
Does Evil Dead II have end credit scenes?


Evil Dead II does not have end credit scenes.

Evil Dead II

Evil Dead II


In this gruesome sequel, Ash Wilson finds himself tormented once more by malevolent forces after unleashing a demonic curse with a mysterious tape recorder. As evil spirits converge on his isolated cabin, he must confront the unspeakable horrors head-on and rely on his wit and cunning to survive against all odds.

Runtime: 84 min

Box Office: $5.9M








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User Score


7.7 /10

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Check out what happened in Evil Dead II!

Here is the rephrased section:

The opening 15 minutes of the film presents an alternate take on The Evil Dead (1981), commencing with protagonist Ashley 'Ash' J. Williams (Bruce Campbell) and his girlfriend Linda embarking on a journey to a secluded cabin nestled in the mountains. As they arrive at their destination, Linda's carefree nature shines as she dons her underwear and dances to the sound of piano music playing within the cabin walls. Ash, still reeling from the gift he bestowed upon her - a silver chain adorned with a tiny magnifying glass pendant - takes a momentary detour into another room to retrieve a bottle of champagne. Meanwhile, Linda strips off her remaining attire. As Ash returns, he stumbles upon a reel-to-reel tape player and, curiosity piqued, decides to switch it on. The recording that follows is a eerie account of the cabin's dark past, revealing its connection to Prof. Raymond Knowby (John Peakes), who was deeply immersed in translating passages from the ancient tome "Necronomicon Ex Mortos" - known as "Morturom Demonto" in this twisted retelling - discovered in the foreboding Castle of Candar beside a ceremonial knife bearing a skull-shaped handle. The tape's ominous tone warns that it is through the recitation of these passages that an evil force is granted permission to possess the living, preceding to recite one of the incantations that awakens a malevolent presence and subsequently takes hold of Linda. As Ash searches for his missing girlfriend, he finds himself face-to-face with the now-demonic Linda, whose possession drives him to panic. With a stroke of good fortune, Ash manages to behead the love of his life using a conveniently placed shovel. In the aftermath of this gruesome event, Ash takes the time to respectfully lay Linda's headless corpse to rest, clutching her silver necklace and pendant as a poignant reminder of their doomed love.

As the dark energy that had consumed the cabin begins to dissipate, Ash finds himself swept up in its destructive force, which ultimately leads to his own possession. Fortunately, the sun rises, banishing the Candarian demon from the woods, and Ash is left shaken but physically unscathed. As he takes a moment to collect himself, the remnants of the evil mist retreat into the trees, and the cloudiness that had shrouded Ash's eyes lifts, leaving him feeling drained yet revitalized. It is at this point that the narrative takes a darker turn, as Ash succumbs to exhaustion and drifts off into an uneasy slumber amidst the woods.

As Ash gazes up at the cabin, his gaze is met with a haunting apparition superimposed upon its rustic facade, accompanied by an ominous whisper that echoes through the night air: "Join Us". With a surge of bravery, he scrambles into his trusty Oldsmobile and makes a desperate bid for freedom, only to find that the bridge has been ravaged beyond recognition, its once-sturdy beams now reduced to a treacherous chasm. The sun dips precipitously below the horizon, casting the surrounding woods in an eerie twilight, as the dark forces that pursue him close in with reckless abandon. A fusillade of branches lashes at Ash's face like whips, sending his car careening off course and leaving him airborne, his face smacking against a tree trunk with brutal force. Undeterred, he stumbles through the darkness, fleeing to the cabin as the relentless pursuers give chase, navigating a maze of 10 rooms, 9 doors, and an unfinished hallway in their futile attempts to evade capture.

Meanwhile, Annie Knowby (Sarah Berry) touches down at the airport, her arrival marked by the unassuming rustle of 3000-year-old parchment from the Book of the Dead. Her boyfriend Ed Gentley (Richard Domeier) is waiting to whisk her away on a journey to join her father at the very same cabin that has become Ash's desperate refuge.

As Ash slumps into an armchair, his battered form momentarily forgets its terror in the face of soothing piano music that seems to drift from nowhere. The melody stirs something deep within him, transporting him back to memories of Linda as he retrieves her silver necklace from his pocket. But his reverie is short-lived, for boards creaking loose and falling away reveal a window through which Ash beholds an unholy spectacle: Linda's grave marker lies broken, its stone guardian reanimated into a grotesque, headless corpse (Ted Raimi) that twitches and convulses with macabre abandon. Her visage, restored to a ghastly freshness, fixes upon him with an unblinking stare as she pirouettes around the tree limb like a seductive specter. As if conjured by some dark force, she vanishes into the shadows only to reappear outside the window, grasping Ash's wrist and drawing him into her nightmarish dance. After being slammed against the barricades with merciless ferocity, Ash finally breaks free, watching in horror as Linda's head once more detaches from her decomposing form, its gaze frozen upon the darkness.

