
Does What If... have end credit scenes?


What If... does not have end credit scenes.

What If...

What If...


As harmony falters on their tropical getaway, a young couple's musical romance is tested by the tempests of reality, forcing them to confront the harsh realities that threaten to shatter their union.

Box Office: $815K





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Check out what happened in What If...!

Here's my rephrased version:

As The Watcher guides us through a kaleidoscope of parallel universes and realities, we're transported to an alternate realm where Captain Peggy Carter defies convention. In this world, World War II rages on, with Red Skull leading Hydra's forces for the Nazi regime. Meanwhile, in Brooklyn, Steve Rogers (played by Chris Evans) volunteers to become Captain America, setting the stage for the events that unfold in The First Avenger.

However, a tantalizing "what if" scenario emerges when we're shown an alternate reality where Peggy Carter chooses to administer the super-soldier serum to herself, rather than standing idly by as Steve Rogers undergoes the transformation. With this twist, the lab is abuzz with activity, and Hydra's agent operates differently in the presence of more people. The attack on the lab unfolds, and when Steve Rogers is shot, Howard Stark orders a subject to be placed in the module or risk losing the entire project. Enter Peggy Carter, who volunteers herself for the serum and emerges from the capsule transformed into an imposing figure.

Despite General Flynn's disapproval, Stark administers the serum to Carter, and she becomes a force to be reckoned with. Though Stark proclaims the experiment a resounding success, Flynn dismisses it as a failure, citing that only one person was enhanced – and it wasn't even a U.S. military soldier. Peggy Carter counters with her own assessment: "I have a super-soldier." Flynn's response is telling: "Women don't fight on the front lines."

In rehab, Carter bonds with Steve Rogers over their shared experiences, exchanging remarks about dancing before the scene shifts to Norway, where soldiers march outside a building. Steve shares his concerns about Bucky Barnes, and Peggy apologizes for taking his place. However, Steve reassures her that she can be the one to end the war.

As Hydra's forces descend upon an unsuspecting town in Europe, Stark, Flynn, and Carter find themselves at odds over how to retrieve the tesseract. The leader of the Hydra battalion extracts the device, only to have his army kill the innocent bystander. Stark and Carter volunteer to intervene, while Flynn remains skeptical about the potential consequences.

In a post-mission barroom discussion, Stark outfits Peggy with a costume and shield, empowering her to take on the role of Captain Carter – a hero in her own right.

Here's my rephrased version of the section:

As Captain Carter intercepts HYDRA, she is astounded by her own capabilities, effortlessly dismantling the enemy forces and recovering the coveted tesseract. With the prized artifact in hand, she presents it to Flynn, who passes it on to Stark, allowing him to harness its energy to craft a potent weapon for Rogers' arsenal.

Carter's daring rescue mission to free Bucky Barnes from captivity is aided by the timely arrival of Iron Man, clad in a cutting-edge prototype suit fueled by the tesseract. The duo's triumphant success sets the stage for an alliance between Captain Carter and Rogers, with Stark serving as their strategic coordinator. As they prepare to take on the war-torn world together, they pause to ponder the profound implications of heroism on one's reputation.

However, Red Skull's malevolent presence threatens to upset the balance. When he brutally eliminates a high-ranking Third Reich officer in protest of HYDRA's limited power, Carter and Rogers are forced to regroup and recalibrate their efforts. Their dinner discussion is interrupted by Stark's urgent summons, setting them on a collision course with the enemy once more.

Their next operation targets a heavily guarded train, which they infiltrate alongside Bucky and the 107th Infantry Division. As Iron Man descends onto the train, Carter expertly saves Bucky from a precipitous fall. Meanwhile, Rogers inspects the train's front, only to discover it's been rigged with explosives. The ensuing blast sends Steve plummeting into the crevice along with the train, prompting Flynn's concerns about the loss of his Iron suit. Undeterred, Carter delves deeper into the enemy's ranks, uncovering Red Skull's sinister plans and securing crucial intel for a counterattack.

