik Dean McCoppin outsmart the authorities to save this misunderstood marvel?

Does The Iron Giant have end credit scenes?


The Iron Giant does not have end credit scenes.






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Plot Summary

As the sun set over Rockwell, Maine in 1957, a mysterious force landed a colossal alien robot on the outskirts of town, its metallic form eerily silent. The Iron Giant, as it would later be known, lay motionless amidst the devastation, its memory a complete blank slate. It wasn’t long before the curious mind of nine-year-old Hogarth Hughes stumbled upon the wreckage and freed the behemoth from the tangled mess of power cables at an electrical substation. Initially drawn to the robot’s imposing size, Hogarth soon found himself captivated by the gentle giant’s childlike innocence as it wandered into the nearby forest, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

As the unlikely duo - Hogarth and the Giant - made their way back to his home, they encountered Hogarth’s widowed mother Annie, who welcomed the robot with open arms. However, the Giant’s attempts to repair the damaged railroad tracks only led to a near-catastrophe when an oncoming train narrowly missed its metallic skull. Hogarth wisely hid the wounded robot in their barn, where he discovered the incredible ability of the Giant to self-repair.

As night fell, Hogarth returned to the barn with a stack of comic books, regaling the Giant with tales of Superman’s heroic exploits. The Giant’s fascination with the Man of Steel was palpable, but it was the discovery of a comic depicting an evil robot that left the giant feeling perturbed. Hogarth’s reassuring words - “You can be who you choose to be” - seemed to lift the Giant’s spirits.

Meanwhile, U.S. government agent Kent Mansley had been investigating the destruction at the substation and was hot on the trail of the mysterious robot. He discovered a discarded BB gun near the site and soon set up residence in Hogarth’s home, disguising his true intentions as he trailed the boy. Mansley’s paranoia about an alien invasion reached new heights, prompting him to alert the U.S. Army to the possible presence of the Giant.

As tensions mounted, Hogarth grew increasingly anxious, knowing that they had to evade Mansley’s prying eyes and keep the Giant hidden. His solution lay in seeking the help of beatnik artist Dean McCoppin, who masterfully passed off the robot as one of his scrap-metal art creations when Mansley and Lieutenant General Guy Rogard came knocking. However, Hogarth’s subsequent decision to play with the Giant using a toy gun inadvertently triggered its defense mechanism, sending the two on a wild chase through the streets.

Dean’s timely intervention saved Hogarth from harm, but not before the Giant had already activated its defenses in response to the perceived threat. As the dust settled, Dean commandeered his motorbike and gave chase alongside Hogarth, determined to catch up with the Giant before it could reach the unsuspecting townsfolk.

In Rockwell, the Giant’s heroism shines as it rescues two young boys, earning the admiration of the astonished onlookers. This act of kindness sets the tone for its burgeoning friendship with Hogarth, who is soon regaled with tales of the Giant’s aversion to firearms. However, this newfound trust is short-lived, as the Giant’s presence draws the attention of the military, leading it to flee with Hogarth in tow. Tragically, their escape is cut short when the Giant is struck down by a missile fired from an F-86 fighter jet. As the Giant crash-lands, it mistakenly believes Hogarth has perished and unleashes its arsenal of energy weapons upon the Army, who are no match for its superior firepower.

In the aftermath of the chaos, Mansley concocts a deception to convince Rogard that the Giant has claimed Hogarth’s life, prompting the latter to devise a plan to lure the robot out to sea and destroy it with a nuclear ballistic missile from the USS Nautilus. Meanwhile, Hogarth regains consciousness and calms the Giant, persuading it to stand down its arsenal. As the Giant deactivates its weapons, Hogarth reveals himself to Rogard and his men.

Rogard, having discovered Mansley’s treachery, is poised to call off the missile launch when Mansley seizes control of the walkie-talkie and orders the Nautilus to fire. Realizing the devastating consequences of this action, Rogard lambasts Mansley and warns that the missile will not only destroy the Giant but also vaporize the entire town of Rockwell. Mansley attempts to escape, but the Giant intercepts him and has him arrested by the Army.

As Hogarth shares the fate of Rockwell with the Giant, the latter decides to intercept the incoming missile. With a sense of satisfaction, the Giant collides with the missile, causing a massive explosion high above the Earth’s atmosphere. The people of Rockwell come to revere the Giant as a hero, though its sacrifice weighs heavily on Hogarth and everyone else.

Years later, Annie and Dean begin a romantic relationship, while Dean constructs a statue in honor of the Giant. Hogarth receives a package from General Rogard containing the only recovered piece of the Giant – a small jaw bolt. That night, Hogarth awakens to the familiar beeping of the bolt as it attempts to escape through his window. Recognizing that the Giant is still alive and self-repairing in some distant location, Hogarth opens the window to release the bolt.

On the Langjökull glacier in Iceland, various parts of the robot converge on a snowbank where the head lies, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity as the Iron Giant awakens and smiles.

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