
Does Uncle Buck have end credit scenes?


Uncle Buck does not have end credit scenes.

Uncle Buck

Uncle Buck


When Bob and Cindy rush out of town for an unexpected family crisis, they leave their three kids in the care of their free-spirited uncle, Buck. As this laid-back bachelor navigates his new role, he forms a bond with the two younger kids but struggles to connect with their angst-ridden teenage sister, Tia, forcing him to confront his own responsibilities and redefine what it means to be a good caregiver.

Runtime: 100 min

Box Office: $79M








User Score






User Score


7.1 /10

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Check out what happened in Uncle Buck!

As the sun dips below the Chicago suburbs, the Russell family's daily rhythm is disrupted by the trio of siblings - Tia, Miles, and Maizy - returning home from school. With their parents, Bob (character) and Cindy, away at work, Tia takes on the responsibility of caring for her younger brother and sister, her resentment towards their recent relocation from Indianapolis simmering just below the surface. Meanwhile, tensions are running high in the household as Buck, Bob's brother, prepares to start his first day at Chanice's tire store, courtesy of his girlfriend's generosity. As the evening wears on, Buck assures Chanice that he'll be punctual for their morning shift, but little do they know, fate has other plans.

Just as things seem to be settling into a comfortable routine, Bob receives an unexpected phone call from Cindy's aunt, delivering devastating news: Cindy's father has suffered a heart attack. As the family scrambles to respond to this crisis, Bob and Cindy make hasty arrangements to return to Indianapolis, leaving them in a bind when it comes to finding reliable childcare for their trio of tiny tornadoes. Every friend, neighbor, and acquaintance they turn to proves unavailable, leaving the Russells with few options but to reluctantly ask Buck to watch the kids.

Initially hesitant, Buck agrees to take on this new responsibility, largely motivated by the prospect of avoiding his impending morning shift at Chanice's tire store. As he arrives at his brother's doorstep, he assures Cindy that he'll be a responsible caregiver, despite having no experience with tiny humans. With Buck now in charge, Bob and Cindy depart for the airport, leaving their children - and their sanity - in the capable (or incapable?) hands of their well-meaning but ill-equipped relative.

As Miles and Maizy begin to warm up to their uncle's carefree charm, Tia's demeanor remains icily reserved, her silence speaking volumes as Buck drops her off at school with a mix of awkwardness. Meanwhile, Buck spends the day wrestling with the laundry machine and navigating an eccentric neighbor, Marcy, who is blissfully unaware of Cindy and Bob's departure. As the afternoon unfolds, Buck heads to Tia's school to pick her up, only to be met with a shocking sight: Tia locked in a tender moment with her boyfriend, Bug, whose instant dislike of Buck is palpable. Rather than allowing Tia to continue seeing Bug that night, Buck takes drastic measures and whisks the whole family away to a local bowling alley, making plans to bet on an upcoming horse race with the hope of securing enough winnings to lay off working for the rest of the year. The following evening, Tia attends an outdoor party in the woods with Bug, but their romantic evening is rudely interrupted by Buck's sudden arrival, boastful claims of hatchet-wielding prowess, and a dramatic display of strength that only serves to further galvanize Tia's resolve to stand by her boyfriend.

As tensions simmer beneath the surface, Buck's relationship with Chanice becomes increasingly complicated when Tia, seeking revenge, whispers a damaging secret in her ear: Buck is supposedly cheating on her with their eccentric neighbor, Marcy. This revelation sends Buck into introspection mode as he grows closer to Miles and Maizy, taking on domestic chores and reevaluating his bachelor status. In the midst of this chaos, Buck finds himself juggling laundry duties - washing in the sink and drying in the microwave - when Marcy drops by uninvited, attempting to coax him into a dance routine in the living room. Just as it seems like things couldn't get any more awkward, Chanice stumbles upon the scene, inadvertently verifying Tia's accusations and sending Buck's world spinning further out of control.

As night descends, Buck succumbs to his despair, numbing his sorrows with copious amounts of liquor. The next morning, his hangover is matched only by his determination to redeem himself at the track. But fate has other plans. With Tia's disappearance, Buck's plans for a distraction-free day are shattered. The children's innocent revelation - that she's fled to a weekend soiree with Bug - sends Buck into a spiral of desperation. Realizing he's got no one to rely on for childcare, Buck agonizes over whether to bring the kids along or leave them behind. Ultimately, he decides against putting them in harm's way and makes a plea to Chanice, asking her to set aside her emotions and watch the children while he searches for Tia.

Undeterred, Buck embarks on a neighborhood-wide search, driven by a mix of desperation and determination. His investigation leads him to the party's location, where he employs his resourcefulness to gain entry to an upstairs room. What he finds is nothing short of shocking - Bug, indulging in an illicit tryst with another young woman. Buck's discovery sends him on a mission to track down Tia, eventually locating her as she walks home under the cover of night. The confrontation that ensues sees Buck reveal his discovery, forcing Bug to apologize to Tia before setting him free. But not before exacting a peculiar form of retribution - using a golf ball and five-iron drive to send Bug fleeing into the woods.

As the dust settles, Tia confesses her deception to Chanice, revealing that Buck's flirtation with Marcy was nothing more than a fabrication. This newfound transparency brings about a reconciliation between Buck and Chanice, paving the way for a fresh start. When Bob and Cindy return home, they're greeted by a chastened Tia and an uncle who's emerged from his ordeal as a valued and integral member of their family.