In this heartwarming documentary, the lives of two women, Anaïs Bordier and Samantha Futerman, converge as they discover their astonishing resemblance and shared adoption story. Born on the same day in Busan, Korea, they embark on a journey to reunite and uncover their past, leading to an unforgettable reunion that will leave audiences smiling.

In this heartwarming documentary, the lives of two women, Anaïs Bordier and Samantha Futerman, converge as they discover their astonishing resemblance and shared adoption story. Born on the same day in Busan, Korea, they embark on a journey to reunite and uncover their past, leading to an unforgettable reunion that will leave audiences smiling.

Does Twinsters have end credit scenes?


Twinsters does not have end credit scenes.


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7.5 /10

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Movie Quiz

Twinsters Quiz: Test your knowledge about the heartwarming documentary 'Twinsters' and the incredible story of self-discovery.

What triggers Futerman's journey of self-discovery?

Plot Summary

The film begins with Futerman recounting her astonishing tale to the audience, one that occurred just a few days ago. She introduces her family and describes receiving an unexpected friend request on Facebook from a stranger. When she views the profile picture, she is startled to see her own face staring back at her. Curious, she accepts the request, leading to an intriguing message from Bordier, who strongly implies that they might be twins and asks for details about her birthplace.

As the two women engage in a back-and-forth conversation through texting, they decide to take their communication to the next level with a Skype call. Upon seeing each other for the first time, they are astounded by their remarkable resemblance, prompting them to embark on a journey to uncover the truth about their relationship, even considering the possibility that they are sisters—or more specifically, twins.

To delve deeper, Futerman consults twin specialist Dr. Nancy Segal, and together they provide DNA samples over Skype. This sets the stage for a planned trip to London where, utilizing mutual friends for support, the women finally meet face to face. That night, they reconnect with Dr. Segal via Skype, who confirms their identical twin status beyond any doubt.

The film chronicles their journey, showcasing Bordier’s visit to Futerman in California, followed by a trip to Seoul for the International Korean Adoptee Associations Conference. Throughout their adventure, they have been on a quest to find their birth mother, who shockingly denies their existence. As the story reaches its conclusion, the twins write a heartfelt message to their birth mother, expressing gratitude for giving them life.

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