In this thrilling sequel, the man-cub Mowgli yearns for his jungle roots, abandoning village life to reunite with his animal companions. His family's concern sparks a daring quest by his stepsister Shanti, but their joy is short-lived as they're ensnared in ancient temple ruins, trapped by the menacing Shere Khan, who seeks to claim Mowgli once more.

In this thrilling sequel, the man-cub Mowgli yearns for his jungle roots, abandoning village life to reunite with his animal companions. His family's concern sparks a daring quest by his stepsister Shanti, but their joy is short-lived as they're ensnared in ancient temple ruins, trapped by the menacing Shere Khan, who seeks to claim Mowgli once more.

Does The Jungle Book 2 have end credit scenes?


The Jungle Book 2 does not have end credit scenes.


Meet the cast of The Jungle Book 2 and learn about the talented actors who brought the characters to life. Explore their roles and career highlights.


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