Shin Godzilla (Godzilla Resurgence) 2016

When a sudden, eerie geyser bursts forth in Tokyo Bay, whispers of a natural disaster spread among officials. One skeptical executive suspects something more sinister – an unseen force that could topple Japan's capital. His fears are confirmed when a behemoth, aquatic creature rises from the depths, ravaging the city with unrelenting fury.

When a sudden, eerie geyser bursts forth in Tokyo Bay, whispers of a natural disaster spread among officials. One skeptical executive suspects something more sinister – an unseen force that could topple Japan's capital. His fears are confirmed when a behemoth, aquatic creature rises from the depths, ravaging the city with unrelenting fury.

Does Shin Godzilla (Godzilla Resurgence) have end credit scenes?


Shin Godzilla (Godzilla Resurgence) does not have end credit scenes.


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User Score


6.8 /10

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Plot Summary

As the Japan Coast Guard’s investigation into an abandoned yacht in Tokyo Bay yields devastating consequences, including the destruction of their vessel and flooding of the Aqua-Line, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Rando Yaguchi (Rando Yaguchi) is compelled to reevaluate the severity of the situation. A viral video of the incident prompts him to consider the possibility that a living creature was responsible for the chaos, an notion later confirmed by reports of its massive tail breaching the ocean’s surface. In rapid succession, the creature makes its way inland, leaving a trail of destruction and death in its wake as evacuees scramble to escape the Kamata district of Tokyo. As it evolves into a bipedal form, it soon overheats and retreats back to the sea.

With the government’s focus shifted to military preparedness and civilian safety, Yaguchi is tasked with leading a task force dedicated to uncovering the mysteries surrounding this enigmatic creature. Upon detecting high radiation levels emanating from its path, the team realizes that it is fueled by nuclear fission, a discovery that sparks concerns about the potential implications for public health.

As tensions escalate, a special envoy from the United States, Kayoco Anne Patterson (Kayoco Anne Patterson), arrives on the scene to share intelligence gathered from their own investigations. According to her findings, Goro Maki, a disgraced zoology professor with a history of anti-nuclear activism, had been studying mutations caused by radioactive contamination and predicted the emergence of this very creature. Despite his groundbreaking research, Maki was dismissed by both American and Japanese scientific circles, who refused to entertain his theories.

The abandoned yacht in Tokyo Bay, it turns out, belonged to Maki, who had left behind a cryptic code hidden within his research notes on the vessel before disappearing without a trace. The creature itself, dubbed “Godzilla” in reference to Maki’s work, reappears in its fourth form, now twice its original size and more formidable than ever.

As Godzilla makes landfall near Kamakura, the Japan Self-Defense Forces spring into action, only to be outmaneuvered by the creature as it breaks through their defenses and wreaks havoc on Tokyo. In response, the United States intervenes with a devastating airstrike plan, prompting the evacuation of civilians and government personnel from the affected areas.

Despite being wounded by MOP “bunker-buster” bombs, Godzilla responds with ferocious atomic rays fired from its mouth and dorsal plates, incinerating large swaths of Tokyo and destroying a helicopter carrying the prime minister along with top government officials. Depleted of its energy reserves, Godzilla enters a dormant state, becoming temporarily immobile as the city struggles to come to terms with the destruction it has witnessed.

As Yaguchi’s team delves deeper into the mysteries of Godzilla’s physiology, a groundbreaking discovery unfolds: its plates and blood serve as a unique cooling system, sparking an innovative theory that with the right coagulating agent, Godzilla can be effectively frozen. A meticulous examination of tissue samples reveals the astonishing truth - Godzilla is an ever-evolving creature capable of asexual reproduction, sending shockwaves throughout the United Nations. In response, the international community warns Japan that thermonuclear weapons will be deployed against the behemoth if it fails to be subdued within a short timeframe; mass evacuations are ordered in multiple prefectures as a precautionary measure. Undeterred by the lack of faith from the interim government, Patterson leverages her political connections to secure a temporary reprieve for Yaguchi’s team.

With international support now secured, the team successfully deciphers Goro Maki’s encoded research using intricate origami techniques, prompting a pivot in their plan and setting the stage for the deep-freeze operation. As the clock ticks down to the scheduled nuclear strike, Japan executes its plan with precision, deliberately provoking Godzilla into unleashing its atomic breath and energy against Predator and Reaper drones. In a daring maneuver, nearby buildings are detonated and unmanned trains loaded with explosives converge on Godzilla’s feet, rendering the monster inert and allowing tankers carrying coagulant to inject it into its mouth. Though many lives are lost in the process, Godzilla is ultimately frozen solid.

In the aftermath of this high-stakes operation, the devastating fallout from Godzilla’s attack is found to possess an unusually short half-life, paving the way for Tokyo’s swift reconstruction. The international community comes together to cancel the nuclear strike on condition that, should Godzilla ever reawaken, a swift and decisive thermonuclear counterattack will be executed without hesitation. Meanwhile, humanoid creatures frozen in mid-transformation are discovered on Godzilla’s tail, leaving scientists to ponder the implications of this enigmatic finding.

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