
Does The Other Side of the Door have end credit scenes?


The Other Side of the Door does not have end credit scenes.

The Other Side of the Door

The Other Side of the Door


In this chilling horror film, a family's tranquility is shattered by tragedy, leaving a grief-stricken mother desperate for closure. She embarks on a perilous journey to an ancient temple, where a mystical door holds the key to reunifying with her lost child. But as she disobeys the warning not to open it, she unleashes a malevolent force that blurs the lines between life and death.

Runtime: 96 min

Box Office: $14M









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User Score


5.3 /10

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Check out what happened in The Other Side of the Door!

In the bustling streets of Mumbai, India, a married couple, Maria (Sarah Wayne Callies) and Michael (Jeremy Sisto), sit in a cozy restaurant, their conversation punctuated by the vibrant sounds of the market outside. As they discuss Michael's job, Maria drops a bombshell: she's pregnant. The news is met with a mix of emotions, but as they step onto the sun-kissed beach, Maria reveals her true feelings - she loves the place and is open to starting their family there. Michael, sensing an opportunity, asks if she's willing to call Mumbai home for good. Maria's hesitation is palpable, but Michael reassures her that his work commitments will keep him returning to the city frequently.

As they bask in the warm sunshine, a small child approaches them, and Michael strikes up a conversation in Marathi. When Maria asks him to translate, he reveals that he asked the child if they should stay forever. The youngster's gaze fixes on Maria, and her eyes widen in terror as she lets out a blood-curdling scream... only to wake up from what can only be described as a harrowing nightmare.

Six years have passed since then. As Maria gazes lovingly at her husband, still slumbering, rage overcomes her, and she begins to lash out, jolting him awake. Michael's comforting embrace soothes her tears, but the camera lingers on a family photo - a poignant reminder of the tragedy that has befallen their family.

The morning sun casts its warm glow over the household, where Lucy (Sofia Rosinsky) and her brother Oliver (Logan Crenan), now grown, navigate life without their sibling. Winston, the family dog, provides a comforting presence as Piki (Suchitra Pillai-Malik), their housekeeper and nanny, assists with breakfast preparations. The weight of their loss hangs heavy in the air.

As Maria seeks solace in her husband's arms, she apologizes for her outburst, feeling lost and adrift. Michael offers words of comfort, promising they'll get through this together as he heads out to face another day. Meanwhile, Piki observes Maria's distress from the doorway, a silent witness to the pain that still lingers in their lives.

As the darkness of night enveloped his home, Michael (actor name) returned to find Piki waiting patiently by the door. The old friend's words were like a gentle breeze on a summer day, soothing and calm: Maria was already in bed, her migraine rendering her exhausted. As Michael made his way upstairs, he tenderly kissed Lucy's forehead, a gesture that spoke volumes about the depth of their bond. But it was as he turned to leave the room that he was struck by an unsettling chorus of whispers. His curiosity piqued, Michael ventured into his bedroom, where he discovered Maria fast asleep, her eyes glazed over as she watched old home movies featuring their children, Oliver and Lucy, harmoniously playing a beautiful piano piece together. The camera, now held by Michael's hands, captured the tender moment with precision.

As he gazed upon the scene, a tide of emotions threatened to overwhelm him. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he thought about his dear son, gone far too soon. With a heavy heart, Michael shut off the TV and gently kissed Maria's forehead, speaking words of reassurance to himself: "We're going to get through this." But it was then that he noticed something amiss in the bed sheets – a pill bottle, its contents spilling out like confetti in the wind. Reality hit him like a ton of bricks as he realized Maria had attempted to take her own life.

The sound of sirens pierced the night air as Michael rushed Maria to the hospital, his heart heavy with worry and concern. In the ambulance, Maria's subconscious mind replayed the tragic events that had led to Oliver's demise – a traffic accident that sent their car careening off the road into a vast body of water. The vehicle was slowly filling up with water, and Maria's desperate attempts to free her stuck son, Oliver, were in vain. Meanwhile, she noticed Lucy's lifeless form and quickly unbuckled her seatbelt, but it was too late. As the water continued to rise, Maria apologized profusely to Oliver, her voice cracking with sorrow.

