You Only Live Twice 1967

Box Office



117 min

As global tensions escalate, a rogue spacecraft sparks a catastrophic chain reaction, threatening to ignite World War III. Enter James Bond, who embarks on a perilous mission to Japan to uncover the truth behind the sinister plot, only to confront his arch-nemesis Blofeld in a showdown that will shake the very foundations of international relations.

As global tensions escalate, a rogue spacecraft sparks a catastrophic chain reaction, threatening to ignite World War III. Enter James Bond, who embarks on a perilous mission to Japan to uncover the truth behind the sinister plot, only to confront his arch-nemesis Blofeld in a showdown that will shake the very foundations of international relations.

Does You Only Live Twice have end credit scenes?


You Only Live Twice does not have end credit scenes.






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You Only Live Twice Quiz: Test your knowledge on the classic 1967 Bond film, You Only Live Twice.

What does the hijacked spacecraft Jupiter 16 belong to?

Plot Summary

As the unsuspecting world watches, American NASA spacecraft Jupiter 16 is suddenly hijacked from orbit by an unidentified spaceship, leaving a trail of mystery and suspicion. While the United States points fingers at the Soviet Union as the prime culprit, the British suspect a more cunning plot unfolding in the Sea of Japan, where the spacecraft has mysteriously landed. In response to this international enigma, MI6 operative James Bond (insert actor name) is dispatched to Tokyo, his existence cleverly hidden by faking his own demise in Hong Kong and being laid to rest at sea aboard HMS Tenby.

Upon arriving in Tokyo, Bond attends a sumo tournament, where he is unexpectedly approached by the enigmatic female Japanese secret service agent Aki. She leads him to local MI6 operative Dikko Henderson, who possesses crucial information about the hijacked spacecraft. However, before Henderson can reveal his secrets, a ruthless hitman silences him permanently. Bond dispatches the assassin and assumes the victim’s disguise, using his cunning to infiltrate Osato Chemicals and uncover critical documents hidden in the company’s president, Mr. Osato’s office safe.

As Bond navigates the complex web of deceit, he is pursued by Osato’s security forces, only to be rescued once more by Aki, who expertly guides him to a secluded subway station. In a thrilling chase, Bond pursues Aki down a trap door, leading him to the hidden office of Tiger Tanaka, head of the Japanese secret service. The documents are carefully examined, revealing a photograph of the cargo ship Ning-Po, along with a cryptic microdot message warning that the tourist who took the picture was subsequently silenced as a security precaution.

Bond’s investigation leads him back to Osato Chemicals, where he assumes the guise of a potential buyer and charms the unsuspecting president. However, unbeknownst to Bond, both Osato and his secretary, Helga Brandt (insert actor name), are secretly working for SPECTRE. After their meeting, Osato orders Brandt to eliminate him, setting in motion a deadly game of cat and mouse. Outside the building, assassins unleash a hail of gunfire on Bond, but Aki intervenes once more, saving his life.

As Bond and Aki drive towards Kobe, where the Ning-Po is docked, they uncover disturbing evidence suggesting the ship was transporting crucial components for rocket fuel. Their discovery, however, does not go unnoticed, and Bond finds himself captured by the ship’s henchmen. He awakens, bound and helpless in Helga Brandt’s cabin on the Ning-Po. As she taunts him with her seductive charm, Bond begins to unravel the sinister plot unfolding before his eyes.

The next day, Brandt flies Bond to Tokyo, but during their journey, she sets off a flare in the plane, entombs Bond in his seat, and makes her escape. With time running out, Bond must use all his wits and cunning to survive the treacherous ordeal and prevent global catastrophe.

As Bond’s aerial reconnaissance mission comes to a close, he discovers the Ning-Po’s unloading destination, prompting him to take to the skies in an armed autogyro provided by Q. His suspicions confirmed, he finds himself under attack by four helicopters near a volcanic stronghold, which serves as a front for a sinister operation. Meanwhile, a Soviet spacecraft is hijacked in orbit by an unknown entity, heightening tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. The mysterious ship lands at a secret base nestled within the volcano’s depths, operated by Ernst Stavro Blofeld of SPECTRE on behalf of a powerful patron seeking to ignite a global conflict.

As Bond delves deeper into the island’s secrets, he trains with Tanaka’s elite ninjas and assumes a Japanese disguise, complete with a staged marriage to an Ama diver orchestrated by an undercover agent. However, his cover is soon blown when Aki meets her untimely demise, poisoned in her sleep by a SPECTRE assassin targeting Bond.

In Kyoto, Bond meets Kissy Suzuki, Tanaka’s protégée, who will play the role of his wife. With new intelligence in hand, they infiltrate a booby-trapped cave filled with phosgene gas, leading them straight to the heart of the volcano and the secretive rocket base. While Kissy alerts Tanaka to their discovery, Bond sneaks inside, freeing captured American and Soviet astronauts and securing a space suit to gain access to SPECTRE’s “Bird One” spacecraft. However, Blofeld’s keen eye spots Bond, who is promptly detained as Bird One prepares for launch.

As the situation spirals out of control, Tanaka’s ninjas attempt to infiltrate the base, only to be detected and fired upon. Bond seizes the opportunity to distract Blofeld, allowing the ninjas to breach the perimeter. Enraged by his own failure, Blofeld executes Osato for her inability to eliminate Bond, but is thwarted by Tanaka, who intervenes just in time.

With the clock ticking down, Bond fights his way back to the control room, dispatching Hans, Blofeld’s loyal bodyguard, and activates Bird One’s self-destruct sequence before it can harm an American space capsule. As the Americans stand down their nuclear response, Blofeld triggers the base’s self-destruct system and makes a hasty exit. Bond, Kissy, Tanaka, and the surviving ninjas escape the impending doom, only to be rescued by the Japanese Maritime Forces and the British Secret Service as the volcano erupts, consuming the secret base in its fiery depths.

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