The Loft 2015

Box Office



108 min




In this gripping thriller, five seemingly perfect couples share a luxurious penthouse retreat, hiding their clandestine affairs from prying eyes. But when a mysterious corpse appears, the group's carefully constructed facade begins to crumble. As paranoia sets in, long-held secrets are revealed, marriages are torn apart, and a deadly game of survival ensues among friends turned foes.

In this gripping thriller, five seemingly perfect couples share a luxurious penthouse retreat, hiding their clandestine affairs from prying eyes. But when a mysterious corpse appears, the group's carefully constructed facade begins to crumble. As paranoia sets in, long-held secrets are revealed, marriages are torn apart, and a deadly game of survival ensues among friends turned foes.

Does The Loft have end credit scenes?


The Loft does not have end credit scenes.






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Plot Summary

In a gripping and intense interrogation room, Vincent Stevens (Karl Urban), a man with a questionable reputation, spins his version of events, beginning with a sultry sex scene that sets the tone for a tale of deceit and murder. As he recounts his story, it becomes clear that his life is a complex web of lies and secrets. With his wife out of town, skiing with their kids, Vincent claims to have received an urgent call from Luke (Wentworth Miller), prompting him to rush to a loft in NYC. Upon arriving at the scene, Vincent reveals that he found Luke and the lifeless body of a woman on the bed.

Vincent’s account raises more questions than answers as he denies ever setting foot in the loft, despite sharing it with four other men - including Luke - who use it for their illicit affairs. The police are skeptical, knowing that Vincent and his cohorts are familiar with the premises, and that only five people possess a key to the property.

As the investigation unfolds, new arrivals at the crime scene include Chris (James Marsden), a psychologist, and Marty (Eric Stonestreet). The group is stunned by the gruesome discovery, but their shock soon gives way to panic as they realize the true extent of their involvement. Back in the present day, a series of flashbacks reveals the events leading up to the murder. At the opening party of the building, Vincent and his friends, all architects, including Luke, celebrate their latest project - a luxurious loft that would become the hub of their secret trysts.

As tensions escalate during the interrogation, Luke becomes increasingly agitated as they struggle to contact the fifth member of their group, Phil. A mysterious Latin message scrawled on the wall in blood adds to the sense of foreboding: “Fatum Nos Iun Geb It” - a phrase that Chris corrects, revealing a crucial error. The police zero in on Chris’s whereabouts, demanding to know where his half-brother, Phillip, is hiding. Meanwhile, back at the crime scene, Phil finally arrives, but no one is willing to crack under pressure, leaving the investigation stalled and the true identity of the victim still unknown.

As the festivities unfold at Phillip’s wedding to Vicky Fry, the gentlemen in attendance engage in a raucous discussion that would make even the most seasoned of diplomats blush. Vincent, ever the consummate host, gifts each of his friends with a token of their appreciation - a key, no less - which they eagerly accept, except for Chris, who seems altogether disinterested in this peculiar tradition. Marty, ever the nervous Nelly, becomes increasingly agitated as his wife and the other ladies in attendance gather around, his concerns about propriety and decorum momentarily forgotten in the face of their ribald conversation.

Meanwhile, Chris slips away to engage Ann in a private audience, where he unleashes his pent-up desires upon her. With Vincent’s key serving as collateral, he makes a passionate plea for just one more favor…and she acquiesces. As the night wears on, the group reconvenes at their shared loft, where they frantically search for any misplaced keys - all except Chris, who insists that his is safely in his possession, despite protests to the contrary.

A flashback reveals Chris hosting a dinner party for the gang and their significant others, where tensions simmer just below the surface. His wife Allison seems increasingly disenchanted with her husband’s behavior, while Marty’s drunken antics prompt a series of cringe-worthy remarks directed at Chris’s better half. The evening’s festivities are soon interrupted by Luke’s discovery of Phillip indulging in illicit substances within the bathroom confines. As the situation unfolds, Ellie raises suspicions about her husband’s fidelity, which he promptly dispels with a reassuring injection (his diabetes medication).

As the group navigates the complexities of their predicament at the loft, they find themselves grappling with the logistics of extracting the handcuffed corpse from its current predicament. Back at the scene of Chris and Ann’s illicit tryst, the couple engages in a steamy encounter that culminates in Chris’ professions of love and his intention to abandon his wife - revelations that leave Ann visibly distraught. In a surprising twist, she reveals her occupation as a prostitute, but graciously waives payment for their recent encounters.

Here’s the rephrased section:

As Marty undergoes interrogation, the weight of his marital woes becomes evident. His wife’s discovery of his infidelity during a business trip to San Diego has led to their separation. The scene shifts to the city’s nightlife, where Vincent, Marty, and Luke encounter Dana in a bar. Initially, they’re hesitant to engage with her due to her unconventional appearance, but a chance meeting with Hiram Fry, Phillip’s wife’s companion, and his associate Joel Kotlin’s friend Ann, piques their interest. Hiram presents them with a business proposition, cautioning them to maintain discretion as he speaks in Latin.