The next morning, Michael found himself by Maria's bedside, where he was met by her doctor, whose words were like a balm to his soul: Maria would recover, though she had taken many pills. In her room, Maria slowly came to, only to be greeted by Piki's somber presence. The old friend's words hung in the air like a challenge: "You're lucky to be alive." Maria's response was a heart-wrenching testament to her grief: "I just can't bear life without him." And as she spoke those words, Piki's eyes seemed to hold a deep understanding – one that only came from experiencing similar pain. With a heavy heart, Maria listened as Piki shared the story of his own daughter's tragic passing in an instant, when he had failed to watch her carefully enough. The old friend then posed a question that would haunt Maria for the rest of her days: "Would you like one chance to say a final goodbye to your son?"

Here's the rephrased section:

Piki recounts her own life in a small village, where an ancient temple stands as a poignant reminder of the tenuous connection between the realm of the living and that of the departed. It is there, on the worn stone steps, that Maria must lay Oliver's ashes to rest, locking herself within the temple's hallowed walls as night falls. The spirits of the dead are said to converge here, drawn by the whispers of the bereaved. As Michael (actor name) unexpectedly enters the room, Piki graciously grants them a moment of solitude, allowing Maria and her husband to share a poignant embrace, their tears mingling as they lament the irreparable loss.

Later, as Maria watches Piki at a nearby shrine, she is startled when Piki's eyes meet hers across the sacred space. With a solemn intensity, Piki demands that Maria promise one thing: no matter what words of wisdom or anguish Oliver's spirit may impart during their fateful encounter, Maria must resist the urge to open the temple door for any reason. Maria solemnly vows to honor this condition.

That night, under the watchful eye of Piki, Maria and a team exhume Oliver's remains from his grave. Despite her initial reluctance, Maria finds herself drawn to the casket as they begin to uncover it. Piki's warning about the state of Oliver's body goes unheeded, however, as Maria is horrified by what she discovers: Oliver's tiger, Khan, still clasped in his decomposing hand.

As the workmen incinerate Oliver's remains, Maria and Piki bear witness to the grim proceedings. Amidst the somber atmosphere, Maria becomes aware of a group of mysterious figures lurking nearby – men shrouded in ash and chanting with an otherworldly intensity. Piki reveals that these local shamans are revered for their ability to transcend the boundaries between life and death by coating themselves in the ashes of the dead and consuming their flesh.

The following day, as Maria prepares to depart on her journey, Piki accompanies her to the train station, discreetly instructing her when to disembark. As Maria sets off into the unknown, a subtle hint of her inner turmoil is conveyed through a whispered voicemail message she leaves for Michael (actor name), reassuring him that she only needed some time and space to process their loss and find the strength to release their son's spirit.

As Maria steps into the taxi, she's enveloped in an aura of solitude as the village's isolated landscape unfolds before her. The piercing gazes of two local women seem to bore into her very soul, heightening her sense of unease. Her journey takes a turn for the more desolate as she treks through the forest, the silence punctuated only by the soft rustling of leaves and snapping of twigs beneath her feet.

The crumbling temple looms before her, its steps worn down by the passage of time. Maria's eyes linger on the morbid tableau surrounding her - the scattered carcasses of birds and animals, a grim reminder of the desecration that lies within. As she ascends the steps, she produces Oliver's ashes from their small box, her voice trembling as she whispers "I love you so much" before scattering them upon the stairs.

Sealing herself within the temple, Maria awaits the arrival of night, the hours ticking by like grains of sand in an hourglass. The initial silence is shattered by the sudden flight of birds, sending her heart racing with fear. But it's the eerie spectacle that unfolds next - the birds' bodies dropping lifeless to the ground, their decomposition hastening with unnatural speed - that truly awakens a sense of dread within her.

As she surveys the desecrated temple, Maria's gaze falls upon what appears to be a mummified corpse, its very presence serving as a grim harbinger of her own mortality. In a flash of insight, she realizes the gravity of her mistake and prepares to depart. However, the silence is shattered by an unsettling cacophony - the door creaking open and shut, the distant rumble of male voices.