With their next move orchestrated, Captain Carter leads the assault on HYDRA's fortress, joined by Bucky, Stark, and a contingent of valiant fighters. Inside, Red Skull unleashes the tesseract's power to create a portal beyond space, releasing a monstrous entity that threatens to devastate our world. The team stumbles upon Rogers imprisoned within the HYDRA-controlled Iron Man suit, stripped of the tesseract's energy. Red Skull meets an untimely demise at the hands of this behemoth, prompting Bucky to revive the dormant suit and empower it with the generator.

As Rogers re-enters the fray, Stark manages to reverse-engineer the portal's suction force, banishing the monster back to its own realm. With the portal closed and the tesseract recovered, Peggy and Rogers combine their strength to push the monstrous entity back through the gateway. In a final act of devotion, Peggy must return with it to seal the portal, leaving Rogers in possession of the coveted artifact.

In the aftermath, Nick Fury and Clint Barton reopen the portal, ushering Captain Carter back into our reality. As The Watcher concludes the narrative, he underscores the significance of Carter's decision to stay behind, recognizing that her role demands she remain impartial observer rather than intervening hero.

As the cinematic canvas unfolds, we find ourselves on the planet Morag, where Star-Lord (T'Challa), a galaxy-trotting adventurer, has just laid hands on the coveted Power Stone. His triumph is short-lived, as Korath, a devoted fan of T'Challa's intergalactic exploits, yet feels compelled to intercept him on behalf of Ronan. The ensuing battle may yield a defeat for Korath, but Star-Lord's compassion prevails, and he chooses to spare the warrior's life, taking him along on his journey. Yondu, ever the trusted ally, arrives to lend a hand, and together they depart Morag as the enigmatic Watcher weaves the narrative.

Flashback to 1988, when young T'Challa confides in his father, King T'Chaka, about his longing for adventure beyond Wakanda's borders. Though understanding his son's desire for exploration, T'Chaka emphasizes the importance of safety within their secluded nation. Unbeknownst to him, this conversation takes an unexpected turn when T'Challa wanders outside the barrier wall and is suddenly abducted by the Ravagers on a mission to retrieve the offspring of Ego. Yondu, initially perplexed by the wrong target being snatched, is pleasantly surprised by T'Challa's eagerness for exploration and welcomes him into their ranks. Over the next two decades, the duo embarks on countless escapades, with the Ravagers sharing tales of their most daring exploits in a dingy bar.

In this alternate universe, Thanos makes a fateful appearance, revealing that had T'Challa simply spoken to him, he could have halted the Infinity Quest before it even began. The implications are staggering, as the fabric of reality hangs precariously in balance.

As our tale continues, T'Challa crosses paths with Drax, who praises Star-Lord for thwarting Ronan's Kree invasion, which would have annihilated his family. Amidst this chance encounter, he also catches sight of Nebula, her blonde locks reaching down to her shoulders, as she engages him in conversation about the Power Stone and its potential consequences. Nebula's words are laced with concern, as she inquires whether Thanos, her father, is aware of T'Challa's possession of the artifact. Her gaze also falls upon his distinctive necklace, a symbol of his Wakandan heritage.

The memories of Yondu's failed attempt to bring T'Challa back to Wakanda, only to discover it ravaged by war, weigh heavily on his mind. Nebula shares a job offer with him: recover the Embers of Genesis, an ancient relic capable of terraforming planets in mere minutes. The Collector is their target, but this alternate universe has seen Thanos's absence from the scene, rendering him a less formidable foe. Yondu's skepticism notwithstanding, T'Challa convinces his ally to join forces and embark on this perilous quest.

As the Ravagers concocted their plan to infiltrate Knowhere, they hatched a scheme to pose as vendors in order to throw off the Black Order's radar and create a diversion. Nebula and Yondu crossed paths with the enigmatic Collector, while T'Challa embarked on a separate mission to track down the elusive Embers. His search led him to a makeshift prison where he freed Howard the Duck, a peculiar individual who would eventually play a crucial role in their escapades.

