Under the City's Skin 2003

In this poignant drama, an Iranian mother navigates the challenges of single parenthood amidst societal expectations, as she struggles to provide for her family despite the crippling disability of her husband and the cunning manipulation of their eldest son.

In this poignant drama, an Iranian mother navigates the challenges of single parenthood amidst societal expectations, as she struggles to provide for her family despite the crippling disability of her husband and the cunning manipulation of their eldest son.

Does Under the City's Skin have end credit scenes?


Under the City's Skin does not have end credit scenes.






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Movie Quiz

Under the City's Skin Quiz: Test your knowledge on the enigmatic film 'Under the City's Skin' with this diverse set of questions.

What is the initial setting of the film?

Plot Summary

The cinematic journey commences with a mesmerizing flash, gradually unfolding into a circular object surrounded by an air of foreboding. The soft whispers of a woman’s voice, laced with a hint of Scottish inflection, attempt to perfect her enunciation as the camera pans across what appears to be a dark, viscous pool. As the light and circular object converge, they form the piercing gaze of a mysterious woman - an alluring yet unsettling introduction to the world within.

The scene shifts to a serpentine road winding through Scotland’s majestic mountains, illuminated by a solitary headlight. The camera then zooms in on a lone motorcyclist, his face obscured by the shadows. As he navigates the winding road, the atmosphere remains heavy with intrigue. The motorcyclist eventually comes to a halt at a tunnel entrance, dismounting his bike and venturing into a nearby ditch. He re-emerges moments later, carrying the lifeless form of a young woman - an unsettling revelation that sparks questions about their relationship.

The narrative then takes a jarring turn, plunging the viewer into a starkly contrasting environment: a pristine, white room bathed in radiant light. A naked young woman (Scarlett Johansson), her beauty unmarred by the macabre context, begins to undress the lifeless body with an eerie sense of detachment. This disquieting scene is juxtaposed against the dark, foreboding environments that will unfold later in the film.

As the unidentified woman stands over the lifeless form, a solitary tear trickles down her cheek - leaving the audience wondering whether she was indeed deceased or perhaps trapped in a catatonic state. The mystery surrounding this enigmatic figure persists throughout the movie, but the motorcyclist’s knowledge of the body’s location and the woman’s response to it suggest that she may have been aware of her surroundings, albeit in a comatose-like state.

The woman who had stripped the lifeless form notices something peculiar on the body - an ant that was crawling across its skin. This haunting detail adds another layer of complexity to the narrative, as the audience is left grappling with the implications of this cryptic scene and the unfolding mysteries within the film.

As the cinematic narrative shifts gears, a foreboding skyline emerges, shrouded in a veil of clouds and an otherworldly luminescence that hangs precariously above a towering skyscraper. This enigmatic tableau serves as a harbinger of extraterrestrial activity, though its significance is easily missed unless the viewer is attentive to the subtle cues.

The enigmatic female figure (her true nature – alien, succubus, or mechanical entity – remains shrouded in mystery) slips out of a dilapidated dwelling, her presence marked by an air of intrigue. The white van, a constant companion throughout the story, sits idly outside, while the motorcycle-riding male (whose connection to the woman is tenuous at best) observes their surroundings with an air of detachment.

Though their relationship remains cryptic, hints of a hierarchical dynamic between the two are sprinkled throughout the film’s early scenes. In the source material, the male figure serves as the superior officer to this enigmatic female, but in the cinematic adaptation, these subtle connections are left implicit and unexplored. Their interactions are limited to fleeting glances and shared environments, suggesting a telepathic or non-verbal mode of communication that underscores their enigmatic bond.

As the scene unfolds, the motorcycle-riding male departs on his trusty steed, leaving the female figure to take the wheel of the white van. With a quiet deliberation, she sets off into the unknown, her path shrouded in mystery as the narrative hurtles forward, eager to unravel the tangled threads of this extraterrestrial enigma.