The air thickens with tension as Maria's ears pick up on the faint whispers, her heart pounding in anticipation. And then, like a beacon of hope, Oliver's voice pierces the darkness, his words an affirmation that he is indeed present. Overcome with emotion, Maria begs forgiveness for abandoning him, only to be met with Oliver's plaintive pleas to open the door.

In her desperation to reconnect with the lost love, Maria hesitates, torn between the desire to bid farewell and the trepidation of what lies beyond. Oliver's words become increasingly urgent, his tone a desperate entreaty to leave the temple behind. In a momentary lapse of reason, Maria yields to the pressure, flinging open the door in a futile attempt to recapture the fleeting moments with her beloved.

As she gazes out into the darkness, the silence is broken by the soft rustling of leaves and snapping twigs once more - this time, however, it's accompanied by the mournful wail of a shamanic chant. The temple's secrets begin to unravel as Maria flees in terror, leaving behind the mummified corpse that begins to crack and writhe in agony.

Meanwhile, back at home, Winston senses an unseen presence, his growls echoing through the night. Michael, oblivious to the supernatural forces stirring outside, retires to bed, Lucy's gentle voice soothing him as they await Maria's return - a return that will never come, for she has crossed the threshold into the realm of the unknown, forever lost in the labyrinthine corridors of her own mind.

The next day, Maria returns home from her journey, her eyes wandering back to memories of Oliver as she scrolls through photos on her phone. Meanwhile, at the house, Lucy is engaged in a whimsical tea party with her beloved stuffed animals. Her reverie is interrupted by the sound of footsteps, prompting her to investigate. As she ascends the stairs, where Oliver's room once stood, she comes across Khan, his majestic tiger, covered in dirt and debris from its grave. Though perplexed by its sudden reappearance, Lucy gently picks it up, preparing to return to her playtime, when an unsettling noise emanates from Oliver's former room. The door creaks open, hinting at a mysterious presence.

As Maria finally sets foot back home, she is greeted by Piki's nod of recognition. Michael joins the scene, inquiring about her whereabouts. Maria reveals her intentions to improve herself and returns for him and Lucy. Later that night, Maria and Michael share a tender moment, their bodies entwining as they kiss. The passion builds, and they finally give in to their desires, rekindling a spark that has long been dormant.

As the night wears on, Winston's barks pierce the air, jolting Maria awake. She coaxes him out of the room, then checks on Lucy, only to find her missing from her usual spot. The sound of noises prompts Maria to investigate Oliver's former room, where she discovers Lucy engrossed in playtime. With a gentle reprimand, Maria shoos Lucy away and begins packing up toys into a small chest. However, as she turns to leave, the chest mysteriously topples over, spilling its contents onto the floor.

Maria is left stunned, her gaze fixed on a set of blocks that have been arranged to spell out Oliver's name in bold letters. The revelation sends shivers down her spine.

The following day, Maria discovers Lucy sitting at the piano, her fingers deftly navigating the keys as she plays the melody that once brought joy to Maria and Oliver. As Maria attempts to interrupt the performance, Lucy starts anew, insisting on showcasing something special. Maria's attempts to intervene are futile, as the piano continues to play of its own accord. In a moment of eerie clarity, Lucy whispers, "Oliver is back."

As Maria holds Khan, now clean and restored to its former glory, she is overcome with emotion, her tears flowing freely as she gazes at the symbol of Oliver's enduring presence in their lives.

As the night wears on, Maria tenderly tucks a sleepy Lucy into bed, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting an intimate atmosphere. As she does so, Lucy's whispers betray her concern: "I think Oliver is hiding something." The query sparks Maria's curiosity, and she asks where this secrecy might reside, only to be met with Lucy's cryptic reply - that Oliver won't reveal the truth. In a solemn promise, they agree to keep their discovery under wraps until the time is right.

Later that evening, Maria makes her way to Oliver's room, the silence punctuated only by the faint creaking of floorboards beneath her feet. As she surveys the space, a book falls from the bookcase, its worn cover bearing the title "The Jungle Book". The nostalgia washes over her as memories of reading the tale to Oliver flood back. A chair scrapes against the bedframe, and the soft hum of a lamp flickers to life, bathing the room in a warm, golden light. It becomes clear that Oliver is beckoning Maria to continue their story. With a mix of trepidation and curiosity, she settles into the narrative once more.

