
Does A Walk Among the Tombstones have end credit scenes?


A Walk Among the Tombstones does not have end credit scenes.

A Walk Among the Tombstones

A Walk Among the Tombstones


In a gritty world where morals are blurred, ex-NYPD cop Matt Scudder (Liam Neeson) must navigate the dark alleys of New York City as an unlicensed private investigator. When a heroin trafficker (Dan Stevens) enlists his help to track down wife-killers, Scudder's quest for justice becomes a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, pushing him to confront the fine line between right and wrong.

Runtime: 114 min

Box Office: $59M








User Score






User Score


6.5 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in A Walk Among the Tombstones!

As the opening credits unfold like a cinematic tapestry, we're introduced to a poignant tableau: a woman, her eyes frozen in an eternal stare, lies motionless amidst a sea of lifeless beauty. A man's lips brush against her cheek, a gentle caress that belies the horror that's about to unfold. The camera pans out to reveal another figure standing alongside them, and our gaze lingers on the tape that binds the woman's mouth shut, as a single tear trickles down her face like a silent scream.

Fast-forward eight years, and we find ourselves in the midst of a gritty New York City, 1991. Detective Matt Scudder (Liam Neeson), a man haunted by his own demons, steps into a bar where cops are treated to an open tab. The bartender, a seasoned veteran of the city's underbelly, pours Matt two shots and a cup of coffee, fuel for the long night ahead. As Matt sips his drink, two punks burst into the establishment, their eyes fixed on the till. But the bartender stands firm, refusing to yield to their demands. The situation escalates, and in an instant, chaos erupts. Matt seizes his gun and takes aim, firing at the would-be robbers with calculated precision.

The ensuing melee sees one punk brought down in the street, while another flees for his life. Matt gives chase, his footwork a testament to his years of experience on the streets. He corners the fleeing figure, his gun raised high, before bringing him down with a well-placed shot. The aftermath is a grim reminder of the city's unforgiving nature.

Eight years have passed since that fateful night, and Matt has reconnected with his inner demons. Now a private investigator, he's traded in his badge for a chance to redeem himself. In a dingy diner, Matt awaits his meal when a junkie named Peter (Boyd Holbrook) appears, beseeching him for help. Peter's request is straightforward: find his brother, Kenny Kristo (Dan Stevens), and bring the men who kidnapped and killed his wife to justice. The catch? Kenny is no ordinary citizen; he's a ruthless drug trafficker with deep pockets and an even deeper sense of desperation.

Matt's instincts scream at him to stay far away from this case, but something about Peter's plea resonates. Perhaps it's the glimmer of hope in the junkie's eyes or the promise of $20,000 that Matt can't ignore. Whatever the reason, he agrees to take on Kenny's case, unaware of the darkness that awaits him at the end of a very long and winding road.

As Matt returns to his apartment, he's met with a surprise visitor - Kenny, who's been waiting patiently outside. In an effort to alleviate any doubts Matt may have, Kenny reveals Carrie's name, a subtle nod to the depth of his emotional investment. The scene shifts to a flashback, where we're transported to the moment Kenny received the chilling phone call from the kidnappers, demanding a ransom of $500,000 - or else they'd send him one of Carrie's breasts as proof of their sinister intentions. With a mix of desperation and resignation, Kenny agrees to pay the ransom, bringing the money to the designated location only to be left waiting in vain for Carrie's return. The kidnappers' cruel taunt is made all too real when Kenny discovers the gruesome contents of an old car's trunk in Red Hook - a discovery that sends him fleeing with a tape recorder containing evidence of Carrie's torment.

As Matt listens to the recording, the sound of his wife's screams and the kidnappers' malevolent laughter serve as a stark reminder of the horrors he must confront. The investigation begins in earnest, with Matt scouring Red Hook for leads on the kidnappers, whose likely involvement with the DEA leaves him wondering what dark forces are at play.

Matt's inquiries yield a trail of clues, each pointing to a van and two men seen lurking near the area where Carrie was last spotted. The only constant among the various eyewitness accounts is the ever-changing label scrawled on the van - a detail that suggests the kidnappers' desperate attempts to cover their tracks. Undeterred, Matt turns his attention to local news articles, seeking answers in the stories of victims Marie Gotteskind and Leila Anderssen.