As the scene unfolds, a enigmatic young woman with an otherworldly aura navigates the bustling streets of Glasgow, weaving through shoppers in a crowded mall. Her gaze is fixed on various items of clothing, including a luxurious faux fur coat and bold red lipstick, as if sizing them up for potential prey. Later, she commandeers a white van, cruising through the city’s thoroughfares with an air of calculated nonchalance. Her eyes scan the passing pedestrians, homing in on solitary males who fit her criteria. She then proceeds to strike up conversations with these unsuspecting targets, posing innocent-seeming queries about directions, names, and hometowns, while probing deeper into their personal lives.

As she surveys each man’s responses, a subtle intensity creeps into her tone, leaving the viewer wondering if her intentions are purely innocent or perhaps more sinister. She rapidly loses interest in those who don’t meet her standards, abandoning them to pursue new prospects whenever a siren wails nearby or someone else claims their attention. When she deems a candidate worthy, she invites him aboard the van and launches into a new line of probing questions: “Do you have a girlfriend? Do you think I’m pretty?” It’s clear that she’s not just gathering information – she’s searching for something more.

Her gaze ultimately settles on a man adorned with a vibrant green and white scarf. As they enter a decrepit abode, the surroundings fade to blackness, and our mysterious alien-woman turns her attention to him, her eyes gleaming with an unmistakable allure. With an air of hypnotic surrender, he undresses before her gaze, only to vanish into the floor as if it were liquid. The woman seems unfazed by this bizarre occurrence, her expression a mask of detachment.

Following this unsettling event, we’re left to assume that she continues her predilection for preying on men, given the repeated scenes of her driving through Glasgow in her van, ever vigilant and calculating in her pursuit of new victims.

Along the rugged Scottish coastline, an enigmatic extraterrestrial observer stands out, her gaze fixed on a solitary male figure, clad in a wetsuit, as he strokes through the choppy waters. As the swimmer emerges from the sea, she approaches him with an air of curiosity, firing off a series of probing inquiries: what brings him to this desolate shore? What drives his presence here?

Just as their conversation begins to unfold, a cacophony of screams pierces the air, shattering the serenity. A frantic woman, desperate to rescue her drowning canine companion, is mercilessly battered by towering waves. In the chaos, a man in a heavy coat, likely the distraught husband, plunges into the turbulent waters, valiantly attempting to save his loved one. The swimmer, with a sudden surge of adrenaline, rushes to intervene, while the alien woman remains frozen in place, her expression unreadable.

As the scene unfolds, the desperate couple is torn asunder by the merciless sea. Despite being exhausted from their ordeal, the swimmer manages to drag the husband back to shore, only for him to promptly dash back into the churning waters, hell-bent on reuniting with his wife. The swimmer, spent and battered, collapses onto the sand, his fate uncertain.

And yet, amidst this tumultuous backdrop, the alien woman remains an island of calm, her movements eerily deliberate. Her eyes fixed intently on the swimmer, she seizes a nearby rock, raising it with a calculated precision. The next moment, her blow connects with brutal force, striking the swimmer’s skull with crushing impact, ensuring his incapacitation or demise.

As the camera pans away from the desolate beach scene, we find ourselves at another stretch of coastline, where the mysterious alien woman (played by [actress name]) is seen dragging the lifeless body of a man in a wetsuit past a distraught young child. The silence surrounding this tragic discovery is palpable, as if the very fate of those who were torn from the earth has been sealed. The woman’s indifference to the child’s anguished cries is jarring, her sole focus on completing her gruesome task.

Eventually, she succeeds in loading the body into a vehicle, and we’re given a glimpse of the man on the motorcycle (played by [actor name]), who locates a tent on the beach that likely belonged to the deceased wetsuit-clad individual. He methodically folds up the tent and takes it with him, a task reminiscent of his earlier discovery of a comatose or lifeless woman.

As night falls, we’re reminded of the eerie opening scene where he stumbled upon another victim, leading us to assume that either he or some other alien entity has claimed this latest casualty. The sound of the child’s continued wailing fills the air as the motorcycle man approaches, his intentions seemingly aimed at consoling or rescuing the youngster. However, he hesitates mere feet away from the child, instead bending down to collect a discarded article of clothing that had been left behind – a poignant reminder of the significance of the deceased individual’s personal belongings.