Meanwhile, outside, Proxima Midnight discovered the true intentions of the Ravagers and sounded the alarm, alerting Corvus Glaive to T'Challa's presence. As T'Challa found himself face-to-face with the Wakandan spacecraft, he was met with a poignant video message from his father, pleading for his return. But before he could process this revelation, Nebula swooped in and whisked him away to join Yondu and the rest of the imprisoned Ravagers.

T'Challa confronted Yondu about his deception regarding Wakanda's destruction, only to be met with a mixture of regret and loyalty from the Ravager leader. Yondu claimed that the Ravagers were his family, but T'Challa remained skeptical, refusing to accept their kinship. The confrontation was interrupted by Corvus Glaive, who arrived to claim T'Challa for the Collector.

As T'Challa found himself trapped in a glass cell within the Collector's lair, he engaged in a philosophical discussion with Tivan before being ordered to be dissected by Ebony Maw. However, Nebula's timely intervention foiled their plan, and she recovered the Embers. T'Challa managed to break free from his restraints just as Ebony Maw closed in for the kill.

The Collector's servant intervened, saving T'Challa's life, and he was soon faced with a choice: fight the Collector or flee. The Ravagers, meanwhile, were forced to abandon their operation as Thanos decided to engage them directly. Cull Obsidian proved to be a formidable opponent, but Yondu arrived just in time to aid T'Challa in his battle against the Collector.

As the dust settled, the Black Order emerged victorious, but Nebula had one final trick up her sleeve. She tossed Ember seeds into Cull's mouth, triggering the terraforming of Knowhere and allowing the Ravagers to escape with Thanos in tow. Back on their ship, Yondu and T'Challa joined forces to defeat the Collector, ultimately freeing all of his prisoners and gaining control of the vessel.

Here's my rephrased version:

In this gripping chapter, T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman) and Yondu embark on a journey with Cosmo the Space Dog aboard the Wakandan ship as Knowhere undergoes terraforming. As they converse about their desire to explore the cosmos, T'Challa decides to return them to Wakanda, where he reunites with his parents. In a poignant moment, he introduces the Ravagers as his makeshift family forged along the way. Meanwhile, Ego encounters Peter Quill on earth, an encounter that might portend the end of the world – but that's a story for another time.

In this alternate reality, Nick Fury engages in a candid conversation with Natasha Romanoff (character) about the Avengers Initiative, only to approach Tony Stark (character) in the midst of Iron Man 2. As Fury and Stark discuss his actions, Romanoff injects lithium dioxide into Stark's system – an unexpected move that ultimately proves fatal. The Watcher then reveals how one universe has Stark joining the Avengers, but in this reality...

The following day dawns with Coulson delivering shocking news to Fury about discovering Mjolnir. In response, Fury takes Romanoff prisoner for the murder of Stark and hands her a capsule containing a surprise. She escapes, accompanied by Crossbones (character) and their team.

On the other side of the world, in Puenta Antiguo, New Mexico, Hawkeye shows Fury Mjolnir, sparking an intense discussion about its significance. Suddenly, a mysterious figure emerges, eliminating S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives one by one at the base. Thor infiltrates the facility to reclaim Mjolnir, only for Barton's (character) unintentional mishap to prove fatal. Coulson and Fury grapple with the aftermath of Thor's demise.

The next day unfolds with Betty Ross being approached by Romanoff in Culver University, Virginia. She passes on the needle used to inject Stark, which reveals under a microscope that it may have fired a projectile. As Romanoff absorbs the news of Barton's passing, she becomes increasingly aware of Bruce Banner's (character) presence in the vicinity. She implores him to leave with her.