Meanwhile, back at home, Chris attempts to reach Ann but is caught by his suspicious wife Allison, who accuses him of being involved in some illicit activity. In the bar, Vincent and Marty strike up a conversation with Dana, only for her stunning blonde friend Sarah to enter the scene. It’s here that Vincent reveals to the interrogator that this was their first meeting.

As the night wears on, the group ventures to the rooftop, where Luke joins them. Vincent takes off his clothes, and Sarah prompts him into the pool before following suit. Their seductive banter and subsequent lip-locks are interrupted by Luke’s departure, leaving Marty alone with Dana. The scene then cuts to a later point in time when Vincent and Sarah appear to be embroiled in a long-term affair, with Sarah expressing her deep affection for Vincent.

Fast-forward to the present day at the loft, where Vincent prepares to share his recent experiences with his friends Luke and Marty. However, their conversation is interrupted by a realtor who’s been alerted that someone has listed the property for sale. Her name is Sarah, which sends alarm bells ringing for the trio. They recognize her as Dana’s friend, and Marty’s memory of the encounter remains hazy due to intoxication.

As they process this new information, Vincent confesses that he ended his relationship with Sarah the previous night but denies any involvement in the murder. The scene shifts back to Chris’s narrative, where he confronts Ann in a store. Despite her profession as a prostitute, Chris’s love for her remains unwavering, and he presents her with his key. She departs, only to reappear in a car with Joey Kotlin, Hiram Fry’s associate, who has been paying her for her services.

As the interrogation unfolds, Luke candidly reveals his encounter with Sarah, prompting detectives to insinuate that his jealousy stems from an unspoken attraction to men. Meanwhile, they break the news to him that Vincent has been betraying their trust. The investigation takes a dramatic turn as a flashback transports us to Marty’s frantic visit at the loft, where he pleads with Vincent to intervene in his wife Dana’s decision to leave him after discovering her infidelity.

Cut back to the present, and the tension at the loft reaches a boiling point as Phillip seizes the knife left on the bed, only for it to end up in Vincent’s hands. The group’s collective unease gives way to chaos as they grapple with their options, ultimately resorting to physical altercations.

A jarring flashback then whisks us away to a pivotal moment when Phillip, under the influence of cocaine, brutally assaulted a prostitute who was handcuffed to the bed. Chris and Vincent arrive on the scene, prompting Phillip’s vitriolic outbursts against Chris for having grown up in relative comfort while he and Zoe were left to navigate a troubled upbringing after their mother’s passing.

Their sister Zoe had been shuffled between foster homes, leaving Chris with a more stable life. In this moment of raw emotion, Chris attempts to buy the prostitute’s silence, but she declines, vowing to seek justice. This traumatic episode remains unknown to Marty and Luke, who are now privy to the dark secrets that have haunted their friend.

Luke’s voice cracks as he reveals his own recording of the group’s encounters, which has inadvertently incriminated him. The detectives pounce on this new information, reiterating their suspicions about Luke’s sexuality. However, he insists that his actions were not motivated by a desire to cheat on his wife, and his recordings stopped short due to Vincent’s unannounced visit. Now, with the weight of his documented transgressions bearing down on him, Luke’s fear has reached a fever pitch.

With the truth hanging precariously in the balance, Luke poses a chilling question: what devastating consequences will unfold if everyone learns the harsh reality he has unwittingly recorded?

The scene shifts to a tense fundraiser, where the evening’s events are already bearing fruit in the form of simmering tensions and unresolved conflicts. Vincent (actor name) confides in his wife about his inability to join their friends on a ski trip, while Allison (character A) relentlessly probes Chris, accusing him of infidelity and hinting that she might be having an affair herself. Meanwhile, Vincent gravitates towards Hiram and his wife, as well as Joel and his spouse, forming a small cluster where they discuss the allure of San Diego in hushed tones, as if it held some sort of secret threat.

As the night wears on, Marty’s wife confronts him with biting remarks about his infidelity, implying that she might have already taken matters into her own hands by sleeping with someone else. The air is thick with recrimination and suspicion, as Phillip and his partner engage in a heated argument. Amidst this chaos, Ann (character A) slips away to text Chris, prompting him to follow her to the bathroom.

It’s here that Joel approaches Chris, cautioning him to tread carefully, like a fire waiting to spread out of control. Their conversation reveals the disturbing truth: Chris was paid by Vincent to sleep with Ann on their first encounter. The revelation sends shockwaves through the group, which is already primed for explosion.

As the fundraiser reaches its climax, Phillip makes a beeline for Zoe, only to find himself embroiled in a brutal fistfight with a man who’s been keeping her company. Hiram issues a stern warning to Phillip: stay away from his daughter and never darken their doorstep again.