In contrast, the alien woman has returned to her van and is oblivious to the child’s cries until now. Upon glancing out her window, she discovers herself back in the city, with the sound of another child crying out from the vehicle parked beside hers – a separate tragedy that seems to pale in comparison to the horrors she has witnessed on this fateful day.

As night falls, the enigmatic woman slips into her white van, which becomes her temporary sanctuary amidst a backdrop of chaos. A group of boisterous men across the parking lot seem to revel in their own rowdy energy, catcalling her as she watches from the safety of her vehicle. She follows the commotion to what appears to be an abandoned building, only to find the same man who had earlier caught her attention lingering outside its walls. Her curiosity piqued, she exits the van and begins to approach him, but just as she reaches the opposite side of the structure, a sea of people spills out onto the scene - a crowd that has apparently converged upon a nearby club. The alien woman’s confusion is palpable as she realizes the man has disappeared into this vibrant gathering, replaced by a throng of outgoing women who intercept her and insist she join them in the revelry. As she hesitates, the tide of female energy sweeps her up, drawing her into the club with an unstoppable force.

As soon as she crosses the threshold, the senses are overwhelmed by the cacophony of sound, the strobing lights, and the sheer density of humanity that fills the air. The alien woman’s bewilderment is evident as she navigates this unfamiliar world, her gaze darting from one face to another in a desperate bid for understanding. In a moment of respite from the chaos, she spots an opening door - not one that leads outside, but rather into a curious lounge area that seems to exist in a realm all its own. As if drawn by some unseen force, she makes her way through the portal and finds herself face-to-face with the man who had earlier captured her attention. He extends an invitation for her to share a drink with him, and as they surrender to the rhythm of the music, their bodies sway in perfect harmony amidst the pulsating lights and pounding beat of the club.

As the camera lingers on the desolate, all-black room in the dilapidated house, the scene shifts to a surreal tableau: the club-bound figure (played by) lost in the throes of dance, his body half-naked and unmoored. Meanwhile, the enigmatic alien woman undresses with calculated slowness, her gaze fixed on the dancing man with an unmistakable air of seduction. As she backs away, the dancer sinks into the floor, his eyes fixed intently on her as if oblivious to his surroundings. His disappearance is followed by the alien woman’s departure, leaving behind a sense of void and desolation. The camera then plunges beneath the liquid surface, revealing the man staring up at the receding figure, unaware of his environment until she vanishes from view. It isn’t until her departure that he seems to awaken to his surroundings - an eerie stillness surrounds him, as if time itself has frozen. His eyes remain fixed on the spot where the alien woman disappeared, only to snap back into awareness when he sees the first man who sank into the floorboard hovering before him. The elder figure’s skin appears twisted and distorted, his mouth contorted in a silent scream or plea for help. As they drift closer, their hands barely brush against each other before the first victim begins to recede with a look of helpless despair on his face. Suddenly, a jarring snap noise shatters the silence, and the first man’s skin pops like a balloon, shrinking and contorting in ways that defy human comprehension. The empty, translucent skin floats aimlessly through the void, its movements eerily reminiscent of a plastic bag caught in the wind. The club-bound figure stares on in stunned horror as the lifeless remains drift away.

The scene then shifts to a disquieting sequence: a seemingly endless conveyor belt funnels forth a rivulet of dark matter, accompanied by an otherworldly melody that sends shivers down the spine. As the musical tones reach a crescendo, a piercing red glow envelops the screen, casting an unearthly light on the proceedings. Interpretations abound - is this a visual representation of the alien woman devouring her victims within her own body, or do they exist in a state of stasis, destined to be consumed by their extraterrestrial overlords? The ambiguity is deliberate, leaving the viewer’s imagination to fill in the blanks as the red glow lingers, casting an ominous shadow over the narrative.