As he delves deeper into the mystery, Matt finds an unlikely ally in TJ, a street-smart youngster who's taken a shine to the determined investigator. Together, they uncover a trail of gruesome discoveries - including a leg found in a dumpster and a pond filled with bags containing human remains. In a moment of respite from the darkness, Matt treats TJ to a plate of pancakes at the local diner.

The cemetery proves to be another crucial stop on Matt's journey for truth. Seeking answers from the groundskeeper, Jonas Loogan, he's met with a mixture of confusion and repression - as if the horrors buried beneath the earth are too much to bear. With every new revelation, Matt edges closer to unraveling the tangled threads of this sinister case, driven by his unyielding determination to uncover the truth about Carrie's fate.

As TJ tags along, Matt ventures into an apartment complex, driven by a desire to crack the case. The investigation takes an unexpected turn when he corners Reuben (Mark Consuelos), Leila's fiancé, at his residence. A tense conversation ensues as Matt interrogates Reuben about the last time he saw Leila, only to reveal that she was abducted by two men and a third party at a café. Suspicion also lingers over Reuben's involvement in drug trafficking. As Matt keeps watch from the window, his gaze falls upon an unsettling sight: a caged aviary on the rooftop of the adjacent building. His curiosity piqued, he ventures to that edifice, leading him to a shed atop the structure belonging to Jonas. The space is filled with snippets from Jonas' writing and provocative photographs featuring Reuben and Leila in compromising positions. The sudden appearance of Jonas himself, brandishing a knife, sets Matt's senses on high alert. A cleverly crafted plea convinces Jonas to lay down his weapon, allowing Matt to extract the truth: Jonas was the driver who ferried Leila away from Reuben's clutches. The driver's motivation stemmed from his distaste for Leila's drug use with Reuben, which prompted him to conspire with the kidnappers to rescue her. However, things took a dark turn when Jonas witnessed the main perpetrator mutilating Leila, asking her to choose between her breasts while brutally disfiguring the other one. Horrified by what he saw, Jonas fled the scene. Matt's inquiry about the kidnappers' whereabouts prompts Jonas to offer up the name "Ray" before taking his leave in a dramatic fashion – literally jumping off the rooftop and landing safely on a parked car.

Meanwhile, Ray (David Harbour) and Albert (Adam David Thompson), the two alleged kidnappers, are introduced through their fascination with Y2K fears. Their idyllic scene is soon disrupted by a visit to Yuri Landau's (Sebastian Roche) residence, a notorious drug trafficker. As they drive past his home, they catch sight of Ludmilla, or Lucia (Danielle Rose Russell), Yuri's 14-year-old daughter, innocently strolling with her dog. Ray is smitten by her charm. Matt, fueled by determination, pays a visit to a local store owner in search of information about Marie Gotteskind. Later, he finds himself at an apartment where the occupants have been repeatedly accused of murdering her. They reveal that Marie was a cop who had dealings with them and shared their affinity for drugs.

Matt's encounter with TJ takes an unexpected turn as they converge on the streets. TJ now finds himself burdened by a recently acquired firearm, its weighty presence serving as a stark reminder of the precarious situation he's in. Matt, ever the pragmatist, imparts his knowledge of the weapon's functionality, before issuing a stark warning: carrying it would ultimately lead to nothing but destruction. The following day, TJ is unwittingly followed by an individual emerging from a van emblazoned with the East Village Plumbing Supply logo - eerily reminiscent of the kidnappers' vehicle. Matt, sensing danger lurking around every corner, takes refuge in an apartment and dons a scarf as an impromptu fist wrap. With his newfound arsenal, he ambushes the unsuspecting individual, only to discover that this stranger is, in fact, an agent working alongside Matt's own partners. As Matt is whisked away in their van, he presses for information regarding Marie, but his queries are met with stony silence.

Matt's subsequent visit to Peter's apartment finds him interrupting a solitary indulgence, the room adorned with a provocative array of nude paintings featuring Carrie - a testament to Peter's enduring love for her. Matt issues an ultimatum: inform Kenny that he intends to relinquish control of their shared financial interests, choosing instead to distance himself from this tangled web of intrigue.

