
Does Charlie Countryman have end credit scenes?


Charlie Countryman does not have end credit scenes.

Charlie Countryman

Charlie Countryman


In the midst of a whirlwind adventure, a free-spirited American finds himself entangled with a captivating Romanian woman, whose enigmatic nature hides a turbulent past marked by a volatile ex-lover.

Runtime: 108 min

Box Office: $444K







User Score


6.3 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Charlie Countryman!

As Charlie Countryman's grief-stricken eyes gaze upon the hospital room where his mother's spirit still lingers, he finds himself compelled to heed her ethereal advice: "Go to Bucharest." This mysterious directive sets him on a journey that would forever alter the trajectory of his life. En route, he forms an unlikely bond with Victor, a wily octogenarian who shares stories of his Cubs' escapades and presents Charlie with a peculiar gift - a hat adorned with silly trinkets for his daughter, Gabi. In a poignant moment, Victor's spirit appears to Charlie on the plane, entrusting him with the task of delivering the hat to Gabi.

Upon arriving in Bucharest, Charlie is met with a barrage of bureaucratic red tape regarding the hat, but ultimately finds himself face-to-face with Gabi, whose captivating beauty leaves an indelible mark on his heart. As they part ways, fate intervenes as Charlie stumbles upon Gabi's stranded car on the side of the road. She implores him to join her in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse as they chase down an ambulance racing with Victor's lifeless body. The ensuing collision sends their vehicles careening into chaos, leaving Gabi and Victor's mortal remains en route to the hospital.

As Charlie tends to Gabi's damaged vehicle, he stumbles upon a firearm nestled in her purse - a revolver emblazoned with the enigmatic inscription "For my darling Gabi, Love forever Nigel." This cryptic clue sets him on a path that will unravel the tangled threads of Gabi's life. A series of serendipitous events propels Charlie to the grand opera house, where he finds himself ensconced in an empty box seat, lulled into a state of somnambulism by the strains of Gabi's cello. It is here that Charlie awakens to a world of enchantment, as Gabi's haunting melody weaves its way through his consciousness.

As the opera performance comes to a close, Gabi is confronted by her estranged husband, Nigel - an unstable force whose menacing presence threatens to disrupt the harmony she has found in Bucharest. It is at this juncture that Charlie's unwitting involvement becomes apparent, as Gabi's attempts to deflect Nigel's aggression result in the fabrication of a fictional persona: "He's just a gay tuba player." With Nigel momentarily distracted, Charlie slips into the shadows, forever entwined with the mystical forces that have drawn him to this foreign land.

As Charlie (actor name) settled into his hostel room, he was introduced to an eclectic group of roommates, including Karl and Luc. The trio quickly bonded over a night of revelry, with Charlie eventually retreating to the bathroom to collect himself. However, little did he know that Nigel had been waiting for him, seeking to make amends for past transgressions and issuing a veiled threat in the process.

The following evening, Charlie's encounter with Gabi (actor name) proved to be a memorable one, as they spent hours sharing stories about their parents and forging a connection. As the night drew to a close, Gabi departed, leaving Charlie with an tantalizing promise: if he found her the next day, she would reward him with a kiss. Energized by the prospect of romance, Charlie took to the streets, only to be brutally struck by a taxi cab. The driver rushed him to the hospital, where Charlie spent hours recovering from his ordeal.

Upon his release from the hospital, Charlie returned to the hostel, only to find that Karl had overindulged in Viagra and was desperate for relief. In a misguided attempt to soothe his discomfort, they ventured out to a local club, resulting in Karl's embarrassing climax in front of the strippers. The ensuing chaos prompted the bouncers to escort them to the manager's office, where they were met with a shockingly inflated bill.

As Charlie gazed nervously at a photograph of Nigel and Gabi on the wall, Darko, the club manager, took notice. He aggressively questioned Charlie about his connection to the pair, leading Charlie to propose a deal: in exchange for information about Nigel, they would be spared the exorbitant bill. Darko agreed, providing Charlie with his phone number before dismissing him.

As morning dawned, Charlie seized the opportunity to visit the Bucharest opera house, hoping against hope that he might catch a glimpse of Gabi.