As the day unfolds, the enigmatic alien woman lingers in the van, her gaze fixed on the radio as it broadcasts news of a tragic discovery: a body washed up on the beach, its presence eerily juxtaposed with memories of the previous day’s fateful encounter. The broadcast paints a vivid picture - a man, his wife, and their 18-month-old child enjoying a leisurely outing, only to be torn apart by the cruel hand of fate. The alien’s stoic expression betrays no emotion, yet her attention remains riveted on the radio, as if absorbing every detail.

As the day wears on, her fascination with women and children intensifies, an unusual departure from her previous obsession with males. It is then that she encounters a new individual, who compliments her beauty and becomes entranced by the hypnotic quality of her eyes. Though her interest in him seems lukewarm compared to her earlier pursuits, they nonetheless find themselves drawn to each other, eventually entering a dilapidated dwelling where their presence fades into obscurity.

The woman’s next appearance is shrouded in mystery, as she applies lipstick in a dimly lit room with cobblestone flooring. The air is heavy with tension as the motorcycle man enters, his pacing a testament to his frustration and discontent. It is clear that he has taken issue with her actions, though the nature of their silent communication - whether through telepathy or some other means - remains opaque. His piercing stare into her eyes is a momentary reprieve from the turmoil brewing between them, before he turns away and exits the room, leaving the enigmatic woman to ponder the repercussions of her choices.

As the woman navigates her way down the sidewalk, an unexpected misstep sends her crashing to the ground, face-first onto the pavement. The sudden jolt seems to leave her reeling, as if the mere act of being brought low has awakened a sense of disconnection within her. She remains motionless for several moments before a sympathetic bystander lends a helping hand, asking if she’s alright and urging assistance. Her response is lukewarm at best, with a hint of perturbation lingering beneath the surface. As she rises to continue her stroll, she becomes acutely aware of the people passing by - men, women, children, elderly - going about their daily routines with smiles, laughter, and purpose. It’s as if the woman is encountering these individuals for the first time, seeing glimmers of herself in their faces.

Later that evening, from the confines of her van, she watches a solitary figure crossing an otherwise deserted street, but doesn’t make a move to intercept him. However, when a younger man appears at her window, his voice muffled by the glass, she remains unmoved. His persistence eventually gives way to a chorus of pounding on the windows from a trio of rough-looking individuals, demanding she exit the van. The question is, do they recognize her as the woman who whisked their friend away from the club or one of the other men she’d taken in? Given the extent of her nocturnal activities, it’s certainly possible. Yet, she drives off with an air of nonchalance, seemingly impervious to the commotion she’s left in her wake.

As night descends, the enigmatic alien woman embarks on another encounter, this time with Adam Pearson’s character, whose face bears the scars of neurofibromatosis. Without batting an eyelid, she employs her signature “lost” gambit to initiate a conversation, and he, seemingly resigned to his isolation, acquiesces to her advances. As they drive through the desolate landscape, her probing questions fail to register the full extent of his disfigurement, leaving him feeling both nervous and vulnerable.

The alien’s curiosity is piqued by his answers, particularly when she inquires about his last physical connection with another human being or whether anyone has touched him. With an unsettling intimacy, she takes his hand and allows him to explore her face, as if attempting to bridge the gulf between their disparate worlds. It’s possible that she believes herself uniquely equipped to offer this man a sense of human connection, untainted by the revulsion and fear that others might experience due to his condition.

As they enter the dilapidated house, the true extent of its decrepitude becomes apparent. The all-black room is bathed in an eerie silence, punctuated only by the sound of her footsteps as she leads him deeper into the darkness. With a sudden departure from her usual partial nudity, she strips bare, casting a mesmerizing silhouette against the blackness.

The disfigured man, entranced by her allure, follows her into the mysterious liquid, which seems to swallow him whole. As he disappears beneath the surface, a skeletal figure materializes on screen before the scene cuts away to reveal the woman standing at the top of the stairs, eerily still and lost in thought. For an extended moment, she gazes into the mirror’s grimy reflection, her eyes locked onto her own, as if grappling with the moral implications of her actions.