Vincent finds himself torn between his loyalty to Chris and his growing feelings for Sarah, whose presence has become increasingly palpable. He confides in Sarah that she’s just the sister of his friend, but it’s clear that this is a ruse designed to keep her at arm’s length. As he implores her not to intervene, Luke bursts onto the scene, cautioning her against making a move that will only lead to regret.

In the midst of this turmoil, all eyes turn towards Vincent as the women in his life begin to circle around him like predators sensing prey. And then, without warning, everything goes dark. The scene dissolves into chaos as the five women suddenly appear in the loft, their faces twisted with rage and betrayal. They’ve been waiting for this moment, biding their time until they could exact revenge on Vincent for his transgressions.

It’s here that Luke reveals the gruesome truth: Sarah had taken her own life, a victim of Vincent’s philandering ways. The evidence is damning: videos documenting his trysts with Ann (character A), Marty’s wife Mimi, and Phillip’s sister Zoe. It turns out that Vincent had slept with Mimi on the very night Marty begged him to talk to her, which is precisely what she was accusing him of at the fundraiser.

The web of deceit continues to unravel as it becomes clear that Vincent had begun an affair with Zoe shortly after their wedding, making her his first conquest. And in a move that defies comprehension, he paid Ann (character A) to sleep with Chris on their first encounter, all in an effort to bring them into his orbit and share the loft with them. The consequences of these actions are catastrophic, leaving Vincent isolated and alone, haunted by the ghosts of his own making.

As the sun rises on a morning marked by deception and desperation, the four men - Phillip (actor’s name), Chris, Luke, and Fry - converge to concoct a sinister plan. With time ticking away, they deliberate how to fabricate evidence that will implicate Vincent for Sarah’s murder, as long as he confesses to being present that fateful night. Phillip’s mind is clouded by memories of his sister, and in a haze of cocaine-fueled paranoia, he becomes fixated on the Latin phrase scrawled across Sarah’s body. The ritualistic act is a macabre attempt to unite her with him in an afterlife, as decreed in the suicide note that had earlier resonated with his own twisted desires.

Meanwhile, Vincent finds himself under duress at the hands of his supposed friends, who force-feed him pills and whiskey, rendering him insensate. They then proceed to handcuff him to Sarah’s lifeless form, a grotesque tableau that mocks the notion of love and unity.

As the investigation unfolds at the police station, Vincent’s attempts to recount the events are met with skepticism by the authorities, who have conveniently eliminated any incriminating evidence. Undeterred, he implores them to scrutinize his friends’ alibis, only to discover that Phillip’s fabricated testimony has been designed to shield him from suspicion.

Fry, ever the opportunist, has crafted a false alibi for himself, motivated by his own illicit desires and a desire to avoid detection. His conscience is clear, however, when he rationalizes his actions as a means of preserving his own reputation.

At the station, Chris becomes embroiled in a heated exchange with the authorities, who are increasingly perplexed by Vincent’s accusations. The detective queries him about the nature of their supposed conspiracy, probing whether they may be hiding something more sinister - Sarah’s murder. Chris is adamant that it was a suicide, but the evidence suggests otherwise: the wrist wound does not match Sarah’s signature, the sleeping pills did not prove fatal, and most damningly, there was no suicide note.

As Chris returns to his loft, he finds Luke waiting for him, bearing an unsettling air of tranquility. Chris’s inquiries are met with a cryptic response, as Luke reveals that he had pilfered the suicide note from Chris’s pocket. The revelation is a harbinger of the truth: Luke has been harboring a long-standing infatuation with Sarah, one that he believed would transcend mortality.

Following Vincent’s departure, Luke seized the opportunity to drug Sarah and administer insulin, hastening her demise in a twisted display of pseudo-romantic devotion. However, this narrative is suddenly upended by the discovery that Sarah was still alive when Phillip cut her, a ghastly twist that underscores the true extent of their depravity.

As the tumultuous truth unfolds, Chris reveals to Luke that Vincent is being held accountable for murder, prompting Luke to reiterate that it was his own sibling who perpetrated the heinous crime. Seething with rage, Luke charges at Chris with a deadly blade, propelling them both out onto the balcony as the tension builds. In a chilling ultimatum, Luke orders Chris to take the leap of faith, sparing him the agony of having to end his life himself. However, Chris remains steadfast in his resolve, calmly revealing that he has already alerted the authorities to the unfolding drama and the wailing sirens outside attest to their arrival.

As the scene shifts into high gear, Chris asserts control, and Luke’s weapon of choice goes flying, replaced by a desperate struggle for dominance. The two men engage in a fierce grappling match, with Luke ultimately gaining the upper hand, his grip on Chris’s throat tightening like a noose. In a momentary lapse, Chris seizes the knife once more, only to relinquish it and rise to his feet.

With his final words, Luke instructs Chris to convey a message of regret to Ellie and their children before plummeting backwards off the balcony, his body crashing onto a parked car below, the fatal fall silencing his tormented spirit forever.

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