In this poignant animation, Jagna, a fiery young woman, dares to defy tradition in a 19th century Polish village where gossip and feuds simmer beneath the surface. Amidst a landscape of rich history and vibrant culture, Jagna's quest for independence ignites a spark that threatens to upend the status quo, forcing her to confront the patriarchal forces holding her community captive.

In this poignant animation, Jagna, a fiery young woman, dares to defy tradition in a 19th century Polish village where gossip and feuds simmer beneath the surface. Amidst a landscape of rich history and vibrant culture, Jagna's quest for independence ignites a spark that threatens to upend the status quo, forcing her to confront the patriarchal forces holding her community captive.

Does The Peasants have end credit scenes?


The Peasants does not have end credit scenes.


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7.6 /10

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