The next morning dawns with Michael lost in thought, his hands moving deftly as he assembles new pieces of artwork. Maria's arrival brings a warm embrace, her countenance bearing a subtle hint of renewed optimism. Unbeknownst to either of them, however, a subtle yet sinister shift has begun to unfold in their environment. The leaves that fall from the trees above wither and die upon contact with the ground, as if an unseen force is draining life from the very earth itself.

That night, Maria's slumber is interrupted by the unsettling presence of Khan looming over her. Her gaze darts about the room, searching for solace, only to be met with the distant whisper of Oliver's voice. As she turns back to the bed, a grotesque visage materializes, its anguished wails piercing the air. Maria awakens to find herself shrouded in the darkness of her own bedroom, the dream dissipating like mist at dawn.

The following morning, Piki goes about her chores in the kitchen when she notices a nearby potted plant has withered and turned to dust. The groundskeeper's arrival is followed by a somber revelation: every plant in the vicinity has suffered a similar fate. Aghast, Piki begins to suspect that the source of this desecration lies at the intersection of Maria and an ancient ritual. As if on cue, Lucy's piercing scream pierces the air, drawing their attention to the family birds' lifeless forms strewn about the yard. With a heavy heart, they prepare the creatures for burial at sea.

As they stand at the water's edge, Maria and Lucy pay their respects to the fallen birds. In the distance, a shamanistic figure is seen chanting atop the rocks, his movements eerily synchronized with the rhythmic ebb and flow of the tide. Though Maria assures her that the distant figure poses no threat, Lucy's intuition whispers otherwise. As they turn to depart, a second shaman materializes before them, his hands adorned with ash, which he applies to Maria's forehead with a deliberate solemnity. The sudden presence of these mysterious figures sends them fleeing into the night.

The air is heavy with foreboding as they disappear from view, leaving behind the haunting sense that the very fabric of their reality has begun to unravel.

Here's a rephrased version of the section:

As Maria and Lucy navigate the city's streets in a taxi, the flow of traffic is abruptly halted due to an accident on the road. Maria, ever the curious one, decides to investigate further, only to be met with a gruesome sight: a lifeless body lying motionless on the asphalt. The corpse's head suddenly twitches and contorts, its eyes locked onto Maria, sending her fleeing for cover alongside her daughter.

That night, a torrential downpour drenches the city as Lucy sits glued to the TV screen, oblivious to the impending horror that's about to unfold. As thunder rumbles in the distance, a faint figure appears, hovering near the window. The closer it gets, the more apparent it becomes: Oliver, her own brother, his decomposed body a stark reminder of the terror that lies ahead.

Later, as Maria tends to Lucy's hair in the tub, she notices an unsettling mark on her shoulder - a bite mark that seems all too familiar. "I don't think I like Oliver anymore," Lucy confesses, her voice trembling with fear. "He's mean." Maria listens intently, her concern for her daughter growing by the minute.

As night falls once more, Maria pays a visit to Oliver's room, determined to put an end to his cruel behavior towards Lucy. Her stern warning is met with a mixture of defiance and submission as Oliver concedes, his Jungle Book abandoned in favor of a newfound sense of cooperation. For the time being, at least.

But just as Maria thinks she's finally found some respite, her phone rings, Michael's voice on the other end, promising to be late and not to wait up for him. The sudden interruption is soon followed by an eerie creaking sound, like the very walls of their home are whispering secrets in her ear. As she investigates the source of the noise, she's met with a chilling sight: Khan, torn to shreds, his lifeless body strewn about the floor.

Just as Maria's about to lose all sense of composure, a knock at the door shatters the silence. Opening it, she's greeted by a shamanistic figure, chanting incantations that send shivers down her spine. "Leave now," she warns, but the stranger merely points to her left, his eyes fixed on some unseen presence. And then, as if summoned from beyond the grave, the grotesque temple figure materializes beside her, its contorted body cracking and snapping with an otherworldly energy. Maria's terror reaches new heights as she crawls across the floor, desperate to escape the clutches of this malevolent force. But just as quickly as they arrived, both figures vanish into thin air, leaving Maria shaken and bewildered in their wake.

