
Does We Summon the Darkness have end credit scenes?


We Summon the Darkness does not have end credit scenes.

We Summon the Darkness

We Summon the Darkness


As heavy metal fans Alexis and her friends hit the road, a gruesome news report sparks morbid fascination. A night of moshing and mayhem gives way to an unsettling encounter with three strangers at Alexis's father's foreboding estate, where the lines between revelry and terror blur in a descent into darkness.

Runtime: 91 min

Box Office: $191K








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Check out what happened in We Summon the Darkness!

In the sweltering summer of 1988, three friends - Alexis Butler, Val, and Bev - embark on a journey to a heavy metal concert in Indiana. The carefree evening takes an unexpected turn when a milkshake is hurled from a mysterious blue van onto their windshield. As they arrive at the show, they're met with an eerie sense of déjà vu as the same van reappears, its occupants eager to make contact. Val, ever the thrill-seeker, decides to take matters into her own hands and sets off a firecracker, prompting the three boys - Ivan, Kovacs, and Mark (who's bound for Los Angeles) - to emerge from their vehicle.

As the night wears on, Alexis invites the quartet back to her father's vacant mansion, where the atmosphere turns decidedly more sinister. Bev and Mark seem to be hitting it off, but there's an undeniable sense of unease as Bev appears to deliberately avoid Mark. The evening descends into chaos when the girls concoct a deadly game of Never Have I Ever, secretly drugging their hosts' drinks with the intention of claiming their lives.

The Daughters of the Dawn, a cult-like organization that Alexis is deeply entrenched in, has already claimed the lives of eighteen others in similarly gruesome fashion. As the night wears on, Ivan becomes increasingly critical of Alexis's rigid religious beliefs, prompting her to lash out in a fit of rage and stab him to death.

Meanwhile, Mark and Kovacs manage to escape their would-be killers, hiding out in a pantry as they desperately seek an exit strategy. However, their reprieve is short-lived, as Susan, Alexis's soon-to-be ex-stepmother, arrives home to find the carnage unfolding before her eyes. In a chilling turn of events, she stumbles upon Ivan's lifeless body and meets a gruesome end at the hands of Alexis.

As the police begin to close in on the chaos, Alexis makes a hasty retreat, only to be pursued by an officer who seems suspiciously keen to uncover the truth. Val seizes the opportunity to take out her pursuer, snatching his gun and ending his life with a fatal shot.

As the dust settles, Bev intervenes, brandishing an electric outboard trolling motor as a warning to her friends. The usually devoted duo of Alexis and Val are at odds over their next move, but it's clear that they're determined to see their twisted plan through to its gruesome conclusion. Meanwhile, Bev has reached a turning point, realizing that she can't in good conscience condone the murder of two innocent men. In a tense standoff, she forces her friends to reconsider their actions, ultimately deciding to release Mark and Kovacs from their grasp.

As Kovacs' life force begins to ebb away, Bev desperately tries to keep him alive, racing against the clock to get him to a hospital before it's too late. Mark, meanwhile, embarks on a frantic quest for car keys, ultimately securing them from Alexis but not without a violent confrontation that leaves both combatants battered and bruised. The chaos is further compounded when Val turns her attention to Bev, launching a brutal assault that only ends with Bev retaliating by setting Val ablaze, courtesy of the latter's overabundance of hairspray-soaked locks. Amidst the mayhem, Kovacs catches sight of John Henry Butler, Alexis' father and pastor of the Daughters of the Dawn, and stumbles outside to find him, only to be met with a bullet that sends him tumbling back into the house where Bev finds him. As Kovacs' vision begins to fade, he implores Bev to save Mark.

The ensuing struggle is short-lived, as John Henry turns his attention to Mark, shooting him and then berating Alexis for her ineptitude in covering up their crimes. He warns her that they must make sacrifices to extricate themselves from the predicament she has created, before attempting to strangle her to death. However, Bev intervenes, landing a blow that sends John Henry crashing to the ground. A crazed Alexis then engages Bev in a fierce physical confrontation, but ultimately falls victim to her own momentum, tumbling out of the window and leaving Mark, still alive, to make his escape with Bev. As they flee town together, their path is unexpectedly blocked by an unwavering Alexis, who meets a gruesome end at the hands of Bev's reckoning. In the aftermath, John Henry feigns injury, spinning a narrative that paints his daughter as having been seduced by dark forces and joining a Satanic cult. With their troubles seemingly behind them, Bev and Mark set off into the unknown together.