
Does The Pack have end credit scenes?


The Pack does not have end credit scenes.

The Pack

The Pack


In the unforgiving Australian Outback, a sheep rancher and his family are torn from their peaceful existence when a pack of snarling, rabid predators descends upon their home. With no rescue in sight, they must summon all their strength to fend off the ravenous beasts and fight for survival.

Runtime: 90 min

Box Office: $87K






5.6 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in The Pack!

As Sean Floyd (panting) returns from Germany with his friends Jeremy Abelar, Donnie, and an unsuspecting guest - Becky, Jeremy's twin sister, fresh from a breakup with Chad - the group embarks on a spring break adventure in the woods. Unbeknownst to Sean or Donnie, Jeremy had secretly invited Becky's friend Sarah, who used to date Donnie, and the dynamic is set for a potentially explosive weekend.

As they arrive at their campsite, Sean tries to muster the courage to make a move on Becky, but his efforts are thwarted by Donnie, who whisks him away to harass Jeremy in mid-stream. The group's antics startle Jeremy, causing him to accidentally sever his own appendage with a knife. Sean scrambles to find phone signal and calls 911, taking a moment to taunt Chad on Becky's phone before misplacing all the phones.

The paramedics arrive via helicopter, and Sean hands over a cooler containing... well, not what they were expecting - Jeremy's severed member. Chaos ensues as the group realizes their mistake and the paramedics depart with the wrong item. At the hospital, Jeremy is left devastated by the news, his faith in his friends shattered.

Seeking solace, the group stumbles upon a ranger station, where Becky's frustration boils over into a violent outburst against a rattlesnake. The offending cooler, now sans its original contents, flies open and releases Jeremy's detached member, which promptly gets bitten by the serpent. After Sean expertly extracts the venom, Sarah spots a drone hovering above and takes off in pursuit - only to tumble down a ravine and into the water.

As the group scrambles to rescue her, they encounter an 11-year-old boy camping with his father, who's harboring some very... colorful language. This pint-sized entrepreneur tries to coerce Becky and Sarah into trading favors for access to his dad's boat. A clever combination of penis-related panic and menacing laughter allows Sean and Becky to outwit the youngster and commandeer the vessel - only to be met with a fierce resistance from the boy's furious father, who believes they've molested his son.

As they locate their abandoned vehicle, the group stops at the gas station where Jeremy had procured liquor using his counterfeit soldier identification. The attendant proceeds to meticulously cleanse the genital area as an act of national pride. Later, upon presenting Donnie's high school identification, the clerk realizes they had fabricated their military service - he gives chase, pursuing them in their vehicle as they flee, and accidentally strikes Donnie with an arrow lodged in his headboard.

Upon arriving at the hospital, they surrender the genital area to the medical professionals. Following the successful surgery, they enter the recovery room to find a stranger, Reginald, instead of Jeremy's penis being reattached to him. This revelation sparks heated debate and discussion among the group.

Donnie confronts Becky about Sean's suspicious text messages to Chad from her phone, prompting her to call for pickup. Simultaneously, Sean and Donnie pay a visit to Reginald, who has since regained consciousness. They explain the situation to him, and he regales them with the tale of his former girlfriend, Sheryl, who had exacted revenge by severing his penis in response to his infidelity with her sister.

Undeterred, Sean and Donnie set out to retrieve Reginald's reattached penis, hoping to successfully reattach it to Jeremy. However, Sheryl suddenly appears, and with a swift motion, cuts off the penis once more. The group engages in a physical altercation, ultimately securing Jeremy's original genital area.

In a display of unity and forgiveness, Sean apologizes to Becky for his past transgressions, and she accepts his apology. The quartet, now comprised of Donnie, Sarah, Becky, and Sean, sets off together.

As they process the events that have unfolded, they realize that Jeremy had likely been registered under the pseudonym on his fake identification at the initial hospital. They contact the original medical facility and finally deliver Jeremy's penis to its rightful owner. During Jeremy's surgery, Donnie and Sarah reconcile, deciding to rekindle their romance.

Becky and Sean also apologize to each other and begin a romantic relationship. As Sean prepares to depart for Germany, Jeremy is released from the hospital and introduces his girlfriend, Kendall Jenners - an individual whom everyone had initially believed to be fictional. Amidst good-natured prodding, Becky and Sean share a prolonged, intimate kiss.