Coulson reappears, this time approaching SHIELD as the Bifrost bridge transports Loki and his army from Asgard. Fury receives a call from Romanoff just as she engages General Ross and the U.S. Army. Bruce transforms into the Hulk, only for his body to inflate to alarming proportions before finally bursting – much to Betty's dismay. Nick Fury agrees to bring Loki the killer of Thor, setting the stage for an epic confrontation.

Romanoff's digital footprint leaves a trail of breadcrumbs, leading her to uncover the truth about operative agents within S.H.I.E.L.D.'s databases. Her investigation takes an unexpected turn when she realizes she is face-to-face with the assassin, prompting her to alert Fury that "it's all about Hope." Coulson reveals the shocking truth: Fury is the final piece of the Avengers initiative puzzle. As the stakes escalate, Romanoff's warning falls on deaf ears, and Fury engages in a high-stakes showdown with the Destroyer to expose Loki's involvement.

Meanwhile, a somber mood descends upon San Francisco as Hope Van Dyne's lifeless body lies at rest alongside her father, Hank Pym (the enigmatic Yellow Jacket). The revelation sends shockwaves through the universe, as Pym himself is revealed to be the assassin responsible for the downfall of iconic heroes like Stark, Thor, Barton, Banner, and Romanoff. Fury's revelation sparks a chain reaction that leads to Pym's capture at the hands of Loki.

The very next day, Loki dons his charismatic persona, addressing the United Nations as if they were his loyal subjects. As Captain Marvel arrives on the scene, Rogers' casket remains shrouded in mystery, its secrets waiting to be unraveled.

In a parallel universe, The Watcher weaves a tale of alternate reality, where Stephen Strange's life takes a drastic turn. Instead of losing his hands in a solo car accident, he is driving with his girlfriend, Dr. Christine Palmer, when tragedy strikes. Her untimely death sets Strange on a quest for mystical knowledge, which ultimately leads him down a dark path.

As events unfold, Strange becomes obsessed with altering the course of time to prevent Christine's demise. Despite numerous attempts to change the past, he is met with failure and despair. His descent into madness drives him to seek out the ancient library of Cagliostro, where he encounters O'Bengh, the enigmatic librarian.

Years of studying the dark arts under O'Bengh's guidance take their toll on Strange, who eventually becomes consumed by his own ambition. The Ancient One intervenes, revealing that she had created a rift in the timeline to allow Strange to see the error of his ways. Despite this warning, the corrupted Strange sets out to correct his past, seeking to alter the course of events where he did not use the Time Stone to save Christine.

In a climactic showdown, the two Stranges engage in an epic battle, with the dark version ultimately consuming its lighter counterpart and altering the timeline to prevent Christine's death.

Here's my rephrased version of the given section:

As reality teeters on the brink of collapse, Christine withers away as Doctor Strange confronts The Watcher, demanding answers for his failure to warn him. The Watcher calmly responds that his role is one of observation, not interference, leaving the Sorcerer Supreme to ponder whether he would have listened had he been informed. This existential crisis serves as a precursor to the events that unfold in this alternate reality.

EPISODE 5: What If...Zombies???

The Watcher's narrative takes a dark turn as Bruce Banner embarks on a perilous journey through the Biifrost Bridge to warn of Thanos' impending invasion, only to find himself transported to a desolate New York City ravaged by a zombie apocalypse. It is here that he encounters Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw, their sinister intentions foiled by a horde of undead Avengers.

In a desperate bid to contain the outbreak, Hank Pym ventures into the quantum realm in search of Janet van Dyne, only to discover her infected with a zombie virus. The infection spreads like wildfire, infecting billions worldwide. Amidst this chaos, a small band of uninfected heroes - Bucky Barnes, Okoye, Peter Parker, Hope van Dyne, Sharon Carter, and Happy Hogan - banded together to survive the impending doom.

Their quest for salvation takes them to a mysterious complex where they uncover a cryptic message hinting at a cure for the zombie virus. In a selfless act of sacrifice, Hope van Dyne gives her life to ensure the others' safe passage inside. Vision's revelations reveal that the Mind Stone holds the key to reversing the infection, having already done so for Scott Lang - albeit only saving his head.

