Bad Day for the Cut 2017

Box Office



99 min




In this gritty thriller, a quiet farmer turns deadly avenger after his mother's brutal slaying. As he delves into her troubled past, he finds himself navigating Belfast's treacherous underworld, where crime and corruption lurk around every corner.

In this gritty thriller, a quiet farmer turns deadly avenger after his mother's brutal slaying. As he delves into her troubled past, he finds himself navigating Belfast's treacherous underworld, where crime and corruption lurk around every corner.

Does Bad Day for the Cut have end credit scenes?


Bad Day for the Cut does not have end credit scenes.


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6.5 /10

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Plot Summary

In the midst of Ireland’s lush landscape, a morbid tableau unfolds within the sterile walls of a hospital. A dying patient, wracked by pain and weakness, is visited by a woman whose very presence seems to draw the life out of the room. Her sinister intentions are palpable, and the patient’s desperate attempts to assert his mortality only serve to fuel her determination. As she and her henchman unleash their brutal cruelty upon the helpless man, the boundaries between life and death begin to blur.

In a rural setting, Donal, a middle-aged farmer, shares a fragile bond with his aging mother, whose frailty is both poignant and ominous. The news of Tommy Rafferty’s (the hospital patient) passing sends shockwaves through their quiet existence, and Donal’s mother is consumed by an existential crisis that only serves to deepen the chasm between them.

As the darkness closes in around them, Donal proposes a desperate escape: an RV journey across the country with his mother. But she refuses, leaving him to drown his sorrows in beer supplied by her own anxious hands. In a haze of intoxication, he succumbs to vivid nightmares, where the lines between reality and fantasy are forever blurred.

The brutal awakening finds Donal’s mother lying lifeless on their living room floor, beaten to death. The authorities prove as ineffective as they are uncaring, leaving Donal to take matters into his own hands. A gruesome attack in the barn by two masked men sets him on a perilous path of self-investigation.

As he navigates this treacherous landscape, Donal’s desperation turns to fury when he’s forced into a hangman’s noose designed to masquerade as a suicide. But with a primal ferocity, he fights back, dispatching one assailant with a sledgehammer and taking the other hostage. The captive, Ben Bartosz, is an innocent pawn in this game of death, unsure of his role in Donal’s mother’s brutal demise.

As the weight of his situation settles upon him, Donal hesitates before reaching for the authorities. Instead, he buries the dead henchman and sets off into the unknown with Ben by his side, bound together by a shared quest for justice and redemption.

As Donal (actor name) learns the shocking truth from Ben: Frankie Pierce, a wealthy young woman, is holding Ben’s sister Kaja hostage through surveillance, thanks in part to Trevor Ballantine, a mysterious figure with ties to the situation. The stakes are heightened when Donal agrees to help Ben rescue his sibling, but only if it leads him closer to unraveling the truth behind his mother’s tragic death. A crucial meeting with Gavigan, a henchman working for Frankie, sets the stage for a tense standoff that ends in brutal fashion. Despite the gruesome outcome, Donal remains emotionally detached, while Ben’s anguish and desperation grow.

The aftermath of Gavigan’s demise brings a sense of urgency to their mission as they hastily bury their victim and make contact with Frankie over his phone. The enigmatic matriarch is not pleased with Trevor’s failure to eliminate Donal and lashes out at him for being too conspicuous. Meanwhile, Ben shares his concerns with his uncle, only to learn that Frankie was the mastermind behind the heinous act that destroyed his family.

As they close in on their target, Donal and Ben launch a daring rescue mission to free Kaja from the clutches of a ruthless pimp. But just as they’re about to escape, Frankie arrives at the brothel, fueled by rage and a desire for vengeance. In a shocking turn of events, she brutally kills the pimp, cementing her reputation as a force to be reckoned with.

As Donal’s thirst for revenge intensifies, he becomes increasingly disconnected from Ben and Kaja, ordering them to leave his side as they’re slowing him down. The stage is set for a final confrontation that will test the bonds of loyalty, trust, and morality.

As the truth begins to unravel like a tapestry torn asunder, it becomes clear that Tommy Rafferty’s knowledge of an illicit affair between Donal’s mother and Frankie’s father had been hiding in plain sight. Unbeknownst to Donal, his uncle was also privy to this sordid secret, but refused to share the burden with him. The weight of this unspoken truth became too much for Donal to bear, and he returns home only to find his uncle on his deathbed, the man’s final breaths riddled with anguish over Donal’s mother’s untimely demise - a fate brought about by Frankie’s vengeful hands.

As if orchestrated by the very forces of chaos, Frankie and her loyal henchman arrive at the scene, intent on capturing Donal. However, their plans are foiled when Donal takes down the thug and abducts Frankie, forcing her to dig her own grave in a desolate beachside expanse.

Meanwhile, Trevor receives word of Frankie’s disappearance and springs into action, his machinations setting in motion a series of events that would shatter the very fabric of reality. Ben, sensing Donal’s distress, grows increasingly concerned for his friend and decides to pay a visit to Donal’s uncle’s residence, only to be snatched away by Trevor and his accomplice.

With Frankie at gunpoint, Donal demands answers about his mother’s brutal murder. Frankie’s confession is like a verbal bullet to the gut: she grew up without a father because Donal’s mother had taken her own life in a fit of rage after discovering that her lover had returned to his wife. The revelation boils Frankie’s blood with a white-hot fury, and it is only through a fleeting moment of maternal instinct that Donal spares her life.

However, Frankie seizes the opportunity to strike back, overpowering Donal before retrieving her firearm. In self-defense, Donal sends her to an early grave, his mind reeling from the carnage. Moments later, Trevor’s voice crackles over the phone, his words dripping with malevolent intent: “Bring me Frankie, and I’ll spare Ben.” But it is too late; Donal has already killed Frankie, leaving him with no bargaining chip.

In a last-ditch effort to salvage what remains of his humanity, Donal begs Trevor to take his place, but the ruthless operative has other plans. With a cold calculation that sends shivers down Donal’s spine, Trevor executes Ben, and the devastated hero is left to wallow in his own misery. As the darkness closes in around him, Donal hesitates, unsure whether to summon the authorities or succumb to the crushing weight of his circumstances.

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