As the next dawn breaks, Piki (character name) finally summons the courage to confront Maria, her frustration and dismay palpable as she accuses Maria of recklessly disregarding her warnings. The temple's sacred doorway now lies open, a grave mistake that has allowed Oliver's malevolent spirit to corrupt his soul and turn it against the living world. According to Piki, this calamity was foreseen by the balance between life and death, which Maria has disrupted. She implores Maria to destroy all of Oliver's possessions in order to sever his hold on the mortal realm, lest he continue to wreak havoc upon their loved ones.

Meanwhile, a somber Maria pays a visit to Lucy, who is found weeping uncontrollably in her room. As Maria approaches her, Lucy slowly turns around, her eyes red-rimmed from crying. The air is heavy with foreboding as the figure on the bed suddenly contorts its head and lets out a blood-curdling scream, sending Maria fleeing in terror.

As the day wears on, Maria becomes increasingly desperate to find a way to extricate herself from this supernatural quagmire. She proposes to Michael that they return to the United States before Lucy starts school, an idea he is receptive to. However, Maria's growing unease takes hold as she begins to experience hallucinations – visions of people staring at her, cockroaches crawling through every available surface, and a creeping sense of dread that permeates even the food. Michael snaps her back to reality, only for them to discover Lucy missing. Frantic, Maria searches the bustling streets, eventually becoming lost and disoriented.

Her search culminates in a dead-end alleyway where she is confronted once more by The Gate Keeper, its malevolent presence sending shivers down her spine as it lunges at her with an otherworldly intensity. Michael arrives mere moments later, Lucy safely in tow, having merely been playing outside the front door when Maria was too consumed by her own fears to notice.

As Piki (re)sets her sights on ridding herself of Oliver's lingering presence, she methodically collects his belongings in trash bags, preparing for a symbolic cleansing by fire. The creaking door serves as a harbinger of impending doom, prompting her to pause, sensing that Oliver is indeed watching from the shadows. With an air of resignation, Piki continues her task, ultimately carrying the accumulation of detritus out into the courtyard before returning indoors to gather lighter fluid and kindling.

As she attempts to light the match, a series of unsettling noises emanates from outside, only for her to realize that she has been unwittingly locked in. A desperate plea for Oliver's mercy is met with an unexpected response: the door unlocks, allowing Piki to step outside once more. Her maternal instincts taking over, she approaches the pond, whereupon she beholds a vision that defies explanation - the lifeless body of her own daughter rises from the water's surface, clad in a hair bow.

Though initially torn between maternal love and trepidation, Piki is inexorably drawn closer to her daughter's apparition. The realization dawns on her that this is merely an elaborate ruse orchestrated by Oliver himself, mimicking the voice of her deceased child. As she gazes into the water, a faint reflection reveals Oliver's malevolent presence lurking just beneath the surface.

Meanwhile, Michael, Maria, and Lucy return to the house, only to be met with the haunting spectacle of Oliver's abandoned belongings, strewn about like a morbid testament to his dark legacy. Maria's gaze drifts towards the pond, whereupon she beholds Piki's petrified face staring back at her from beneath the water - a grim reminder that Oliver's malevolent spirit has claimed yet another innocent victim.

As the funeral pyre consumes Piki's mortal remains, Michael is struck by the eerie presence of shamans, their mystical aura a poignant counterpoint to the senseless tragedy that has befallen them. In the aftermath of her passing, Maria struggles to come to terms with the truth, as Lucy poses questions about Oliver's culpability in Piki's demise.

Maria's resolve falters, and she is unable to provide a satisfactory response to Lucy's queries, instead opting for a hasty goodnight. As night falls, Maria musters her courage and confronts the dark forces that have consumed their lives by setting ablaze the detritus of Oliver's twisted legacy.

