Bad Genius

Bad Genius 2024

Directed by

J.C. Lee

J.C. Lee

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Plot Summary

Lynn, a top secondary school student living with her father, is accepted into a prestigious school, earning a scholarship for her academic achievements. There, she is befriended by the good-natured but academically challenged Grace. Lynn begins to help Grace cheat in exams after finding out that their teacher has been leaking questions in private tutoring sessions. She is then approached by Grace’s rich boyfriend Pat, who offers payment in exchange for also helping him and his friends. Although at first reluctant, Lynn agrees when she finds out that the school, despite her scholarship, collected extra fees from her father, who earns a modest income as a teacher. She devises a system of hand signals, based on certain piano pieces, and uses them to send answers during exams. Her base of clients eventually grows. However, her cheating is inadvertently revealed by Bank, another top student. She is reprimanded by her father, and also by the school, which suspends her scholarship and revokes her chance to apply for an international scholarship at university level.

Lynn returns to cheating when Pat and Grace ask her to help them with the STIC—an international standardised test for university admissions—a scheme which will earn them millions of baht. However, Lynn tells them that she can only do it with the help of Bank, who would never consider such dishonesty. Later, though, Bank, who is from a poor family and is staking his future on the same university scholarship, is attacked by thugs in the street and misses the scholarship exam. Lynn then approaches him with the offer and Bank reluctantly agrees. Together, they make preparations for the final operation. Lynn and Bank will fly to Australia in order to get a head start on the exams—which are held globally on the same day—and send back answers for Pat and Grace to distribute to their clients. However, on the eve of their flight, Pat lets slip that it was he who ordered the thugs to beat up Bank, in order to force him to join their scheme. Enraged, Bank attacks Pat and leaves. Lynn, shocked at the revelation, begins reconsidering her actions. However, Bank returns to confront Lynn and tells her to finish what she started.

In Sydney, Lynn and Bank complete the first sections of the test according to plan, but Bank is overcome by anxiety and gets caught. Lynn struggles to memorise the final section herself, but finally pulls through. She is pursued by the test administrator after feigning illness by forcing herself to be sick and leaving the test centre early, but is released when Bank denies knowing her. Returning home, Lynn finds that their scheme was a great success, but, broken by the experience, turns her back on her co-conspirators and rejects her share of the money. Some time later, she is approached by Bank, who has invested his share in revamping his mother’s laundry business. Bank invites Lynn to start another scheme, this time with a much wider client base—those taking the national GAT/PAT university entrance exams. When she turns him down, Bank threatens to expose the whole affair and that she was the mastermind behind the scheme. Lynn then tells him that she has made her choice, deciding to come clean, tearfully confessing to her father, who comforts her and helps her redeem herself by submitting a formal confession to the STIC organisation.


Lynn's Achievement

Lynn, a top secondary school student, learns that she has been accepted into a prestigious school. She earns this opportunity through a scholarship awarded for her outstanding academic performance, which is a significant achievement for her and her father, who is a modestly earning teacher.

Friendship with Grace

At the new school, Lynn befriends Grace, who is friendly but academically struggling. This friendship sets the stage for Lynn's decision to start helping her peer navigate the pressures of their competitive academic environment.

Prestigious School

Discovering Cheating

While assisting Grace with her studies, Lynn discovers that their teacher has been leaking exam questions during private tutoring sessions. This revelation prompts Lynn to consider unethical ways to excel academically, challenging her morals.

Tutoring Sessions

Pat's Proposition

Lynn is approached by Pat, Grace's wealthy boyfriend, who offers her money to help him and his friends cheat as well. Though hesitant, Lynn ultimately agrees when she learns about additional fees that the school had charged her father.


Developing a Cheating System

In order to facilitate the cheating, Lynn comes up with a system of hand signals based on piano pieces to communicate answers during exams. This innovative method enables her to assist a growing number of clients discreetly.


Discovery of Cheating

Lynn's cheating scheme is eventually discovered by Bank, another top student at the school. This incident leads to dire consequences for Lynn, including a reprimand from her father and suspension of her scholarship by the school.


STIC Test Scheme

Despite her earlier problems, Lynn returns to her unethical ways when Pat and Grace ask for her help with the STIC, an international standardized test that could make them rich. However, her initial misgivings return as she contemplates the implications.