The tranquility is shattered by the insistent buzzing of a fly trapped outside, its rhythmic tapping drawing her attention away from her introspection, much like the fate that has befallen the man she just seduced.

As the curtain rises on the next scene, we find ourselves witness to a poignant tableau: our protagonistess departs the dilapidated dwelling, accompanied by the enigmatic figure of the deformed man, still clad in his birthday suit and seemingly entranced or oblivious to the events that have transpired. Her apparent decision to liberate him is underscored as he shambles off into the distance, heading towards a nearby town with the dawn breaking on the horizon. Meanwhile, the motorcyclist bursts onto the scene within a residential estate, parking his vehicle outside a bungalow and proceeding to smash the driver’s window before deftly manipulating a button to open the trunk. With deliberate strides, he marches towards the rear garden, where he encounters the deformed man attempting to climb over a fence. While we do not bear witness to any physical harm or violence being inflicted upon this vulnerable individual, it is evident from a distance that the motorcyclist has deposited another lifeless body into the trunk of his vehicle. The entire proceedings are watched with rapt attention by a neighbor peering out her window.

As the narrative takes a distinct turn, our focus shifts from the alien woman’s predatory inclinations to her burgeoning fascination with humanity and its intricacies. Later that day, she sets off towards a secluded beach, having shed her faux fur coat. Standing resolute in the fog-shrouded atmosphere of this desolate coastline, she appears to be contemplating her actions or grappling with the weight of her conscience. The distant sounds of singing and birdsong provide an eerie accompaniment as we observe her wandering down a deserted dirt road, seemingly lost in thought.

In a parallel development, the motorcyclist stands before the mirror of the abandoned house, his gaze fixated upon some unknown aspect of himself or the alien woman’s inner workings.

As the extraterrestrial woman wandered into the secluded mountain town, she stumbled upon a quaint eatery, its patrons indulging in hearty meals. Her gaze lingered on the delectable aroma wafting from the kitchen, and her eyes settled on a slice of rich chocolate cake. The allure was palpable, but as she took a tentative bite, her face contorted in disgust. Any notion that she might still be human was promptly extinguished; her inability to savor even the most basic human sustenance left no doubt about her true nature.

With an air of discomfort, she drifted through the town, seemingly intent on departing. However, a villager’s timely announcement that the bus would soon arrive caused her to alter course and take up residence at the stop. As the vehicle pulled in, she boarded with a mix of trepidation and resignation. The bus driver’s casual inquiry about her well-being - “Feeling alright?” - was met with a vacant stare, while a fellow passenger’s concerned gaze was reciprocated with an air of mystification.

As they disembarked together, the duo made their way to the local grocery store, where she marveled at the unfamiliar goods on display. Her confusion was palpable as she wandered the aisles, her new companion’s jacket wrapped around her shoulders like a tentative lifeline. Their destination was his humble abode, where she watched in silence as he devoured his meal while she left hers untouched. Later, they succumbed to the allure of television and radio, her fingers drumming an aimless rhythm as the music played.

As night descended, her host brought her a soothing cup of tea, bidding her a gentle goodnight as he retired for the evening. In the stillness, she ventured into the room where she was staying, her gaze roving over her own uncanny form with a mix of fascination and trepidation. Her fingers danced across her toes, legs, and fingertips, as if attempting to reconcile the alien landscape that was her body.

Meanwhile, a trio of rugged motorcyclists tore down the winding road, their paths diverging like tributaries on a quest to track down the rogue extraterrestrial. Their search party, scattered in various directions, seemed driven by an insatiable curiosity about the mysterious woman who had left such a profound impression on their quiet mountain community.

The next morning, her host escorted her on a leisurely stroll through the town, his arms wrapping protectively around her as he lifted and carried her across a deep puddle. Unbeknownst to them both, one of these motorcyclists had paused at an overpass, scanning the horizon with an air of intensity, as if attempting to tap into some sixth sense that would guide him to their quarry.