Meanwhile, TJ's odyssey takes a dark turn as two roughnecks stumble upon him, demanding the return of their firearm. TJ claims to have discarded it in the river, prompting a brutal beating at the hands of his tormentors. Matt subsequently tracks down TJ to Bellevue Hospital, where a medical diagnosis reveals that TJ's condition is linked to sickle cell anemia, triggered by either the torrential rain or the violent assault he endured. As TJ regains consciousness, Matt shares the devastating truth behind his decision to abandon his role as a law enforcement officer: during a fateful shootout, one stray bullet inadvertently struck and killed a 7-year-old girl.

In a chilling parallel, Ray and Albert infiltrate the Landau residence, targeting the family's beloved canine companion before turning their attention to Lucia. As they subdue her with Tasers, they whisk her away, leaving her mother to tend to her sickbed - a heartless act that only adds to the ever-growing sense of unease in this twisted narrative.

As Peter tracks down Matt to the Landau residence, the kidnappers' demands become increasingly dire, with Lucia's fate hanging precariously in the balance. The tense negotiations between Yuri and the mysterious voice on the other end of the phone are abruptly interrupted by Matt, who seizes control of the conversation and warns Ray that they will not be extorted into paying a ransom if Lucia is harmed as much as an eyelash. Ray's subsequent demonstration of the girl's safety only serves to further fuel their determination to see this ordeal through to its bitter conclusion. With the terms of the exchange set, Matt dispatches TJ to retrieve a crucial package from his residence, prompting the pair to converge on the agreed-upon location.

The clandestine meeting takes place amidst the solemn surroundings of a local cemetery, where Matt, Kenny, Peter, Yuri, and TJ convene to complete the transaction. Unbeknownst to the kidnappers, however, Peter has been secretly positioning himself behind the tombstones, rifle at the ready. As they make the exchange, Lucia's bloodied hands only add to the sense of desperation that pervades the atmosphere. Ray's nonchalant comment about the girl's prior injuries serves as a stark reminder of the callous nature of their captors.

Following the exchange, Albert seizes the opportunity to claim the ransom money, but his triumph is short-lived, as he soon discovers the bills to be counterfeit. Matt reacts swiftly and decisively, taking out Ray with two swift shots to the chest – though the latter's bulletproof vest proves a decisive factor in his survival. In the ensuing chaos, Albert returns fire, striking Peter, while Matt manages to inflict a wound on Ray. The kidnappers make their escape in a waiting van as Matt and Kenny struggle to tend to Peter's injuries.

As the dying Peter's final words are misinterpreted by Kenny – who mistakenly assumes them to be an expression of fraternal affection rather than romantic love – Matt departs to investigate the whereabouts of TJ, only to discover that his friend has vanished into thin air.

As the cunning TJ infiltrates the kidnappers' van, he expertly trails them back to their residence, gathering vital information for Matt. With the crucial street address in hand, TJ discreetly conveys it to Matt, setting the stage for a perilous confrontation. Meanwhile, inside the house, Ray and Albert work to mend Ray's bullet-riddled body, only to have their gruesome intentions foiled by a sudden twist. As they descend into the basement, Albert's sinister plans come to fruition, as he wraps his garrote around Ray's neck, extinguishing any hope of escape.

With the deed done, Albert returns upstairs, his hunger piqued, unaware that Matt, Kenny, and TJ are now closing in on their unsuspecting prey. Matt dispatches TJ back to his own abode via taxi, while Kenny takes matters into his own hands, delivering a brutal blow to Albert's cranium with a shattered bottle. The trio then makes its way downstairs, where the stench of death and despair hangs heavy.

Matt, however, has a change of heart, recalling the 12 Steps he learned during an AA meeting. His resolve renewed, he reenters the house, only to be met with a gruesome tableau: Kenny's lifeless form sprawled at the bottom of the stairs, surrounded by a spreading pool of blood. Matt's footing proves slippery, and he tumbles down the steps, his fall precipitated by the treacherous liquid.

As Albert prepares to deliver the finishing blow, Matt summons the strength to fight back. He seizes Ray's pocketed taser and delivers two precise shots, first to Albert's groin and then to his neck. Finally, with a gun retrieved from the floor, Matt administers a fatal shot to Albert's cranium.

Upon returning home, Matt is greeted by the peaceful sight of TJ slumbering on the couch. His gaze falls upon a homemade drawing depicting TJ as a superhero, a poignant reminder of the innocence and resilience that can emerge even in the darkest of circumstances. As Matt settles onto the couch, his eyelids slowly drifting shut, the weight of the day's events gradually recedes, replaced by an uneasy calm.