Thou Wast Mild and Lovely 2014

In this darkly comedic thriller, a hapless handyman finds himself entangled in a toxic web of family dynamics when he takes on a job for a charismatic but troubled father-daughter duo. As their unsettling relationship unfolds, he's forced to confront the blurred lines between reality and nightmare.

In this darkly comedic thriller, a hapless handyman finds himself entangled in a toxic web of family dynamics when he takes on a job for a charismatic but troubled father-daughter duo. As their unsettling relationship unfolds, he's forced to confront the blurred lines between reality and nightmare.

Does Thou Wast Mild and Lovely have end credit scenes?


Thou Wast Mild and Lovely does not have end credit scenes.


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Plot Summary

As Akin (actor name) pulls into the farm owned by Jeremiah and his daughter Sarah, he deliberately sheds the trappings of his former life - literally removing his wedding ring as a symbol of detachment. The trio’s initial encounter is marked by an air of caution, with Akin presenting himself as a bachelor with no dependents. His new hosts are more than accommodating, offering him a cozy room to reside in for the duration of his summer stint.

Jeremiah, a man prone to indulgence, bestows upon Akin a nickname - “shoulders” - derived from an astute observation: the quiet intensity in the man’s gaze suggests he harbors secrets. As Akin struggles to connect with his wife Drew over the phone, the poor cell reception serves as a metaphor for the barriers that exist between them.

Sarah, meanwhile, catches Akin’s eye, and the pair begins to engage in a game of cat-and-mouse, exchanging furtive glances and covertly observing each other. Their curiosity piqued, they collaborate on a mission to locate a wayward cow grazing at the property’s periphery. In a moment of whimsy, Sarah plucks a frog from the underbrush and dispatches it with a decisive bite, prompting Akin to finally surrender to his desires and share a kiss with her - an act that ultimately spirals into a disturbing and invasive encounter.

As dinner conversation turns to Akin’s living arrangements, Jeremiah drops a bombshell: he’s aware of Akin’s marital status, the tan line on his finger serving as a telltale sign. With a wink, Jeremiah shares a dark secret of his own - that he’s sustained a mysterious companion for an extended period by nursing their wounds.

Sarah’s discovery of a family photo in Akin’s room the following day serves only to deepen her intrigue about this enigmatic newcomer. As she and Akin continue to spend time together, Sarah takes it upon herself to instruct him in the art of horseback riding, fostering a sense of trust that will ultimately be put to the test.

The sound of the landline phone pierces the air, and Drew’s voice crackles through the receiver as she updates Jeremiah (John) about her attempts to reach him regarding his prolonged silence regarding Akin. With a mix of concern and curiosity, she announces that she and their son are planning a visit to the farm. Initially, the evening unfolds smoothly, with pleasant conversation and warm camaraderie. However, the atmosphere shifts during dinner when Drew innocently remarks about Akin’s quiet nature, prompting Sarah to reveal that he has been remarkably chatty in her presence. The revelation sends Jeremiah into an awkward silence.

As night falls, Drew stumbles onto the couch, drunk and barely conscious. Jeremiah takes advantage of her vulnerability, spewing out vile, suggestive comments, which prompts Akin to intervene by carrying her off to his room. Later, Akin awakens to find himself alone in bed, only to stumble upon Drew reuniting with Sarah. The trio’s conversation turns somber as they reminisce about their deceased daughter. In a shocking turn of events, Sarah blindfolds Akin and the three of them engage in a threesome. However, Akin’s discomfort prompts him to remove the blindfold, revealing Jeremiah and a neighbor watching them from outside. Enraged, Jeremiah attacks the neighbor and attempts to force himself on Drew, prompting Akin to try and intervene.

As chaos erupts, Akin finds himself knocked out cold. He awakens, bound and helpless, inside the barn, where he’s confronted with a gruesome sight: a man’s face marred by deep gashes and bloodstains. Sarah appears, freeing Akin from his restraints, and they return to the house to find Jeremiah wielding a knife. In a desperate attempt to save himself, Akin tries to reason with Sarah, but she ultimately reacts by shooting him. As Jeremiah lies dying, Sarah’s tears give way to a mixture of anguish and despair.

Drew bursts into the scene, axe in hand, unleashing a brutal assault on both Sarah and Jeremiah. Akin and Drew quickly grab their son, who is crying uncontrollably in the yard, and make a hasty retreat, leaving behind the carnage and destruction they’ve wrought.

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