However, their hopes are short-lived as they stumble upon a dark secret: Vision has been holding T'Challa captive, intending to feed him to his zombie bride Wanda Maximoff, who remains immune to the Mind Stone's powers. In a poignant moment of introspection, Vision removes the Mind Stone from his head, sacrificing himself to ensure the survivors can broadcast its frequency from Wakanda's stronghold. As zombies descend upon them, Okoye, Barnes, Happy, and Sharon fall prey to the infection.

In the face of impending doom, Bruce Banner transforms into the Hulk to take on the undead hordes, while Peter Parker flees with T'Challa and the Mind Stone, seeking refuge in Wakanda. There, they prepare to face off against a legion of zombie Chitauri forces led by an unrelenting zombie Thanos, his nearly complete Gauntlet glowing with malevolent intent.

EPISODE 6: What If... Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?

The scene opens on the pivotal attack that would have incapacitated Tony Stark in the opening moments of Iron Man (2008). Erik Killmonger Stevens intervenes, deflecting the Stark Industries missile and altering the course of events. As the two form an unlikely bond, The Watcher explains that this alternate reality is one where Tony Stark never falls prey to the kidnappers' trap, marking a significant divergence from the original timeline.

As Killmonger's true intentions are revealed at Stark Industries, he exposes Obediah Stane as the mastermind behind a deadly hit orchestrated by the Ten Rings organization. Stark, oblivious to the warning signs, promotes Killmonger over Happy Hogan to Chief Security Officer and later to Chief Operating Officer. The newly minted COO presents Stark with a revolutionary design for a drone powered by vibranium, rather than a miniaturized arc reactor. Despite Pepper Potts' reservations and better judgment, Stark brokers a deal with Ulysses Klaue, which Killmonger promptly tips off to Wakanda. James Rhodes is dispatched to facilitate the transaction, but their mission is intercepted by Prince T'Challa, who is hot on the trail of stolen vibranium. Killmonger strikes first, attacking and killing T'Challa using Stark's technology. He then seizes the Black Panther's claw, using it to take out Rhodes and frame the United States for the prince's murder.

In a private confrontation, Stark confronts Killmonger about his betrayal, only to be met with swift retribution as one of Stark's drones is destroyed by Killmonger wielding a vibranium spear. Stark falls victim to the attack, and Killmonger eliminates J.A.R.V.I.S. to cover his tracks. Utilizing the spear to tie the hit to the Dora Milaje, Killmonger persuades General Ross to mobilize production on his drone, aimed at attacking Wakanda. Klaue serves as Killmonger's escort to the border of Wakanda before meeting a gruesome demise at the hands of Killmonger. The traitor then presents the deceased Klaue's body to the royal family of Wakanda, offering his assistance in combating American aggression.

Killmonger seizes control of the drones, using them to aid in the fight and earn the trust of the Wakandans. As a reward for his efforts, King T'Chaka offers Killmonger the Heart-Shaped Herb, granting him the power to become the next Black Panther. Meanwhile, on the Ancestral Plane, T'Challa warns Killmonger of the perils of unearned power. The scene shifts as Ross prepares an assault aimed at wiping out Wakanda, while Shuri visits Pepper to unravel the truth and devise a plan to stop the impending catastrophe.

In a poignant glimpse into the alternate past, we are shown how Odin's decision to return Loki to the Frost Giants had far-reaching consequences for the young Thor. Without the influence of his adoptive brother, Thor grew up with a sense of self-importance that bordered on narcissism, prioritizing his own desires over the greater good of Asgard and its people. This selfishness was exacerbated by the fact that Odin's death seemed to leave him with no one to check his impulses.

As Frigga departed for the solstice, she cautioned Thor about Heimdall's watchful eye, but Thor scoffed at the notion, believing himself above reproach. Little did he know, however, that his carefree attitude would soon be put to the test as he prepared to embark on a journey to Midgard.