As the evening wears on, Bela stumbles upon Charlie slumbering on the opera house steps, where he is gently roused from his reverie. Reluctantly, Bela agrees to escort Charlie to Gabi's abode, where a somber memorial party for Victor is underway. It is there that Gabi leads Charlie to the attic, their whispered conversation punctuated by a stolen kiss. But just as they begin to find solace in each other's company, Nigel bursts onto the scene, his countenance twisted with rage and jealousy. Holding a shattered glass against his throat, he berates Charlie for not being a gay tuba player and for harboring feelings for Gabi. However, Gabi intervenes, her firm hand guiding Nigel towards the door as she fires a warning shot to ensure his departure.

As the partygoers disperse, Gabi confides in Charlie about her tumultuous marriage to Nigel, revealing that despite her initial love for him, she eventually discovered his criminal nature and was forced to leave. Victor's untimely demise has left Nigel bereft of options, as he now seeks the incriminating tape that will clear his path to freedom. Meanwhile, Charlie finds himself overwhelmed with emotion, confessing his own love for Gabi as they surrender to their passion.

The next morning, Charlie awakens to find Gabi gone, leaving behind a cryptic note commanding him to remain in the house. Undeterred, Charlie sets out to explore the labyrinthine estate, stumbling upon a room overflowing with tapes and VHS recordings. Amidst this treasure trove, he discovers a label that reads "Cubbies" – a tape that holds the key to Victor's secrets. As it turns out, this very footage captures Nigel and Darko in all their ruthless glory, brutally murdering a group of innocent patrons at a restaurant.

A shaken Charlie flees the house, only to find Gabi and Nigel enjoying a meal at a nearby eatery. Approaching them with trepidation, he reveals his newfound knowledge, prompting Nigel's wrath. The police arrive just in time to intervene, arresting Charlie and whisking him away to a cell.

It is there that Bela makes a hasty payment to the authorities, securing Charlie's release and a one-way ticket to Budapest. As he settles into his hostel quarters, Charlie is confronted by Nigel's associates, who pursue him through the city streets. In a desperate bid for freedom, Charlie escapes onto a subway train, only to discover that Gabi has vanished once more – leaving behind a trail of mystery and intrigue.

In the end, Charlie stumbles upon Darko and his cohorts at Gabi's doorstep, where he finds the gruesome spectacle of Karl and Luc, their bodies bound together with duct tape. The phone rings, and Gabi's voice on the other end prompts Darko to vacate the premises, leaving Charlie reeling in a sea of uncertainty – his quest for truth and love hanging precariously in the balance.

As Charlie anxiously awaited Gabi's arrival at the opulent Opera House, a heavy-hearted truth was revealed: she had come to sever ties, her voice laced with a resolute finality as she uttered the devastating words: "I don't want to see you again." With a sorrowful glance, Gabi bid Charlie farewell and stepped into the night alongside Nigel, the latter clutching the incriminating tape in his possession. His sinister intentions clear, Nigel was hell-bent on destroying the evidence, desperate to resurrect a life with Gabi unencumbered by the weight of their shared past.

As Charlie's sorrow deepened, he found solace in the spectral presence of his mother, whose ethereal voice whispered words of pride and hope: that he wouldn't succumb to the darkness that threatened to consume him. With her ghostly form vanishing into thin air, Charlie hastened to Gabi's car, determined to intercept Nigel and reclaim the tape before it was too late. Alas, his valiant efforts were met with brutal force as Nigel left him senseless on the pavement.

When Charlie regained consciousness, he found himself suspended by an ankle tied to a rope above a tranquil lake, the water lapping gently against the shore below. The tape, now nothing more than a smoldering ruin, was all that remained of their tangled lives. As Nigel's grip on reality began to slip, he prepared to take aim at Charlie with cold calculation – only to relinquish his deadly intent to Gabi, who stood poised, her resolve faltering.

Just as the authorities arrived on the scene, Charlie found himself plummeting into the lake, miraculously spared from the jaws of death. In a poignant coda, Nigel met his maker in a hail of bullets, sacrificing his own life to avoid capture. As the dust settled, Charlie and Gabi were finally free to chart their uncertain future together, the bonds of Karl and Luc's super glue momentarily forgotten as the film concluded on a note of tentative hope.