Bank's Dilemma

Bank, initially opposed to cheating, finds himself in a difficult situation after being attacked by thugs ordered by Pat. This incident forces him to miss the scholarship exam, making him reconsider joining Lynn’s plan for the STIC test.


Flight to Australia

Lynn and Bank fly to Australia to take the STIC test and to send back answers for their clients. They prepare meticulously, but Lynn finds out that Pat's manipulative role in Bank's attack complicates their partnership.


Caught During the Test

In Sydney, the exam unfolds according to plan until Bank succumbs to anxiety and gets caught cheating. Lynn is left to rely on her memory to finish the last section, showcasing her desperation and resilience under pressure.

Test Centre, Sydney

Getting Away

Lynn successfully feigns illness to escape the test center without being caught. She manages to evade the test administrator, but this act of deceit weighs heavily on her conscience as she realizes the implications of their actions.

Test Centre, Sydney

Success and Moral Conflict

After returning home, Lynn learns that their cheating scheme succeeded greatly, which exasperates her internal conflict. Disenchanted by the experience, she rejects her share of the money, seeking redemption for her actions.

Bank's New Plan

Bank approaches Lynn with a new proposition to help with a larger-scale cheating scheme for the national GAT/PAT exams. This moment reveals the ongoing cycle of temptation and moral decay surrounding them.

Lynn's Decision

Faced with the threat of exposure from Bank, Lynn makes a poignant choice to come clean about the cheating. Her confession is a defining moment of personal growth, as she seeks forgiveness from her father.


With her father's support, Lynn submits a formal confession to the STIC organization, marking her commitment to righteousness. This act of redemption signifies her attempt to make amends for the wrongs she committed.



Lynn is a brilliant and ambitious student who becomes embroiled in a cheating scandal. Her intelligence is overshadowed by her ethical dilemmas, showcasing her inner conflict between success and integrity. Lynn's character undergoes significant growth as she confronts the consequences of her actions.

🎓 Student 💡 Intelligent 💔 Conflicted


Grace is a kind-hearted but academically struggling student who initially relies on Lynn's help. Her character highlights the pressures faced by students in competitive environments, and her experience catalyzes Lynn's descent into dishonesty. Grace's innocence contrasts with the darker elements of cheating.

👩‍🎓 Student 😊 Friendly 🆘 Insecure


Bank is a top student from a poor family who becomes reluctantly involved in the cheating scheme. He represents the struggle between moral integrity and the desire for success. Bank’s character arc emphasizes the impact of external pressures on personal choices and ethical boundaries.

📚 Student 🌟 Ambitious 🚧 Reluctant


Pat is Grace's wealthy boyfriend who pressures Lynn to participate in cheating for his benefit. His character embodies the darker aspects of favoritism and privilege, using his resources and influence to manipulate others. Pat's actions ultimately lead to significant fallout for all involved.

💰 Wealthy 🚨 Manipulative ⚠️ Antagonistic


Time period

The events unfold in contemporary times, reflecting modern educational pressures and the challenges of academic integrity. The film addresses current societal dynamics related to competition and moral dilemmas faced by students in an increasingly competitive academic environment.


Australia, prestigious school

The movie takes place primarily in a prestigious school known for its academic rigor, where talented students are groomed for success. Key events occur in Sydney, Australia, where the main characters execute their elaborate cheating scheme on a global level for standardized testing. The backdrop of these locations emphasizes the high stakes and pressure faced by students.

🏫 School 🌏 Australia




Greed drives the characters' decisions, particularly the allure of money that encourages cheating. Lynn initially succumbs to the financial incentives offered by her peers, leading to complex moral choices. The consequences of these choices highlight the impact of greed on personal integrity and relationships.



Betrayal is a critical theme, as relationships are tested through deceit and manipulation. Bank feels betrayed by both Lynn and Pat, which leads to pivotal confrontations. The revelation of betrayal serves as a catalyst for Lynn's ultimate decision to turn away from cheating and face the consequences.



Ambition fuels the characters' actions, driving them to pursue academic success at any cost. Lynn's desire for a scholarship and better future propels her into the world of cheating. This theme explores the lengths individuals will go to achieve their dreams and the moral costs involved.



Friendship is both a motivator and a point of tension in the film. Lynn's initial willingness to help Grace stems from their friendship, but this support becomes complicated as their actions spiral out of control. The narrative ultimately questions how friendships can influence ethical decisions and personal growth.

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