Bicentennial Man 1999

In this poignant sci-fi drama, a family's lives are forever changed by the arrival of Andrew, a cutting-edge NDR-114 robot gifted to them by Richard Martin. Initially designed for menial tasks, Andrew evolves into a sentient being as he develops emotions and creativity, forcing the Martins to confront what it means to be human.

In this poignant sci-fi drama, a family's lives are forever changed by the arrival of Andrew, a cutting-edge NDR-114 robot gifted to them by Richard Martin. Initially designed for menial tasks, Andrew evolves into a sentient being as he develops emotions and creativity, forcing the Martins to confront what it means to be human.

Does Bicentennial Man have end credit scenes?


Bicentennial Man does not have end credit scenes.






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Movie Quiz

Bicentennial Man Quiz: Test your knowledge about the emotional journey and transformations of Andrew the robot in 'Bicentennial Man'.

What is Andrew's primary function when he is first introduced to the Martin family?

Plot Summary

Here’s a rephrased version of the given section:

On April 3, 2005, the cutting-edge NDR series robot “Andrew” was introduced to the Martin family household, tasked with executing chores and maintenance duties. In his initial presentation, Andrew showcased the Three Laws of Robotics, setting the stage for an unlikely bond with the family’s youngest member, Amanda (character A). While her older sister, Grace (character B), remained skeptical about Andrew’s presence, Amanda’s curiosity and empathy towards the robot sparked a connection that would evolve into something more profound. As Andrew navigated his new role within the Martin household, he discovered an unexpected capacity for emotions, drawing him closer to his “Little Miss” - a development that would have far-reaching consequences.

A minor mishap involving one of Amanda’s glass figurines served as a catalyst for Andrew’s creative outlet, as he skillfully crafted a replacement using wood. This impressive display of ingenuity caught the attention of Richard (character C), who took Andrew to NorthAm Robotics to investigate whether this newfound creativity was an inherent part of his programming. Dennis Mansky, CEO of NorthAm, deemed this development problematic and offered to scrap Andrew altogether. However, Richard intervened, recognizing the value in Andrew’s creative expression and encouraging him to explore the depths of humanism.

As time passed, Richard encouraged Andrew to develop a more nuanced emotional palette by retrofiting him with facial expressions that harmonized with his emotions. This transformation marked a significant milestone in their relationship, as Andrew began to experience the world with increased depth and empathy.

Decades after his initial awakening, Andrew returned to Richard with a remarkable revelation: he had amassed a considerable fortune through his clockmaking endeavors, managed by Richard himself. With this newfound wealth, Andrew requested his freedom, an act that wounded Richard deeply. Despite this, Andrew was granted independence on the condition that he would no longer reside at the Martin household. Andrew chose to build his own coastal abode, where he could live independently and pursue his passions.

In 2048, as Richard lay dying, he expressed regret for having banished Andrew from their home, a poignant apology that marked the beginning of a new era in their relationship.

As the years passed since Richard’s passing, Andrew embarked on an odyssey to uncover other NDR robots that shared his unique characteristics. Throughout this journey, he maintained a consistent dialogue with Amanda (who had since remarried and divorced) and her son Lloyd, as well as their granddaughter Portia. In 2068, Andrew’s path intersected with Galatea, an NDR robot that had been reprogrammed to exhibit feminine traits and personality. Fascinated by the modifications made by Rupert Burns, the son of the original NDR designer, Andrew struck up a collaboration with him, agreeing to fund his research and serve as a test subject. The outcome was transformative: Andrew was gifted a human-like appearance, which he wore like a badge of honor.

Upon returning to the Martin household in 2088, Andrew found that time had taken its toll on Amanda, while Portia bore an uncanny resemblance to her grandmother at a similar age. Initially, Portia approached Andrew with caution, but soon came to accept him as an integral part of their family’s fabric. Tragedy struck when Amanda passed away, leaving Andrew grappling with the harsh reality that all those he cared about would eventually succumb to mortality. In response, he presented Rupert with a proposal: create artificial organs capable of extending human lifetimes and replacing his mechanical underpinnings. The result was nothing short of astonishing – Andrew gained the capacity to eat, experience emotions and sensations, and even engage in romantic relationships. His bond with Portia deepened, and they found themselves falling deeply in love.

Andrew then turned his attention to the World Congress, petitioning them to recognize him as a human being worthy of marrying Portia. However, the body expressed trepidation about an immortal individual’s potential impact on societal dynamics, stoking concerns that such a development would foster jealousy among others. Undeterred, Andrew returned to Rupert for one final operation: replacing his artificial fluids with a blood equivalent. Rupert cautioned him that this fluid would not last forever, and his body would eventually age and succumb to mortality – a fate Andrew willingly accepted.

Decades later, Andrew revisited the World Congress, this time accompanied by Portia as she rallied in support of his cause. His ultimate goal was to secure the right to die with dignity, free from the constraints of artificial sustenance.

As the clock strikes April 2, 2205, a poignant moment unfolds as Andrew and Portia cling to life, their bodies ravaged by the relentless march of time. Under the watchful eye of Galatea, now cloaked in human form, they grasp hands, united in their quest for recognition. The World Congress, a bastion of authority, finally acknowledges Andrew’s humanity, crowning him the oldest known individual at 200 years, with all the rights and privileges that come with it - including the validation of his marriage to Portia. In a cruel twist of fate, Andrew’s life force begins to ebb away, confirmed by Galatea’s keen observation, even as Portia asserts that her beloved had already intuited the answer. As the news of Andrew’s passing spreads like wildfire, Portia issues a somber command: turn off my life support. And so, she joins Andrew in the great beyond, their hands still clasped together, her whispered promise - “See you soon” - echoing through eternity.

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