The Strangers 2008

Box Office



86 min




A family's tranquil road trip turns into a harrowing ordeal as they stumble upon an eerie, abandoned mobile home park. The peaceful atmosphere shatters when three sinister strangers emerge from the shadows, unleashing a desperate battle for survival that tests the very limits of human endurance.

A family's tranquil road trip turns into a harrowing ordeal as they stumble upon an eerie, abandoned mobile home park. The peaceful atmosphere shatters when three sinister strangers emerge from the shadows, unleashing a desperate battle for survival that tests the very limits of human endurance.

Does The Strangers have end credit scenes?


The Strangers does not have end credit scenes.






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User Score


6.1 /10

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Movie Quiz

The Strangers Quiz: Test your knowledge on the chilling horror movie 'The Strangers' and its intricate plot.

What event precedes the main events of the movie?

Plot Summary

As the night wears on, Kristen McKay (Liv Tyler) and James Hoyt (Scott Speedman) return to the secluded summer retreat owned by James’s parents, their spirits dampened by the aftermath of a friend’s wedding celebration. The tension between them is palpable, having reached a boiling point just hours prior when James proposed marriage to Kristen, only to be rejected. As they step inside the house, the silence is broken by an uninvited visitor - a young blonde woman with her face partially shrouded by the faint glow of a burnt-out porch light. Her inquiry, “Is Tamara home?”, is met with a firm denial from the couple, who are equally perplexed by the stranger’s presence. The enigmatic woman vanishes into the darkness, leaving James to seek solace in a midnight cigarette run.

Meanwhile, Kristen remains alone at the house, her unease growing as the minutes tick by. When the blonde woman returns, asking once more for Tamara, Kristen is less than welcoming, firmly telling the visitor that she’s already been there - an assertion met with the woman’s cryptic response, “Are you sure?” The air is thick with foreboding as the sound of a smoke alarm pierces the silence, signaling that all is not well. James returns to find his concerns amplified by Kristen’s growing unease, as she frantically tries to contact him only to be met with dead air.

As the atmosphere in the house becomes increasingly charged, Kristen takes steps to secure her surroundings, locking doors and charging her phone. She slips into a more comfortable attire - jeans and a flannel shirt - and, in a moment of introspection, picks up a half-smoked cigarette. Her gaze drifts around the room as she contemplates her situation, unaware that an unseen observer lurks just behind her - a figure clad in a sack mask, whose unblinking eyes watch her every move before vanishing into the shadows once more.

As another relentless barrage of knocks at the front door erupts, Kristen finds herself face to face with a surreal tableau: the smoke alarm, previously carelessly discarded on the floor, now sits primly atop a dining room chair, like an ominous harbinger. Her frantic search for her cell phone proves futile, its absence only compounded by the realization it’s been left off its charger. The atmosphere is already charged with tension when the windchimes begin to tinkle out a discordant melody, accompanied by the scraping of unknown feet on the back patio. With a kitchen knife at the ready, Kristen approaches the sliding glass door, her heart pounding in her chest. As she pulls back the curtain, a masked figure materializes before her, their hand crashing against the window with a jarring force that sends her screaming in terror. The phonograph in the living room suddenly jumps out of its groove, replaying the haunting refrain from a country song like a macabre mantra.

Meanwhile, the front door creaks open ever so slightly, and Kristen’s gaze falls upon a porcelain-like visage peeking out from behind it – another doll-like mask, eerily similar to the one that has already appeared. Her fear overwhelming her, she slams the door shut, locks it, and flees to the bedroom for safety, screaming at the top of her lungs for the intruders to depart.

The house search that follows is a futile exercise in futility, as James and Kristen fail to uncover any signs of the mysterious visitors. Initially, James attributes his wife’s growing unease to an overactive imagination, but it soon becomes clear that something very real – and very sinister – is amiss.

Their backyard foray yields a sighting of the blonde woman, now donning a Dollface mask (Gemma Ward), eerily gazing up at their house as if mesmerized. James ventures out to his car to retrieve his cell phone, only to discover that it’s been vandalized and pilfered. As he kneels down in dismay, the masked figure – Dollface – reaches out to touch the back of his neck before vanishing into thin air.

James returns to the house, where he finds his cell phone sitting atop the piano, its battery cruelly ripped out. The final straw has been broken; it’s time for James and Kristen to make a hasty exit from this increasingly unhinged nightmare.