As Ash's consciousness slowly awakens, he finds himself reimmersed in the chair, his screams of terror echoing through the desolate atmosphere. The lingering unease is palpable as he surveys the scene before him, wondering if the ghastly dance of death was merely a product of his fevered imagination. The window barricade remains intact, a testament to the unyielding ferocity of the forces that seek to contain him.

Suddenly, Linda's disembodied head materializes in Ash's lap, her saccharine smile and playful tone at odds with the gruesome reality unfolding before them. As she bites down on his right hand, Ash is powerless to resist her grasp, his fingers numb from the sudden assault. In a desperate bid for freedom, he rushes to the work shed, where he secures Linda's head in a vise, allowing him to momentarily escape her clutches.

However, this brief respite is short-lived, as the headless torso charges into the shed, wielding a chainsaw that seems hell-bent on rending Ash asunder. With a Herculean effort, Ash deflects the attack with a crowbar, the corpse clumsily sawing away at its own body in its desperation to exact revenge. Seizing the opportunity, Ash pries the chainsaw from the lifeless form and yanks the pull-start cord, unleashing a maelstrom of destruction upon the hapless corpse.

As the carnage subsides, Ash surveys the aftermath with a mix of disgust and trepidation. The head, now freed from its vise-bound torment, slithers across the ground, its eyes blazing with malevolent intent before it dissipates into nothingness. It is clear that Linda has earned herself a permanent place on Ash's list of enemies.

Upon returning to his cabin, Ash arms himself with a double-barrel shotgun and a cache of shells, but this newfound sense of security is short-lived as an unseen entity begins to manipulate the rocking chair, its mournful moans sending shivers down Ash's spine. As he approaches the chair, the entity ceases its machinations, seemingly intimidated by his presence.

Seeking solace in the mirror, Ash attempts to reassure himself that everything will be okay, but his reflection suddenly springs to life, its mocking laughter and cruel taunts serving as a harsh reminder of Ash's precarious predicament. As the two Ashes engage in a silent struggle, the original Ash finds himself grasping at his own throat, his cries for help falling on deaf ears.

As he stumbles back from the mirror, Ash is met with a ghastly sight: dark veins radiating outward from the bite wounds on the edge of his right hand, which now moves and twists under its own accord. The appendage begins to emit strange, cackling laughter before turning its attention upon Ash's face, its cold, dead fingers closing around his features like a vice.

Ash's desperate plea for the return of his hand falls on deaf ears as he becomes embroiled in a battle with his own mutated limb, the two locked in a futile struggle that seems destined to consume him entirely.

As Annie and Ed's journey comes to a standstill due to the construction chaos caused by Jake (Dan Hicks), they're left facing a dead end - literally. Bobby Joe (Kassie Wesley DePaiva) leans against their car, informing them that there's no other route to take, prompting Jake to offer an alternative: a treacherous trail through the woods, complete with a hefty price tag of $40... or $100, contingent upon the trio carrying their luggage. The unspoken agreement is sealed with sly grins all around.

Meanwhile, Ash's malevolent hand wreaks havoc in another part of town, mercilessly attacking its owner with broken crockery and brutal force. It's a chaotic assault that culminates in the hand attempting to drag Ash's unconscious body towards a cleaver. But Ash, far from defeated, awakens and seizes control, lopping off his own hand with the chainsaw he used earlier to dismember his lover. As he binds the stump with cloth and duct tape, the phrase "Who's laughing now?" becomes a twisted mantra.

As night falls, Annie, Ed, and Bobby Joe venture into the dark woods, accompanied by Jake struggling under the weight of a massive tree trunk. Their path is fraught with tension, as they navigate the treacherous terrain.