In the midst of a mundane commute, Michael's perception of reality becomes distorted as he glimpses a monstrous apparition lurking outside his vehicle - only to be jolted back to reality when a beggar approaches, soliciting change. Back at home, Winston's incessant barking serves as a harbinger of further chaos, as Maria searches for Lucy, only to discover her daughter perched atop the swing, basking in the gentle caress of the wind.

The seemingly innocuous scene belies the dark machinations that continue to unfold, as Maria's gaze drifts towards Lucy, and she is struck by an unsettling sense of foreboding - a feeling that the darkness that has consumed their lives will soon reassert its malevolent presence.

Here's my rephrased version:

As Michael (actor name) stumbles upon the smoldering bonfire, his world begins to crumble. His desperate attempts to hold on to any shred of his son's presence are met with Maria's somber explanation that the flames must consume all remnants of Oliver's being, for it is she who bears the responsibility for this devastating outcome. Michael's incredulity at her words only fuels Maria's anguish as she tries to convey the horrors that have transpired to Lucy (actor name). However, Lucy remains obstinately silent, leaving Maria to appear increasingly unhinged in Michael's eyes. The tension culminates when Michael, oblivious to the true nature of their situation, locks Maria away and takes Lucy with him downstairs, inadvertently sealing her fate.

As they navigate the darkness that has enveloped their home, Michael's attention is diverted by the presence of shamans outside. He instructs Lucy to wait in the kitchen while he dials for help, but his distraction proves fatal. Winston's menacing growl sends a chill down Lucy's spine as she brandishes a butcher knife, her actions eerily foreshadowing the bloodshed that is to come.

Michael's return from his phone call finds him face-to-face with an unsettling tableau: the lifeless form of their dog, and Lucy grasping the murder weapon. The question "What have you done?" hangs in the air as Michael realizes too late that Maria's warnings had been all too real. As he struggles to comprehend the magnitude of their tragedy, Lucy's malevolent presence reveals itself once more, this time in a grotesque display of violence.

Meanwhile, Maria seizes her chance to break free from captivity and confronts the unfolding horror. Her desperate search for answers leads her to the eerie scene unfolding above: shamans gathered around Lucy's lifeless form, their chanting a macabre accompaniment to her demise. The only hope of halting Oliver's malevolent force lies in a terrible sacrifice - the very life of his sister, Lucy.

As the impasse between the two men teeters on the brink of violence, Michael's timely intervention halts the confrontation in its tracks. Meanwhile, Maria descends into the chamber to confront Lucy and Oliver, her words dripping with urgency as she implores Oliver to depart, her resolve strengthened by a deep-seated sense of responsibility. The weight of her decision bears down upon her as she professes her willingness to accompany him (a move driven in part by a desire to atone for past abandonment), and Oliver's ethereal form begins to dissipate from Lucy's lifeless body, merging with Maria as if drawn to the very fabric of her being. As Maria charges forward, knife in hand, her determination crystallizes into a desperate plea: she demands that the shaman substitute his own life force for hers, a tragic sacrifice that seals her fate.

The room falls silent as Maria's limp form crumples to the ground, the cries of Michael and Lucy echoing through the stillness like a lamentation. And yet, even in the depths of despair, a glimmer of hope flickers to life: Maria awakens, alone and unscathed, the Gate Keeper's eyes crackling with an otherworldly light as she gazes deep into their very soul.

In the mortal realm, Maria's physical form succumbs to the inevitable, her essence slipping away like sand between fingers. Lucy's anguished cries pierce the air as she begs her mother not to abandon her once more.

The final act unfolds like a macabre dance: Maria stirs, her eyes fluttering open to behold the temple steps stretching out before her like an invitation to damnation. The sound of Michael's voice, warm and familiar, reaches out to claim her, and she responds with a hesitant eagerness. As their words entwine, the camera lingers on the door, its surface slowly creaking open like a portal to perdition.

In the darkness that follows, Maria's screams shatter the silence, a desperate plea to turn back from the abyss into which Michael has so recklessly ventured. The screen fades to black, the weight of their collective fate hanging precariously in the balance: Maria's soul, once a beacon of light and love, now stands poised on the precipice of corruption, its descent into darkness all but inevitable.