As the enigmatic woman’s emotions unfold in response to the kind stranger’s gentle treatment, her demeanor shifts, and she becomes increasingly expressive. In the intimate setting of his home, their proximity sparks a momentary lapse, as if she is on the cusp of surrendering to a long-suppressed desire. The man obliges, and they begin to shed their inhibitions, but as he reaches for intimacy, an unexpected hesitation besets him. The woman’s confusion is palpable, given her previous history of calculated seduction. She allows herself to be guided by his lead, yet just as the moment teeters on the brink of consummation, a sudden epiphany washes over her. With a dawning realization, she seizes a light source and directs it towards her pelvis, revealing an incomplete human form that defies explanation. Abashed and disoriented, she departs the stranger’s home, only to be seen fleeing across a desolate landscape, cloaked in the coat gifted by the bus passenger, her movements marked by urgency as she navigates the treacherous terrain. The rain-soaked field, surrounded by a vast and foreboding forest, seems to mirror the turmoil brewing within her. It is unclear whether her haste is driven by shame or embarrassment stemming from the encounter with the stranger, or if she is actively evading the motorcycle gang that has been hot on her trail.

As she ventures deeper into the woods, the silence is broken only by the rustling of leaves and the gentle patter of raindrops. It’s then that she encounters a rugged forest worker, who engages her in conversation about the natural world around them, his words falling on deaf ears. His parting inquiry - “Are you on your own?” - hangs in the air like an unspoken concern, as he departs into the misty veil of rain.

Seeking shelter from the relentless downpour, she stumbles upon a humble stone-built hut designed for weary hikers. The fireplace, shrouded in a thick layer of black soot, seems to beckon her toward its warmth. Perhaps it’s the faint echoes of memories past - the crumbling house with its dark chamber where secrets were kept - or maybe it’s simply the primal urge to escape the biting chill that drives her to seek refuge by the fire. As she settles into a corner, zipping up her coat and curling into a ball, the world outside fades away, replaced by the soft hum of her own ragged breathing.

Time loses all meaning as she drifts off to sleep, only to be jolted awake by an unexpected visitor - the same forest worker who had earlier shown her kindness. His rough hands grasp for her, and she snaps into a state of high alert, fleeing the cabin with a sense of primal fear.

As she regains her bearings, she realizes that the woods are eerily still, devoid of any pursuit. Finding solace in the nearby logging truck, she climbs into the driver’s seat, only to be confronted by the same forest worker, now transformed into a force of unbridled aggression. The struggle is intense and violent, leaving both her clothes and skin torn asunder, revealing yet another layer of dark, scaly flesh beneath.

Stunned and frightened, she rises from the wreckage, slowly peeling away the remnants of human skin from her face and upper body. As if in a daze, she kneels down, cradling the still-blinking visage in her lap. The forest worker, his actions now driven by a malevolent intent, sneaks up behind her, douses her with gasoline, and deploys a match.

As the flames lick at her legs, the alien, carrying the charred remains of her human flesh, stumbles away from the inferno. Though it’s unclear whether she sees or is seen by the motorcycle man standing watch on a distant hilltop, one thing is certain - her journey has reached its most precarious and desperate hour.

In this moment of chaos and desperation, she collapses, her body ravaged by fire as the darkness closes in around her. The fate that awaits her remains shrouded in mystery, leaving only the faintest glimmer of hope to guide her through the smoldering ruins of her human existence.

As the curtain closes on this extraterrestrial tale, the once-proud form of the alien woman has been reduced to a mere pile of smoldering ash, the fiery inferno that consumed her body slowly succumbing to the forces of extinction. The camera lingers on this poignant tableau, capturing every detail as the flames that once danced with such malevolent intent now fizzle and fade away, leaving only a faint haze of smoke in their wake.

As the wispy tendrils of fog rise into the atmosphere, the lens zooms out to reveal a desolate winter wonderland, the sky above transforming into a canvas of snowflakes gently falling from the heavens like tears shed for the fallen. The prolonged shot of this wintry landscape serves as a haunting coda, casting a somber tone over the entire narrative and leaving the viewer with a profound sense of melancholy and loss.

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