You'll Never Find Me 2024

Box Office



1 h 36 m




In this taut thriller, a reclusive man's isolated existence is disrupted by a desperate young woman fleeing a tempestuous storm. As the howling gale rages on, their fragile connection is tested, revealing secrets and lies that will leave only one of them unscathed.

In this taut thriller, a reclusive man's isolated existence is disrupted by a desperate young woman fleeing a tempestuous storm. As the howling gale rages on, their fragile connection is tested, revealing secrets and lies that will leave only one of them unscathed.

Does You'll Never Find Me have end credit scenes?


You'll Never Find Me does not have end credit scenes.






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Movie Quiz

You'll Never Find Me Quiz: Test your knowledge on the chilling narrative and characters of 'You'll Never Find Me'.

What song transports Patrick back to a rainy day?

Plot Summary

In the dimly lit confines of his trailer, Patrick’s solitary vigil was interrupted by the soft glow of a radio dial, its melancholic tune transporting him back to a rainy day, where a chance encounter with a woman outside his car played out to the same haunting melody, “Sleepwalk”. As he gazed upon a vial containing a clear liquid, his thoughts drifted further back in time. The storm brewing outside seemed to mirror the turmoil within.

A knock at the door shattered the peaceful reverie, and Patrick’s hesitation was palpable as he opened it to find a young woman, drenched from the rain, seeking refuge from the tempest. He invited her in, offering a towel and a warm cup of tea, but she refused to stay long, citing his car’s mechanical woes. Her request for a phone call fell on deaf ears, replaced by Patrick’s offer of dry clothes and a cautious warning about the payphone’s remote location.

As they conversed, the woman’s dubious claim of having come from the beach raised Patrick’s suspicions, like a riptide beneath the surface. He handed her coins and directions to the payphone, cautioning that she wouldn’t be able to reach it alone, given its isolated placement outside a locked gate at this late hour. Reluctantly, she agreed to wait out the night, watching as Patrick’s collection of women’s belongings – including a locket containing human hair – seemed to hold secrets he wasn’t willing to share.

As the woman explored the trailer, her eyes landed on an eclectic assortment of feminine trinkets and mementos. Her inquiry about her accommodations elicited conflicting answers, further piquing Patrick’s curiosity. His offer of a shower to warm her up was met with relief, during which she noticed dirt and blood disappearing down the drain.

As they sat together in silence, Patrick heated a can of soup, sharing it with his guest along with an old jumper once belonging to his former flame. When asked if he’d ever been married, Patrick’s response was laced with melancholy, revealing that age had taken its toll on his slumber. “My thoughts are bleeding into my life,” he confided, as he busied himself cleaning a pan that seemed to resemble a canvas of crimson hues.

As the storm rages on, an eerie atmosphere settles over the dimly lit trailer, where the woman’s curiosity gets the better of her. She quizzes Patrick about how they managed to gain entry despite the locked gates, and he’s equally perplexed. The sudden knock at the door has them both wondering if someone is playing a prank, reminiscent of the children who frequently taunt Patrick by knocking on the door and fleeing. But this time, there’s no one there. As they venture out to investigate the power outage, the woman shines her torch on the darkness, inadvertently illuminating bloodstains on a hammer and strange scratch marks on Patrick’s back. Her alarm grows as she senses something amiss.

Despite her reservations, she stays put, and the two of them engage in a game of Bullshit, their laughter and banter a stark contrast to the turbulent weather outside. However, Patrick’s calm demeanor belies a deeper truth: he’d been spinning a yarn about his wife, claiming she died from an overdose when, in reality, they met at a gas station where she asked him to buy her a packet of chips. The woman’s suspicions are piqued once more when she discovers lipstick on her glass.

As the storm intensifies, Patrick steps outside into the tempestuous night. Meanwhile, the woman stumbles upon a mysterious phone vibrating in the hidden back room, its presence as unsettling as the body beneath the sheet on the bed – a dead woman, seemingly shrouded in mystery.

As the woman makes a desperate bid for freedom, she smashes through the skylight with the hammer, its surface once again slickened by blood. Patrick (actor’s name) captures her, binding her with calculated precision before drugging her with the GHB solution he had at his disposal. As she struggles to resist, her efforts are ultimately futile, and she succumbs to the effects of the drug, her body limp and still.

Patrick begins to monologue about his first victim, a young woman who sought his help during a torrential downpour on the beach. Her tattooed ribcage remains seared in his memory, a haunting detail that he links to the woman currently bound before him. As she lies helpless, Patrick’s gaze falters, and he realizes with dawning horror that this very same woman has been his victim all along.

In the ensuing chaos, Patrick is beset by visions of the women whose lives he had taken, their ghostly forms closing in around him like a vengeful entourage. The sound of police sirens grows louder still, punctuating the sense of impending doom that grips him. As the darkness deepens, he is suddenly transported back to his childhood, the sound of his father’s ventilator beeping out a morbid refrain.

Patrick emerges from this macabre reverie smeared in blood and visibly shaken. The woman, now fully recovered from her earlier drugging, demands that he empty the vial of GHB into the whiskey bottle and drink its contents. As Patrick obliges, the spirits of his past victims join him in a twisted celebration, their presence goading him towards a fatal overdose.

Patrick’s eyes flicker open once more, only to reveal that the entire ordeal had been a product of his fevered imagination. The knocking at the door was merely children playing a prank outside, and Patrick’s pockets were empty, with no GHB vial to be found. His laughter is tinged with incredulity as he comprehends the extent of his delirium. As we cut back to the trailer’s exterior, Patrick’s lifeless form slumps against the doorframe, the sound of children’s laughter fading into an unsettling silence.

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