
Does Case 39 have end credit scenes?


Case 39 does not have end credit scenes.

Case 39

Case 39


In this chilling thriller, social worker Emily Jenkins thought she'd witnessed every form of cruelty... until she met 10-year-old Lilith Sullivan, a young girl trapped in a web of terror at the hands of her heartless parents. As Emily delves deeper into the case, she must navigate a dark world of manipulation and deceit to keep Lilith safe from harm.

Runtime: 109 min

Box Office: $28M








User Score






User Score


6.2 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Case 39!

As social worker Emily Jenkins delves into the troubled world of 10-year-old Lillith Sullivan, she uncovers a tangled web of neglect and abuse that has left its mark on the young girl's fragile psyche. Assigned to investigate the Sullivans' family dynamics, Emily detects a pattern of overprotection and emotional suffocation, which she believes has stunted Lillith's growth and potential. Her suspicions are corroborated when Lillith's parents attempt to roast her alive in their oven, prompting Emily to intervene and save the child with the help of Detective Mike Barron (Mike Barron).

In a surprising turn of events, the court decides to place Lillith in Emily's care until a suitable foster family can be found. As they settle into their new routine, strange occurrences begin to plague Emily's life. Two weeks later, another case file, that of Diego, yields a shocking outcome: the boy murders his parents, and Detective Barron reveals that someone phoned Diego from Emily's residence on the night preceding the crime. With her reputation under scrutiny, Lillith undergoes a psychiatric evaluation at the hands of Emily's trusted friend, Dr. Douglas J. Ames (Douglas J. Ames). However, during the session, Lillith turns the tables, probing Douglas about his deepest fears and subtly menacing him.

That night, Douglas receives a mysterious phone call at his apartment, only to be sent into a panic when a swarm of hornets erupts from his body. Consumed by terror, he takes his own life, snapping his neck in a desperate bid for escape. Emily's concerns about Lillith's presence in her home grow, and she seeks answers at the mental asylum where Lillith's parents reside. The truth is finally revealed: Lillith is a malevolent entity that feeds on emotions, and her parents' attempted murder was an act of desperation to save themselves and others from her grasp.

In a chilling twist, Emily learns that the only way to vanquish this demonic force is to put Lillith to sleep. Barely has she left the asylum than both parents meet their demise: Lillith's mother is fatally burned in a blaze of flames, while her father meets his end at the hands of a fork, its tines plunged deep into his eye. As Emily navigates this treacherous landscape, she must confront the dark forces that lurk within the shadows, and find a way to reclaim her own life from the clutches of this demonic child.

As Barron's concerns about Emily's mental well-being escalate, a mysterious phone call from Emily's cellphone, now in the hands of Lillith, serves as a chilling validation of his fears. Compelled to take action, Barron arms himself at the police precinct and prepares to intervene on Emily's behalf when Lillith appears. However, in a shocking turn of events, Barron's vivid imagination, fueled by Lillith's manipulation, prompts him to unleash a shotgun blast that inadvertently strikes him in the head. This harrowing episode marks a turning point in Emily's desperate bid to rid herself of Lillith's malevolent influence.

Undeterred by her recent setbacks, Emily concocts a plan with Barron's unwitting assistance. That night, she spikes Lillith's tea with sedatives, hoping to subdue the demon and finally find some respite from her torment. As Lillith succumbs to the sedative's effects, Emily seizes the opportunity to set fire to their shared abode, believing this drastic measure will put an end to Lillith's reign of terror. Yet, in a stunning display of resilience, Lillith miraculously escapes unscathed.

The authorities offer Emily and Lillith temporary refuge, but as they're being escorted away from the scene, Emily suddenly takes a detour, opting for a high-stakes game of cat and mouse with her nemesis. With reckless abandon, she steers her vehicle at breakneck speed towards a pier, intent on instilling fear in Lillith's heart. The car plunges into the depths, leaving Emily to struggle against time as she attempts to confine Lillith within the trunk. In a last-ditch effort, Emily abandons the sinking vehicle and swims away, only for Lillith, now freed from her demonic prison, to grasp her leg in a desperate bid to thwart her escape.

As Emily manages to break free and emerges from the water, she's left grappling with the weight of her actions. Her ordeal finally comes to an end when Lillith meets her demise within the sinking car. With her tormentor vanquished, Emily's relief is short-lived, as a subsequent revelation in the Special Features section of the DVD reveals that a mysterious figure rescues both Lillith and Emily from the wreckage.

In a shocking twist, Emily is later seen in handcuffs, frantically pleading with her lawyer to provide insight into Lillith's whereabouts. Her lawyer remains unfazed by Emily's pleas, ordering her institutionalization for schizophrenia. Meanwhile, Lillith finds herself in the care of a new foster family, marking the beginning of a dark and uncertain chapter in her twisted existence.