In this gripping true-story-inspired drama, "The Royal Hotel" whisks away two adventurous friends, Hanna and Liv, to a rugged Outback mining town where they take on a bar job at the infamous pub. As they dive headfirst into Australia's rowdy drinking culture, their antics spark chaos among the locals, ultimately leading them down a perilous path of escalating consequences.

In this gripping true-story-inspired drama, "The Royal Hotel" whisks away two adventurous friends, Hanna and Liv, to a rugged Outback mining town where they take on a bar job at the infamous pub. As they dive headfirst into Australia's rowdy drinking culture, their antics spark chaos among the locals, ultimately leading them down a perilous path of escalating consequences.

Does The Royal have end credit scenes?


The Royal does not have end credit scenes.


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5.2 /10

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