
Does Assimilate have end credit scenes?


Assimilate does not have end credit scenes.




In this chilling sci-fi thriller, three amateur filmmakers unwittingly stumble upon a sinister truth: their quiet suburban town has become a breeding ground for eerie duplicates, exact replicas of the townspeople, quietly taking over their lives. As they delve deeper into the mystery, they must confront the terror that lurks in plain sight.

Runtime: 93 min









User Score


5.3 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Assimilate!

As Hannah (no specific actor mentioned) leaves a distressing voicemail for her mother, an eerie doppelganger of herself suddenly materializes, attacking the teen in her own home. Meanwhile, best friends Zach Henderson and Randy Foster embark on a video tour of Multon, Missouri, showcasing the quaint town's natural beauty. However, their excursion takes a dark turn when neighbor Mrs. Bissette points out the unsettling presence of thousands of unidentified insects crawling on vegetation.

As night falls, Zach and Randy capture a series of bizarre events on camera, including a harried Kayla Shepard (no specific actor mentioned) introducing her father Larry, mother Beth, and younger brother Joey during a high school soccer game. The duo later strolls through the town, capturing more unsettling footage after dinner with Zach's parents.

The boys' attention is drawn back to Mrs. Bissette's house when they hear a blood-curdling scream. Upon arrival, they find Mrs. Bissette frantically hiding in her closet, her leg bearing a gruesome bite mark. A small creature bursts through the wall, prompting Zach and Randy to follow it outside, where they encounter Pastor Greg collecting it with an unsettling air of robotic detachment.

Returning to Deputy Josh Haywood's office, the friends attempt to share their disturbing footage, but he dismisses it as likely a prank gone awry. Undeterred, Zach and Randy confront Pastor Greg during a town hall meeting, only to be met with denials and bizarre insults aimed at their families.

As the strange occurrences escalate, Mrs. Bissette's behavior becomes increasingly robotic, leaving Zach and Randy feeling uneasy. They soon discover that Kayla's father Larry is also exhibiting peculiar behavior, prompting Kayla herself to seek help from her friends in freeing her brother Joey from his grasp.

The trio witnesses a multitude of residents displaying abnormal behavior while walking to Kayla's house. With tensions running high, the teens devise a plan to distract Larry and allow Zach to search for Kayla's mother Beth. His discovery of a massive pod in the attic proves to be the most shocking revelation yet – one that will forever alter their perceptions of their seemingly idyllic town.

As they venture out of their homes, Zach (actor name), Randy, and Kayla find themselves at Deputy Holloway's office, eager to share their incriminating footage with the authorities. Meanwhile, Josh goes to investigate the Shepard house, only to be met with a replacement Beth as Kayla's mother, leaving the trio stunned and perplexed. The three friends are quickly jolted into reality when they spot Pastor Greg and Joey lurking around, making it crystal clear that their predicament is no mere fantasy.

Seeking outside help, Zach, Randy, and Kayla attempt to broadcast their findings online, but their efforts are thwarted by the clever manipulation of cellular signals. Undeterred, they turn to Zach's parents for assistance, only to discover a clone masquerading as his father. The trio soon finds themselves trapped in a barn with two mysterious creatures, one of which bites Randy. As chaos erupts, Kayla rescues her friends just in time, but not before a doppelganger of Mrs. Henderson emerges from a pod, intent on draining the lifeforce from Zach's real mother.

Zach and his friends return to Josh once more, bearing tales of their harrowing experiences. Josh is finally convinced of the danger they've been warning him about, having killed off his own clone after it launched a failed attack on him. The group comes to a sobering realization: the creatures bite humans to acquire a genetic pattern, incubate clones, and then eliminate the originals to claim their memories and identities.

As tensions escalate, Randy's doppelganger appears at Josh's trailer, hell-bent on destroying its original counterpart. A swarm of clones overturns the trailer, leaving everyone inside in disarray. The horde pulls Josh away from his friends, sending them scrambling for safety. In a desperate bid to distract the doubles and ensure Zach and Kayla's escape, Randy leads the way into the woods.

Zach and Kayla adopt a new tactic, disguising themselves as clones by walking robotically through town. Their mission is to infiltrate Kayla's mother's store, where they hope to uncover more clues. However, while Zach retrieves a van key, Kayla becomes distracted upon spotting Joey being led into a nearby fire station alongside the rest of Multon's children.

Kayla seizes the opportunity to sneak into a setup where replaced parents have creatures bite their children for cloning purposes. Her presence is soon detected, and she finds herself captured. In the ensuing chaos, Joey makes a break for it. Zach arrives at Kayla's rescue in the nick of time, but not before noticing that his friend has been bitten.

As they flee the scene, thousands of tiny bugs coalesce into a creature that bites Zach, plunging him into further despair and desperation.

As the once-quaint town undergoes a surreal metamorphosis, Zach (actor name) and Kayla concoct a daring plan to infiltrate the local cable company and broadcast their reality-bending footage to the world. Their journey is punctuated by a macabre encounter with Randy's unsettling doppelganger, which they dispatch in a shallow grave of deceit.

Undeterred by the eerie encounters, Zach and Kayla press on, battling their own doubles as they infiltrate the cable building with precision and guile. With their mission accomplished, they seal their fate with a tender kiss, the culmination of their harrowing adventure.

However, their euphoria is short-lived, as they're forced to flee the facility after outsmarting their sinister duplicates by exploiting the carbon dioxide extinguisher system. Their hasty departure marks the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, as they reunite with Joey (actor name) and confront the shocking truth: their town was merely the last domino to fall, not the first, in a global catastrophe.

As they gaze upon the TV screens broadcasting chaos and destruction worldwide, Zach and Kayla's resolve hardens. They realize that their online video has inadvertently galvanized scattered survivors, who are now responding with fervor, eager to rally against the clone menace and forge a resistance movement. With this newfound purpose, the trio stands at the precipice of a treacherous journey, ready to confront the uncertain future ahead.