What's After the Movie
Chris Columbus, Jr., directed by Walter Lantz and produced by Walter Lantz Productions, is a short animated film released on July 23, 1934, which starred Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. The film is black and white, with a running time of close to 8 minutes. The plot is a whimsical twist on the historical Columbus voyages. It centers around Chris Columbus, Jr. (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit) who believes that the world is round, against a majority of people who insist that it is flat, an allusion to the delusion of other people during Columbus' time. To prove them wrong, Chris plans a journey sailing to India by going west.
Throughout the plot, Chris tries to convince the kinship in Portugal and England, however, he is unsuccessful. The king and queen of Spain then become his last resort, in which, unlike the Spanish king, the queen shows sympathy and provides the needed ships. Most of the shipmates provided were prisoners, which Chris did not mind. The journey started at ease but days later everything changed. The first mate develops negative feelings for Chris, thinking that he tricked them into a journey to a flat world's edge. Mutiny arises, Chris somehow manages the situation, but the first mate gets the upper hand, making Chris to be drop to a knee-deep water, then he finally finds out they have reached land. Chris and his men mistake it to be India, but it is actually America. They befriended the natives, spend days with them, and in the end return to Europe.
Learn more about Chris Columbus, including their biography, filmography, and personal life. Find out about their early career, major achievements, and the impact they've had on the film industry.
Given Name: Chris Columbus, Jr.
Born: Walt Lantz Production (animated)
Citizenship: United States
Birthday: July 23, 1934
Occupations: Animated Film Character
Years Active: 1934-present
Spouses: N/A
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