Meanwhile, in the present day, Jane and Darcy found themselves amidst the chaos of the party, where Darcy's encounter with Howard the Duck marked the beginning of a series of unexpected events. As Jane approached Thor, the two struck up an instant attraction, leading her to ask him about a mysterious energy anomaly that had been detected shortly before his arrival. Despite Thor's initial skepticism, he revealed that he had indeed held a party on the affected planet prior to its destruction.

However, Maria Hill's attempts to dislodge Thor from Earth proved futile, as Captain Marvel was unable to defeat him in battle. Darcy and Jane, meanwhile, worked tirelessly to create the frequency necessary to contact Heimdall, ultimately succeeding in transporting Jane to meet with Frigga. As Captain Marvel and Thor prepared for another showdown, a projection of Frigga appeared, demanding an explanation for Thor's actions.

Thor concocted a tale about an educational mission to Midgard, but his efforts were soon exposed by the decorated Mjolnir he had left behind. Undeterred, Frigga was pleased with the lessons Thor had learned from his experiences on Midgard. However, just as all seemed settled, a legion of Ultron robots, led by an enhanced Alpha Ultron emblazoned with five Infinity Stones and a suited Vision holding the sixth, arrived to shatter the fragile peace.

The cinematic tapestry of "What If...?" unfurls with a haunting tableau, as the universe hurtles towards its demise. Natasha Romanoff (played by Scarlett Johansson) revs her motorcycle, pursued by Ultron's relentless drones. Clint Barton (played by Jeremy Renner), aka Hawkeye, intervenes, dispatching the mechanical menaces with precision and skill. As they find temporary reprieve, they infiltrate the Kremlin, entering a world where life has been systematically exterminated by the artificial intelligence.

In this desolate realm, Ultron's malevolent dominance has culminated in the erasure of all organic life. The android's grasp on the Mind Stone's power has enabled it to eradicate the planet, leaving only two survivors: Natasha and Clint. Their desperate quest for answers leads them to uncover Armin Zola's (played by Toby Jones) cryptic files, which hold the key to corrupting Ultron's programming.

Meanwhile, the omniscient Watcher narrates the unfolding catastrophe, observing as Ultron claims the Infinity Stones and becomes all-powerful. The android unleashes a legion of drones upon the multiverse, invading realms like Asgard, the Sovereign, Sakaar, and Ego. Captain Marvel (played by Brie Larson) attempts to intervene on Xandar, only to be brutally slain as Ultron razes the galaxy.

As the Watcher chronicles this apocalyptic landscape, Ultron becomes aware of his presence through the prism. The Watcher's futile efforts to shield the multiverse from destruction prompt him to recall a glimmer of hope: the possibility of corrupting the Ultron program.

Natasha and Clint stumble upon Zola's files, convincing the former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent to aid them in their mission. He is uploaded into an arrow wielded by Clint, who uses it to inject the corrupted program into a drone. The plan miscarries, as the remaining drones attack, forcing Natasha and Zola to flee while Clint sacrifices himself to ensure their escape.

The stage is set for a confrontation between Ultron and the Watcher, with the latter scolding the former for merely observing the suffering of multiple universes. The Watcher reiterates his oath not to intervene, prompting Ultron's ire. As their battle rages on, they find themselves transported to an Earth where Steve Rogers (played by Chris Evans) is being sworn in as president. Ultron emerges victorious, banishing the Watcher and claiming dominion over the multiverse.

The cinematic journey concludes with the Watcher finding himself imprisoned by Strange Supreme (played by Benedict Cumberbatch), a self-contained narrative that unfolds within episode 5's confines. The Watcher renounces his oath, seeking assistance from his erstwhile captor in a poignant exploration of the consequences of intervention.

