Acts Of Vengeance 2017

Box Office



87 min




In a quest for justice, a charismatic lawyer trades in his words for brawn, embarking on a silent crusade against those responsible for the brutal loss of his loved ones. With each passing day, his determination to exact vengeance burns brighter, fueling a transformation that will stop at nothing until he achieves retribution.

In a quest for justice, a charismatic lawyer trades in his words for brawn, embarking on a silent crusade against those responsible for the brutal loss of his loved ones. With each passing day, his determination to exact vengeance burns brighter, fueling a transformation that will stop at nothing until he achieves retribution.

Does Acts Of Vengeance have end credit scenes?


Acts Of Vengeance does not have end credit scenes.






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User Score


5.7 /10

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Plot Summary

In a world where words are currency, Frank Valera (Antonio Banderas), a master manipulator with a knack for securing “not guilty” verdicts, finds himself at the crossroads of a life-altering decision. As he navigates the fast-paced world of law and order, his mind is preoccupied with the mundane chatter that fills our daily lives - 15,000 words spoken by men, 7,000 by women, and an astonishing 47,000 by lawyers. The monotony is suddenly shattered as we are taken on a journey through a series of fragmented vignettes, each one revealing the intricacies of Frank’s life.

We meet his loving family, Sue (Cristina Serafini) and their young daughter, Olivia (Lillian Blankenship), as they prepare for a talent show. The air is filled with anticipation as Olivia excitedly shares her father’s plans to attend the event, unbeknownst to him that Frank has been spinning a web of deception behind his desk at the law firm. His boss/co-worker’s sudden summons, coupled with his own hesitation, proves to be the catalyst for change.

As the clock ticks away, Frank finds himself trapped in a cycle of traffic and rain-soaked streets, desperately trying to reach his family but receiving no response. The silence is deafening as he arrives at the performance hall, only to discover that they are nowhere to be found. His apology-filled phone call to Sue is met with radio silence, leaving him feeling helpless and lost.

The darkness deepens as the clock strikes late into the night. Frank’s anxiety grows as he waits for his family’s return, but fate has other plans. The sound of sirens pierces the air, signaling the arrival of police at their doorstep. As Frank is taken to a crime scene, the gruesome discovery of two bodies embracing in a ditch sends him reeling. In an instant, his world comes crashing down around him as he screams and is held back by the authorities. The once-steady Frank Valera has been forever changed, his life forever entwined with the cruel hand of fate.

As Frank arrives at the police station, he’s met with indifference by Chief Lustiger (Johnathon Schaech), who’s too engrossed in his phone to provide any meaningful answers. Their brief exchange reveals that the Russian Mafia has a stranglehold on the area, and the only tangible evidence is a scattering of gold fibers. The lack of progress in the case leaves Frank seething with frustration, and he storms out of the station, his anger simmering like a pot about to boil over.

In the hallway, Officer Strode (Karl Urban) intercepts him, asking if everything’s all right. Their brief conversation is a stark reminder that even those tasked with upholding justice are often powerless against the forces of corruption. Frank’s ire unspent, he departs the station, leaving behind a sense of hopelessness.

The next scene unfolds like a dirge, the heavy rain and black umbrellas surrounding two coffins serving as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life. As Frank pays his respects to the victims, his father-in-law’s dismissive words – “A nod is enough” – cut deep, leaving him feeling isolated and adrift.

In search of solace, Frank finds himself at a bar, where he becomes increasingly drunk and reckless, eventually ending up in a backroom brawl. The montage that follows shows Frank’s gradual descent into a world of violence and aggression, his skills honed through repeated losses in the ring.

Officer Strode tracks him down, engaging Frank in a candid conversation about his past as a lawyer, and the philosophical underpinnings of his decision to defend those who don’t deserve it. The encounter serves as a moment of introspection, marking a turning point in Frank’s journey.

As the narrative shifts, we see Frank transforming before our eyes – physically buff from martial arts training, mentally quieter, and spiritually more attuned. His return to the crime scene is a testament to his newfound determination, his search for clues marked by an almost imperceptible quietness that belies the turmoil brewing beneath the surface.

Frank’s ears pick up on a faint tapping sound, a subtle nuance that speaks volumes about the man he’s become. He follows the noise to a shack perched atop a antenna, where he finds a hidden observer gazing out upon the very area where his family was brutally taken from him. The tableau is one of haunting beauty, Frank’s gaze piercing the veil of despair as he begins to rebuild his life in the shadow of tragedy.

As Frank reclaims his car, a group of four men, their faces etched with an air of menace, converge on the vehicle. The leader, a burly individual with a menacing scowl, informs Frank that he’s trespassed into Russian territory and can settle his debt by surrendering his wallet and keys. A snarling canine, its leash abandoned, is unleashed upon Frank, but instead of attacking him, it whimpers and retreats at the first sign of aggression from its master. The Russian man, growing increasingly agitated, kicks the dog with a callous brutality, sending it scurrying away. Frank’s silence is oppressive as he reaches for his wallet, subtly incorporating his keys into his fist. With a swift and calculated motion, he attacks the tallest man, triggering a chaotic fight scene. Despite being outnumbered, Frank emerges victorious, claiming the upper hand against his assailants.

