
Does Dracula Untold have end credit scenes?


Dracula Untold does not have end credit scenes.

Dracula Untold

Dracula Untold


In medieval Transylvania, Prince Vlad III wages war against the Ottoman Empire, but when the Sultan demands his son and 1,000 boys as tribute, Vlad must make a pact with darkness. As he confronts the horrors of war, he loses himself to a monster's power, trading humanity for the strength to defeat his enemies in this epic battle between good and evil.

Runtime: 92 min

Box Office: $217M








User Score






User Score


6.2 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in Dracula Untold!

As the early 15th century sun dips into the horizon of Transylvania, a dark chapter unfolds. The Turkish Sultan, driven by an insatiable hunger for conquest, launches a brutal invasion, seeking to recruit an army of 1,000 unsuspecting boys. Amidst the chaos, Prince Vlad Tepes (Luke Evans), a fierce warrior known as "Vlad The Impaler, Son of the Dragon," emerges as a beacon of hope and fury. With his comrades by his side, he embarks on a ruthless campaign to annihilate the Turkish forces, earning himself the ominous moniker that would forever be etched in history - Dracula.

As Vlad's legend grows, so do the whispers of an ancient evil lurking in the shadows. A mysterious helmet, adorned with claw marks, washes up near a river, sending ripples of unease through the prince's ranks. Captain Petru (Noah Huntley) senses something is amiss, his instincts proven correct as they stumble upon a macabre scene on Broken Tooth Mountain: a cave awash in armor pieces bearing the scars of brutal slaughter, surrounded by the skeletal remains of men who had once worn them.

As Vlad and his companions venture deeper into the darkness, a creature emerges from the shadows, its soulless yellow eyes fixed menacingly on the prince. With sword in hand, Vlad holds the beast at bay, its growls echoing through the caverns as it retreats back into the darkness. Seeking answers to this eldritch horror, Vlad consults with Brother Lucian (Paul Kaye), who reveals the terrible truth: they have stumbled upon a vampire, a monster born from a pact between man and the creatures of the night.

Back at Castle Dracula, Prince Vlad returns to his wife Mirena (Sarah Gadon) and son Ingeras (Art Parkinson), bringing with him tales of his exploits on the battlefield. As the family celebrates their safety and security, a Turkish emissary, Hamza Bey (Ferdinand Kingsley), arrives with an ominous message from Sultan Mehmed II. The prince offers himself in exchange for the lives of 1,000 boys, but Mehmed refuses, demanding not only the children but also Vlad's own son.

As tensions simmer and the threat of war looms large, Prince Vlad knows that he must confront his nemesis directly. He sets out to negotiate with Mehmed (Dominic Cooper), offering himself as a sacrifice for the sake of his people. But the Sultan remains unmoved, leaving Vlad no choice but to steel himself for the battles ahead, knowing that the fate of Transylvania hangs precariously in the balance.

As Vlad and his family are led to a meeting with Hamza and the Turks, an air of tension hangs heavy over the proceedings. With his young son by his side, Vlad appears poised to surrender Ingeras into Turkish custody, yet whispers a cryptic message to the boy - "Run to your mother. NOW" - before deftly dispatching Hamza and his cohorts with calculated ferocity. The massacre is swift and merciless, leaving the Turks strewn about in their wake.

Fearful of Mehmed's wrath, Vlad seeks out the enigmatic Master Vampire (Charles Dance), a creature rumored to possess ancient power. As the two confer, Vlad reveals his desperation to transform into a monster, driven by a burning desire to vanquish his enemies and reclaim his dignity. The Master Vampire listens intently before presenting Vlad with an unsettling proposition: in exchange for granting him monstrous powers, he must resist the primal urge to feed on blood for three days, after which he will regain his mortal form.

Vlad accepts the terms, surrendering to the Master Vampire's guidance as he pierces his own wrist and pours forth a libation of blood. The dark elixir courses through Vlad's veins, imbuing him with an otherworldly vitality. As he awakens by the river, the first signs of his transformation become apparent - his skin begins to writhe in agony, only to be tempered by his newfound strength as he crushes a rock beneath his palm.

Vlad's senses are now heightened to an extraordinary degree, allowing him to perceive the subtlest movements of the creatures lurking in the woods. Moreover, he discovers that he can take flight in the form of a flock of bats, soaring through the darkness with an uncanny ease. The Turks, meanwhile, are unwittingly drawn into the fray, their attack on Transylvania met with swift and merciless retribution as Vlad descends upon them, his black cloak billowing behind him like a dark angel's wings.

With each successive conquest, Vlad's powers grow stronger still, allowing him to annihilate the entire Turkish army with an ease that borders on the divine. As the last Turk falls, Vlad stands victorious, his transformation complete, and his legend poised to spread far and wide across the land.

As the remnants of Vlad's (Vlad) kingdom converge upon a monastery, he issues an edict for his people to retreat, seeking sanctuary from the chaos that has beset them. However, as he navigates the treacherous landscape of his own desires, Vlad's intense thirst for blood begins to overwhelm him. Fearing the consequences of succumbing to this primal urge, he separates himself from his men, opting instead to seek solace in the company of Mirena (Mirena). As they share a tender moment beneath the stars, Vlad's battle-scarred visage gives way to an eerie smoothness, a transformation that serves as a poignant reminder of the monster lurking within. Despite his growing insatiability, Vlad recoils from the intimacy, unable to resist the allure of Mirena's vulnerable jugular.