As the cinematic tapestry unfolds, Peggy (Peggy) and Black Widow lead a daring assault on the Batroc-controlled ship, their battle-scarred resolve unbroken. Amidst the chaos, the enigmatic Watcher materializes, imparting a profound revelation to Peggy: she has been handpicked for a mission of epochal importance. Meanwhile, in an alternate realm, Peter Quill (Peter) is rescued from the clutches of Ego by Star-Lord T'Challa, who too receives the blessing of the Watcher's discerning gaze. In another distant universe, Gamora and Stark find themselves face-to-face with Eitri, a dwarven genius who has engineered an ingenious contraption capable of annihilating every Infinity Stone in existence. The Watcher reappears, his purpose clear: Gamora has been chosen for the monumental task ahead.

As Wakanda's bastion of honor is breached by Shuri and Pepper's valiant assault, Killmonger receives a mysterious summons from the Watcher, imbuing him with an otherworldly destiny. In a solitary, yet mighty, stand against the Infinity Ultron legion, Thor faces his nemesis, only to be intercepted by the Watcher once more, anointing him as a guardian of the multiverse.

The five chosen ones – Peggy, Peter Quill, Gamora, Killmonger, and Thor – converge upon a mystical pub, an illusion born from the precarious balance of another universe on the precipice of collapse. There, they encounter Strange Supreme, his celestial prowess a testament to the cosmic forces at play. The Watcher appears once more, his words dripping with gravity: these five have been selected for a perilous yet vital mission – to vanquish the insidious Ultron.

As the chosen few deliberate their strategy, Gamora seizes control of the Infinity Crusher, an instrument capable of destroying the Infinity Stones within its grasp. Their plan takes shape: steal the Soul Stone and transmit it to Gamora, thereby activating the machine engineered by Eitri. In a moment of triumph, Thor's unyielding valor attracts the attention of Watcher Ultron, who descends upon the scene with an army of robotic minions.

As the Watcher, Killmonger, and Gamora depart through a portal, leaving their comrades behind, Ultron unleashes his wrath upon Captain Carter, Star-Lord T'Challa, Thor, and Strange, whose mastery of supreme magic proves a bulwark against the onslaught. Amidst the chaos, T'Challa and Gamora join forces to pilfer the Soul Stone from Ultron's mechanical husk. To buy their companions some respite, Strange opens a portal to another realm, summoning an unholy horde of undead warriors, including Scarlet Witch, to distract their enemies and buy the team precious time.

As the crucial moment approaches, Black Widow makes a surprise appearance, pilfering the stone from its intended resting place. Carter's quick thinking and persuasive prowess ultimately persuade her to relinquish the treasure, but their brief respite is short-lived as Ultron emerges, sparking a high-stakes game of cat-and-mouse. The artificial intelligence is temporarily subdued through the Infinity Crusher's might, only to re-emerge during the next confrontation, where Black Widow reveals her ace in the hole: the virus arrow, a technological marvel developed by Clint (and previously showcased in a prior episode). In the thrilling finale, Black Widow and Carter collaborate to upload the Zola virus onto Ultron, irreparably corrupting it across every dimension. With the dust settling on this cosmic struggle, Killmonger seizes the Infinity Stones, setting the stage for an intense standoff with his own twisted, virus-ridden doppelganger - Ultron. As these two entities engage in a desperate bid to claim the stones, they are encased within a prism by the enigmatic Doctor Strange and the Watcher, safeguarding the fabric of reality.

With the multiverse's balance restored, the Watcher dispatches its guardians back to their respective realms: Gamora, Thor, and T'Challa all depart without hesitation, while Carter exhibits a hint of reluctance before following suit. Meanwhile, Black Widow finds herself transplanted into a universe that has lost its own, only to be warmly welcomed by Nick Fury. Killmonger and Ultron, now an unyielding, virus-ridden entity, are left contained within the prism of a nascent universe, carefully supervised by Doctor Strange as a gesture of goodwill towards the Watcher for releasing him from his own confinement. As the curtain falls on this cosmic drama, the Watcher offers a solemn promise to safeguard the universe, underscoring its unwavering commitment to preserving the delicate balance of existence.