As he stands over the vanquished, Frank produces a photograph of his wife and daughter, his eyes locked on the main perpetrator’s face in a silent plea for recognition or revelation. The Russian man proves to be merely an unwitting participant, not the killer Frank seeks. With a swift punch, Frank incapacitates the mobster, but not before another henchman appears, firing a shot that grazes Frank’s abdomen. As his vision begins to blur, he’s rescued by a mysterious woman.

Frank awakens shirtless in a bed, his wound carefully concealed. The ER nurse, Alma (Paz Vega), tends to him, explaining that she’s an altruistic volunteer in the area and that her medical skills proved instrumental in saving Frank’s life. Despite the gravity of his situation, Frank remains stoic, refusing to utter a word as he departs Alma’s care.

Outside, Frank encounters the dog once more, its tail wagging softly as it follows him back home. Once inside, he pins the photograph of the Russian mobster on his whiteboard, crossing out the subject’s face with a sense of resolution.

The doorbell rings, and Alma appears, bearing Frank’s wallet. As she prepares to change his bandages, Frank remains mute, his silence speaking volumes about the depths of his emotional pain. The memorial invitation for his deceased family, which he produces, serves as a poignant reminder of the scars he carries. Amidst this backdrop of tragedy, Alma extends a hand of friendship, bridging the gap between two souls bound together by circumstance and compassion.

As Frank’s pursuit of justice leads him down a winding road, his initial quest to locate a crucial witness is met with failure when he inadvertently scares off the elusive individual, sending them fleeing from their makeshift shelter. Undeterred, Frank pays a visit to Alma at her residence, only to find that she is nowhere to be found. The narrative then shifts to reveal Alma’s occupation at the local hospital, where she is confronted by a group of unsavory characters demanding payment for past debts. With a steely resolve, Alma asserts her independence, refusing to succumb to their intimidation tactics. However, before Frank can arrive on the scene, Alma is brutally choked and left shaken.

Frank’s timely intervention later that day proves decisive in extracting Alma from harm’s way. As they drive back to her home, she reveals the shocking truth about the shelter he had earlier investigated - it belonged to Mr. Shivers (Clint Dyer), a cook at the local diner with ties to the criminal underworld. When Alma is subsequently approached by Russian gang members demanding she continue supplying drugs from the hospital, Frank appears out of nowhere, taking down the would-be assailants with ease. With her safety paramount, Frank whiskes Alma away to his own home.

The narrative then flashes back to the opening scene, where Frank (now revealed as a complex and driven individual) is seen engaging in a fierce battle with the enigmatic Mr. Shivers. As they exchange blows, Frank poses a poignant question to the audience: “So am I still crazy to you now?” The intensity of their fight culminates in Frank’s discovery that Mr. Shivers was the sole witness to the murders, and his testimony paints a shocking picture - a police officer was responsible for the heinous crimes. Frank’s eyes lock onto those of Shivers, searching for any sign of murder in his gaze, but instead finds a glimmer of recognition for his own family. Convinced by Shivers’ words, Frank makes a break for the backdoor as reinforcements arrive to block his escape route.

In a daring move, Frank infiltrates the local police station, seeking answers about Hank Strode’s involvement in the murders. The discovery that the officer was assigned to patrol the very district where the crimes took place only adds fuel to Frank’s already burning desire for justice.

As Frank’s relentless pursuit of Strode reaches its climax, he finally uncovers the secrets hidden behind the façade of Strode’s seemingly ordinary routine. By meticulously mapping out the suspect’s daily movements, Frank gains access to Strode’s house, where a cleverly concealed spare key allows him to slip inside unnoticed. The discovery of a police jacket with threads of gold unraveling from an embroidered badge sleeve serves as a harbinger of the unsettling revelations that await him. As he delves deeper into the mystery, Frank stumbles upon a hidden compartment containing a bag filled with provocative materials: magazines featuring his own face on the cover, news articles chronicling the brutal murder of Strode’s 12-year-old daughter, and legal defense documents detailing the suspect who was ultimately freed due to a technicality. The presence of a digital camera in this secret sanctum sends shivers down Frank’s spine as he realizes that Strode has been monitoring his every move. With a sense of foreboding, Frank leaves a cryptic message on Strode’s car, demanding a meeting at the warehouse at 11 pm to reclaim the incriminating evidence.

When Strode arrives at the predetermined location, the air is thick with tension as the two adversaries engage in a brutal and physically draining struggle. Strode’s motivations are twofold: he seeks revenge for Frank’s role in freeing the suspect, and he wants Frank to understand the depth of his anguish. However, Frank’s resolve remains unwavering, and he ultimately prevails over his baser instincts, opting instead to channel Aurelius’ wisdom by choosing not to kill Strode, as it would be akin to stooping to the level of his enemy. Instead, Frank decides to exact a different kind of revenge – one that is rooted in the power of non-violence.

As news coverage of Strode’s subsequent trial and conviction makes its way into the public sphere, the police department is quick to declare that the capture of a rogue officer is a victory for justice. Meanwhile, Frank and Alma pay their respects at the gravesites of his wife and daughter, where he finally breaks his vow of silence by uttering three simple yet profound words: “I love you.”

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