As night descends, Vlad takes a solitary stroll through the forest, only to be confronted by a mysterious figure bearing a knife. The latter, well-versed in Vlad's newfound nature, offers him a cup filled with his own lifeblood. Vlad initially resists the temptation, instead choosing to discard the offering and rebuke its provider. However, as he gazes upon the crimson fluid staining the earth, his resolve falters, and he is forced to confront the beast that now resides within.

Meanwhile, Mehmed (Mehmed) and his troops close in on their Transylvanian quarry, stumbling upon a gruesome tableau of carnage and despair. The brutalized corpse of Mehmed's captain lies at the feet of the Turkish soldiers, their bodies impaled upon makeshift spears.

As Vlad's people navigate the treacherous woods once more, they are ambushed by yet another contingent of Turkic warriors. In response, Vlad transforms into his bat-like form, swooping in to wreak havoc upon their enemies. Petru (Petru) valiantly shields Mirena and Ingeras from harm, but his valor is ultimately rewarded with a mortal wound. As Petru's life force begins to ebb away, Vlad arrives just in the nick of time, delivering the coup de grâce that sends the Turk crashing over the precipice.

Mirena's growing unease regarding Vlad's metamorphosis is palpable, prompting him to take drastic measures to alleviate her concerns. With a flourish, he tears open the tent flaps, bathing his skin in the golden light of day. The resulting spectacle serves as a stark reminder of the unholy bargain that has been struck – one made to safeguard Mirena and their son's lives at any cost. Though initially taken aback by this revelation, Mirena ultimately accepts her husband's sacrifice, acknowledging that his transformation was undertaken in the pursuit of their collective survival.

As whispers of unease spread throughout the land, the people begin to conspire against Vlad, convinced that his immortal nature has succumbed to malevolence. A group of brave warriors, led by Lucian (actor's name), decide to confront Vlad, determined to put an end to what they perceive as a monstrous existence. With sword in hand, Lucian offers to spare Vlad the agony of immortality, but the Prince refuses to back down. As the tent flaps open, sunlight bathes Vlad's skin, causing it to wither and burn, revealing his true form to the terrified onlookers. The crowd flees in terror as the men resort to throwing fire at the burning tent, heedless of Mirena's frantic pleas for compassion.

Meanwhile, an ominous army of Turks marches forth, threatening to engulf the Transylvanians. As dawn breaks, Vlad seizes control of a massive flock of bats, harnessing their collective might to assault the invaders. With a flick of his wrist, he delivers a crushing blow, sending shockwaves through the soldiers. His powers growing stronger by the minute, Vlad takes to the skies himself, seeking out Mehmed and delivering the final blow. However, amidst the chaos, two soldiers manage to infiltrate Vlad's sanctuary, abducting Ingeras while leaving Mirena for dead.

Vlad's anguished cry echoes through the air as he rushes to rescue his beloved Mirena, only to find her already succumbing to mortal wounds. As she takes her last breath, Mirena implores Vlad to drink from her lifeblood, granting him the power to ensure their son's survival. With a heavy heart, Vlad reluctantly consumes her blood, ensuring his immortal powers are now permanent.

With this newfound strength, Vlad approaches the remaining Transylvanians and invites them to partake in his elixir of immortality. As they drink from his veins, he dons an ancient armor adorned with the image of a mighty dragon – a symbol of his own unyielding spirit and unwavering resolve to protect those dear to him.

As Ingeras is brought before Mehmed, Vlad and the Transylvanians unleash a bloodthirsty assault on the Turkish forces, mercilessly feasting on their lifeblood and reducing their camp to a bloody ruin. Undeterred by his avowed weakness to silver, Vlad storms into Mehmed's tent, only to find the Sultan employing every available coin to exploit that very vulnerability. The two engage in a fierce hand-to-hand combat, with Mehmed proving an unexpectedly formidable foe as he continually showers Vlad with silver coins. Despite being overpowered and sent crashing to the ground, Vlad seizes his sword and refuses to yield, eventually morphing into his bat form to turn the tables on Mehmed. As the stake glints in the sunlight, poised to deliver a fatal blow, Vlad snatches it from Mehmed's grasp and drives it home, declaring himself no longer Vlad The Impaler, but Dracula, Son of the Devil. With a cruel efficiency, he drains Mehmed's lifeblood and then vanishes into the shadows.

The Turkish army vanquished, the Transylvanians now set their sights on Ingeras, their thirst for his blood seemingly insatiable. One zealous zealot, Cazan (William Houston), attempts to take advantage of the boy's vulnerability, only to be impaled by Dracula and left to wither away into a skeletal husk. The remaining Transylvanians advance upon Ingeras, but Lucian intervenes, brandishing a cross that sends them fleeing in terror. With his son safe at last, Dracula tenderly parts the clouds, allowing the sun to consume him and his cohorts, their dark forms incinerated by its radiant light.

In the aftermath of this apocalyptic conflagration, Ingeras is crowned the new prince of Transylvania, a hollow victory tempered by the knowledge that his father's legacy lives on. Meanwhile, a mysterious figure from the forest revives Dracula, channeling life into his undead form through the agency of his own blood. As Ingeras senses the possibility that his father may yet still be out there, waiting in the shadows, the curtain lifts on the present day, where Dracula has reacquired the gift of mortality.

Now, as Vlad Dracula, he navigates the mortal realm with ease, his eyes alighting upon a woman whose beauty is matched only by her uncanny resemblance to Mirena. With Mina (his doppelganger) by his side, he strolls through town, blissfully unaware that the Master Vampire, now returned to his human form, observes their tender moments from afar. The air thickens with anticipation as this ancient predator contemplates his next move, whispering to himself, "Let the games begin."