Bookworm follows 11-year-old Mildred (Nell Fisher) whose life takes a wild turn when her estranged father, Strawn Wise (Elijah Wood), a washed-up Las Vegas illusionist, suddenly reappears. Years ago, after a magical encounter with the once-charming Strawn, Mildred's mom moved back to New Zealand. Now, a comical mishap leaves Strawn carin...

Bookworm follows 11-year-old Mildred (Nell Fisher) whose life takes a wild turn when her estranged father, Strawn Wise (Elijah Wood), a washed-up Las Vegas illusionist, suddenly reappears. Years ago, after a magical encounter with the once-charming Strawn, Mildred's mom moved back to New Zealand. Now, a comical mishap leaves Strawn carin...

Does Bookworm have end credit scenes?


Bookworm does not have end credit scenes.

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