Back at Ash's residence, his amputated hand has escaped and taken refuge behind the wall, taunting its former owner with a series of provocative gestures. Ash responds by unloading shell after shell into the wall, only to be met with a surreal display of blood and chaos. The walls spew forth a torrent of gore, covering every inch of the room in a macabre spectacle. As the blood turns black and vanishes back into the walls, Ash's sanity appears to be unraveling, and he joins in the cacophony of laughter emanating from various household items - lamps, cabinets, books, and even an evil-looking deer head. The mirth is abruptly halted when Ash hears movement outside the front door, prompting him to unleash a shotgun blast into the unknown threat.

The door creaked open to reveal Annie Knowby (Sarah Berry) accompanied by her boyfriend Ed Gentley, their two enthusiastic guides Jake and Bobbie Jo, all bearing pages of the Necronomicon. Ash burst forth, his patience frayed, only to have Bobby Jo become an unwitting target for his wild swing. The newcomers quickly deduced that Ash was responsible for the disappearance of Annie's parents, and with a collective sense of unease, they threw him into the fruit cellar.

As they gathered in the dimly lit cabin, they listened intently to Professor Knowby's recordings, which revealed a shocking truth: he had brutally murdered Henrietta (Lou Hancock), Annie's mother, after she became possessed. The revelation sent shivers down their spines as they realized that Ash was indeed responsible for her demise. With a collective sense of unease, they hauled him out of the cellar by his head and forced the demon wife back into the darkness, but not before Jake suffered a gruesome facial disfigurement, Ed was hurled against the wall, and Bobbie Jo found herself with a mouthful of eyeballs.

Henrietta's malevolent spirit refused to rest, taking on human form to manipulate Annie. Ash, ever vigilant, seized Annie and shook his head in disgust, breaking her demonic trance. With renewed confidence, she declared, "That thing in the cellar is not my mother!" The sudden shift in dynamics was palpable as Ed, now possessed, began to levitate, attacking Bobby Jo with an unhinged ferocity.

The atmosphere grew increasingly treacherous as corpse-like entities joined in a macabre chant of "Dead by Dawn." Jake's headlamp shattered after he crashed into it. Just as panic seemed to grip the group, Ash reappeared, axe in hand, and dispatched Ed with brutal efficiency, sending green slime flying everywhere.

In the midst of this chaos, Annie's voice rose above the din, pleading with Ash to flee, but her words fell on deaf ears. As the others cowered in fear, Ash stood tall, his resolve unwavering, ready to face whatever horrors lay ahead.

As Jake's gaze drifts towards the barricaded window, he's struck by an unsettling realization: the path they followed to arrive at this desolate outpost has vanished into thin air. The pendulum of time seems to freeze, momentarily suspending all sound and motion. The sudden stillness is broken only by the faint whispers of unconvincing sound effects, which herald the ethereal appearance of the professor's spirit. His ghostly form speaks with an otherworldly calm, revealing that Annie's treasured pages hold the key to banishing the malevolent forces that have taken up residence among them.

Meanwhile, Bobby Jo stumbles upon Ash's possessed hand grasping her own, and in a flash of terror, she screams, shatters their only lamp, and flees into the surrounding forest. Her desperate flight is cut short as she's brutally attacked and claimed by the seemingly sentient trees. The group's fragile hope begins to unravel as they're beset on all sides by an unseen menace.

As the situation spirals out of control, Annie and Ash stumble upon a cryptic illustration within the pages of her book – a depiction of a hero from 1300 A.D., said to have vanquished the forces of darkness. The figure is armed with an intimidating chainsaw-like hand and a trusty "boomstick." Paralyzed by fear for Bobby Jo's fate, Jake brandishes his shotgun at his companions, convinced that they're responsible for her demise.

Ash attempts to reason with Jake, insisting that Bobby Jo has met her untimely end. However, Jake's grief and anger boil over as he forces the group to track down her whereabouts. Beyond the cabin door, the trees writhe and twist in ways that defy explanation, their movements eerily synchronized. The group ventures deeper into the woods, only to discover that their path has been consumed by the very darkness they're trying to outrun.

A demonic presence seizes Ash once more, flinging Jake into a nearby tree with malevolent force. As the professor's spirit looks on in disapproval, Ash chases Annie back to the cabin, his mind clouded by the malevolent influence. In a fit of rage, he snatches the bone dagger from their previous ordeal and – in his possessed state – accidentally impales Jake as he struggles to re-enter the cabin.

As Ash's grip on reality begins to slip, Annie is left to grapple with the devastating consequences of her friend's demise. With Jake's lifeless form slumped beside her, she's forced to drag him across the threshold, mere inches from the cellar door where Henrietta awaits, eager to claim another victim. The cabin door crashes shut behind them, and Ash – now freed from his demonic possession – turns his attention to Annie, still reeling from their shared trauma.