As James and Kristen attempt to flee their besieged home in the damaged vehicle, a sinister truck materializes behind them, driven by an enigmatic figure clad in a provocative mask reminiscent of a vintage pin-up girl. The Man in the Mask (Kip Weeks) emerges, flanked by his cohorts, as they rear-end the car with calculated precision. Panicked, James and Kristen retreat to the safety of their house, only to discover a gruesome message scrawled across the bedroom window in bold red paint: “hello”. The ominous greeting serves as a chilling harbinger of the horrors that are to come.

As tensions escalate, James’ friend Mike (Glenn Howerton) arrives at the scene, his arrival marked by a rock shattering his windshield. He enters the house through the back glass door, unaware of the chaos unfolding around him. The air is thick with foreboding as he walks down the hallway, the cacophony of country music blaring from the record player serving as a jarring accompaniment to the sense of unease.

The Man in the Mask appears behind Mike, axe at the ready, poised to strike. But before the fatal blow can be delivered, James intervenes, firing the shotgun with devastating consequences. In a heart-wrenching twist, James and Kristen realize they have mistakenly gunned down their friend Mike. The villains exact a cruel revenge by scrawling “KILLER” across the back door in mocking defiance.

Consumed by desperation and fear, James turns to a ham radio in the barn, hoping to conjure aid from beyond. However, his efforts are thwarted when Pin Up Girl emerges from the shadows, destroying the device with calculated malice. As Kristen senses the presence of the Man in the Mask lurking within the house, she hobbles out into the front lawn, her ankle twisted in agony. Unbeknownst to her, Pin Up Girl has been stalking her every move, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The barn, once a haven from the chaos, now becomes a trap, as Kristen’s attempts to send out a distress signal are brutally foiled by her tormentors.

As Kristen stumbles back into her darkened home, the eerie silence is shattered by the haunting presence of Dollface on the swing set and Pin Up Girl lingering by the barn. With James nowhere to be found, Kristen’s search for him ends in disappointment as the power suddenly goes out. The darkness is punctuated only by the ominous arrival of The Man in the Mask at the front door, whose sinister intentions send Kristen scurrying for cover in a pantry. As she holds her breath, he vanishes into the shadows, leaving her to wonder if she’s truly alone.

But her respite is short-lived, as Dollface materializes at the shuttered window of the pantry, her eyes fixed on the glint of Kristen’s engagement ring. With a malevolent gleam in her eye, she smashes through the shutters and taunts Kristen with a spinning butcher knife, its blade slicing ominously through the air. Just as Kristen emerges from her hiding place, The Man in the Mask returns, his grip on James’s shirt collar a stark reminder of their precarious situation.

Kristen makes a desperate dash for the bedroom, but finds the window refusing to budge. The lights flicker back to life, and she creeps back into the hallway, only to be met by The Man in the Mask’s brutal attack. Her head crashes against the wall as he drags her down the hall, leaving her limp and helpless on the floor.

The screen fades to black as Kristen’s anguished screams echo through the darkness.

As daybreak casts its pale light over the scene, the three strangers gather around Kristen and James, now bound and helpless in their chairs. The atmosphere is heavy with foreboding as Kristen wails in despair, demanding to know why they’re being subjected to this unimaginable torment. Dollface’s response is chillingly devoid of emotion: “Because you were home.”

One by one, the villains remove their masks, but the camera mercifully shields their faces from view. The trio then proceeds to brutalize Kristen and James with their knives, their savagery unrelenting as they exact a gruesome revenge.

Their malevolent task complete, the strangers depart in their pickup truck, leaving behind only the faintest glimmer of hope for the battered couple. But even that is extinguished as they drive away into the distance, the sound of Pin Up Girl’s quiet remark – “It’ll be easier next time” – hanging like a dark portent over the landscape.

Their journey at an end, the three strangers continue on their way, leaving in their wake only the faintest whisper of their sinister presence.

As the two young protagonists cautiously make their way into the eerie abode, they’re met with a gruesome tableau that defies comprehension. The once-harmonious dwelling has been transformed into a crime scene of unfathomable brutality, replete with crimson-stained walls and a senseless carnage that seems to mock all notion of civility. James’s lifeless form lies sprawled on the floor, an unsettling testament to the horrors that have unfolded within these forsaken walls. Meanwhile, Kristen’s ravaged body, once a picture of innocence, now hangs limply in the hallway, her pristine white gown drenched in a macabre hue that seems to sear itself into the boys’ collective psyche. As one of them hesitantly reaches out to touch Kristen’s lifeless form, she suddenly springs back to life, her eyes blazing with a terror so intense it’s as if the very fabric of reality has been rent asunder.

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