
Does Dead Snow have end credit scenes?


Dead Snow does not have end credit scenes.

Dead Snow

Dead Snow


As Easter revelers descend upon the remote Oksfjord, they're met with a chilling surprise: a battalion of undead Nazis rising from the snow-capped mountains. With beer and bodies aplenty, this group of friends is about to discover that their vacation will be a bloody battle for survival against the most unlikely of foes.

Runtime: 91 min

Box Office: $2.2M








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Check out what happened in Dead Snow!

As the snow-capped mountains of Norway provide a serene backdrop, a frantic chase unfolds, culminating in the gruesome fate of Sara, whose desperate attempt to escape is ultimately met with the merciless jaws of undead Nazi soldiers, their World War II-era uniforms now stained with the crimson hue of fresh blood. Meanwhile, seven students, embarking on an Easter vacation getaway, arrive at a secluded cabin nestled near Øksfjord, owned by Vegard, Sara's boyfriend. As they settle in for a night of revelry and merriment, a mysterious hiker appears, regaling them with the dark history of the region, where the horrors of war still linger. During World War II, an Einsatzgruppe force, led by the notorious Standartenführer Herzog, occupied the area, perpetrating heinous atrocities upon the local population. As the war drew to a close and Germany's defeat loomed, the Nazi soldiers pillaged the town, only to be met with resistance from the embittered citizens who staged a bloody uprising, decimating their tormentors. The survivors, including Herzog, were forced to flee into the mountains, where it was presumed they perished in the harsh winter conditions. However, this dark chapter of history is far from over, as our hiker friend continues on his way, unaware that he will soon become the first victim of a reanimated horror.

That night, Vegard's slumber is interrupted by an unsettling presence beneath the floorboards of the cabin, which he initially believes to be Sara. His calls go unanswered, and the mysterious figure departs, leaving Vegard feeling disoriented and uneasy. It isn't until he stumbles outside, where he finds Sara drenched in blood, that his tranquility is shattered once more. But this is only a nightmare, as Vegard awakens to find himself alone in bed. Meanwhile, our hiker friend has set up camp in the mountains, savoring a solitary dinner when an eerie noise interrupts his peaceful evening. As he ventures out to investigate, he becomes the latest casualty of the undead Nazi army.

The following morning, Vegard sets out to locate Sara, only to stumble upon the gruesome remains of the hiker. His search takes him deeper into the wilderness, where he falls through the snow-covered terrain and crashes unconscious in a hidden cave. As night begins to fall, Erlend stumbles upon an ancient wooden box overflowing with treasures and trinkets pilfered from the war-torn era. The group celebrates their discovery, but their revelry is short-lived, as one of them pockets a golden coin, only to return it to the chest later that evening. As the night wears on, Erlend retreats to the outhouse, where he shares a passionate moment with Chris. Their intimacy is cut short when Chris becomes the next victim of the undead Nazi soldiers.

As the group frantically searches for their missing friend, they uncover Sara's abandoned rucksack buried in the snow, serving as a grim reminder that the horrors of war are far from forgotten and continue to claim innocent lives.

As Vegard (actor name) emerges from the cave, he's met with a gruesome scene: Sara's severed head lies amidst a trove of German military gear. His brief respite is shattered when a zombie attacks, prompting him to fend it off with desperate ferocity. As the creature crumbles to the ground, Vegard seizes an intestine and, in a macabre act of desperation, uses it as a lifeline to climb back onto solid ground. With his wounds gaping open, he scrambles to stitch them shut before commandeering an MG 34 machine gun, affixing it to his snowmobile with grim determination.

Meanwhile, the remaining quartet - Martin, Roy, Hanna, and Liv (actor name) - frantically scatter in a bid for survival. Martin and Roy attempt to distract the undead horde, while their female companions make a break for the cars. However, Liv's route is quickly disrupted when she's knocked unconscious by a zombie and awakens to find her intestines being yanked out by two attackers. In a desperate bid to escape her torment, she deploys a stick grenade, incinerating both zombies and herself.

Hanna fares better, guiding a zombie to the edge of a precipice before sending it plummeting to its death with a well-timed kick of ice. Martin and Roy, meanwhile, inadvertently set the cabin ablaze using Molotov cocktails, prompting them to flee and arm themselves with power tools. As they face off against their undead pursuers, Vegard appears, his machine gun blazing in a futile bid to hold back the tide of flesh-eaters.

The ensuing battle claims its share of casualties: Vegard falls, and Martin, still reeling from the chaos, inadvertently slays Hanna as she returns to the cabin. Just as he's about to confront Herzog (actor name), who leads an army of zombies into view, Martin is bitten on the arm by one of the undead. To avoid succumbing to the infection, he resorts to a gruesome act of self-amputation with a chainsaw.

As the dust settles, Martin and Roy prepare to strike back at Herzog, but their attack is quickly repelled when hundreds of zombies rise from beneath the snow like an unholy tide. As they flee for their lives, Roy meets a grisly end, his skull crushed by a hammer-wielding zombie before being disembowelled by a tree branch and finally dispatched by Herzog, who pilfers his watch as a grim trophy.