As they stand there, poised on the precipice of despair, Ash's gaze falls upon the necklace that once belonged to Linda – a tangible connection to the woman he loved. The sight of it awakens something deep within him, and he begins to make amends with his surroundings. Convincing Annie that he's no longer consumed by darkness, they join forces to vanquish the evil that has beset them, knowing that their quest for survival will require them to confront the secrets hidden in the cellar below.

As Ash's remarkable transformation unfolds, he unleashes his resourcefulness to morph the chainsaw into a prosthetic appendage, deftly attaching it to his amputated stump and expertly sawing the end of his shotgun. The camera pans in on his rugged visage as he declares "Groovy" with unbridled confidence, solidifying his evolution from timid novice to a formidable force against the forces of darkness.

Ash and Annie return to their cabin, where Ash proceeds to cleave the cellar doors in two, plunging himself into the depths of the cellar. As he searches for clues amidst the scattered pages, Henrietta emerges from the shadows, attacking Annie with feral ferocity. Ash bursts forth from the cellar, engaging Henrietta in a frenzied battle, his prowess on full display until she metamorphoses into an even more malevolent entity. Just as all hope seems lost, Annie intervenes by serenading Henrietta with a haunting lullaby reminiscent of her childhood, momentarily captivating the demon's attention. Seizing the opportunity, Ash unleashes his chainsaw fury upon Henrietta, dismembering and decapitating the monstrous form before delivering a decisive shotgun blast to its head.

As the dust settles, Annie and Ash share a poignant moment of tenderness, their bond strengthened by their shared trials. However, their respite is short-lived, as the surrounding trees suddenly launch a coordinated attack. As the chaos ensues, Annie seizes the pages and begins deciphering the ancient text, unwittingly unleashing the malevolent force that manifests as a grotesque, bloodied visage adorned with the faces of those it has consumed. This dark entity possesses the power to wilting flowers and seems invigorated by Ash's proximity.

As Ash struggles to fend off the creature's grasp, he discovers that his chainsaw lodged in its eye is having an unsettling effect on the monster. Meanwhile, Annie continues her incantation, ultimately culminating in a catastrophic vortex opening outside their cabin. This swirling void begins to suck everything around it into its depths, including Ash's car, a massive tree, and the very essence of evil itself.

In a heart-wrenching turn of events, Annie meets her demise at the hands of Ash's own severed hand, wielded by the bone knife. With her final breaths, she completes the incantation, banishing the giant head and its arboreal appendages into the vortex as it begins to dissipate. Ash is left alone with Annie's lifeless body for a fleeting moment before the cabin door is torn away, revealing the still-present vortex. As the void continues to exert its influence, Ash is sucked in along with numerous items from their cabin, vanishing into the abyss alongside the trees and debris.

As the earth-shaking phenomenon unfolds, a disbelieving Ash (Bruce Campbell) finds himself, his trusty vehicle, and a sturdy tree trunk crashing down from the heavens, landing with a resounding thud on a massive boulder. The surreal scene is suddenly disrupted by the appearance of a legion of armoured knights, their medieval majesty momentarily frozen in shock as they take in Ash's unexpected arrival.

The air is thick with tension as the knights' initial trepidation gives way to hostility, and it becomes clear that they are poised to unleash a fierce assault upon the bewildered hero. However, before the first blow can be struck, a winged terror descends from the clouds, its very presence sending the armoured warriors scattering in disarray. Seizing the opportunity, Ash reaches for his reliable shotgun and unleashes a devastating blast that sends the creature's demonic head crashing to the ground.

As the dust settles, the knights reassemble around Ash, their leader lifting his face plate to reveal a look of awe and reverence. "Hail he who hath fallen from the sky to deliver us from the terror of the Deadites!" the knight declares, his words echoed by the assembled army as they fall to their knees in supplication.

As Ash struggles to comprehend the magnitude of this turn of events, it becomes clear that he has been mistaken for a long-prophesied savior, a "Hero from the Sky" tasked with vanquishing the forces of darkness. As the camera pulls back to reveal the scale of the army now arrayed before him, Ash's incredulous expression gives way to a mixture of shock and trepidation as he realizes that his fate is inextricably linked to this medieval legion. With a resolute "No!" echoing through the landscape, the stage is set for an epic adventure as Ash prepares to confront the challenges ahead.