
Does Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire have end credit scenes?


Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire does not have end credit scenes.

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire


As the battle for dominance rages on, two titans of destruction - Kong and Godzilla - must join forces to confront an ancient, hidden menace that imperils our world. This action-packed adventure delves into the histories and origins of these behemoths, threatening their existence and ours alike.

Runtime: 1 h 55 m

Box Office: $210M







User Score


6.6 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire!

In a desolate expanse of Hollow Earth, Kong's primal instincts are pitted against the unforgiving terrain as he flees from a pack of Wartdogs. With calculated precision, he lures them to the edge of a precipice, sending one tumbling to its demise and then brutally dispatching another, forcing the rest to flee in terror. As the mighty ape prepares to feast on his spoils, he's beset by an excruciating toothache that renders him unable to savor his kill. The sound of distant bellowing echoes through the landscape, leading Kong to mistakenly believe it's the call of another giant ape - only to be disabused by the cacophonous croaks of a gigantic frog creature. Resigned to his isolation, Kong succumbs to the bleakness of his surroundings.

Meanwhile, Dr. Ilene Andrews, working in tandem with Monarch, has been diligently striving to maintain the delicate balance between Godzilla and Kong, two titans whose dominance over their respective domains is unmatched. In Rome, the chaos unleashed by Scylla is brought to heel by Godzilla's atomic breath, which reduces the monster to a mere afterthought as the King of Monsters claims the Colosseum as his own bedchamber.

Back in Hollow Earth, Monarch's outpost facility detects an unusual surge in energy readings emanating from Kong's territory, culminating in a catastrophic sinkhole that opens up where he dispatched the Wartdogs. Ilene is alerted to this development by Director Hampton, her colleague at Monarch. As she grapples with this new information, she's simultaneously navigating the challenges of adopting Jia, a young girl who is struggling to find her place in this strange new world. Jia's visions are eerily connected to the Titans, manifesting as drawings that mirror the energy signatures detected by Monarch.

As tensions escalate and the outpost facility is razed by an unknown Titan, Ilene finds herself on a quest to unravel the mystery of Jia's prophetic abilities. Her search leads her to Bernie Hayes, a charismatic ally who agrees to join her on a perilous journey into Hollow Earth - provided he's allowed to accompany her into this treacherous realm.

As the cosmos conspire against humanity once more, Godzilla becomes attuned to an unprecedented energy surge, prompting him to abandon Rome and embark on a quest to uncover its source. Meanwhile, King Kong, sensing an otherworldly connection, emerges from the depths of Hollow Earth, accompanied by Ilene and Jia, to reveal his troubled oral health – a rotting tooth that demands attention. Enter Trapper, a skilled Monarch veterinarian, who employs advanced technology to extract the offending tooth and replace it with a metallic counterpart, restoring Kong's vitality.

News of distress signals emanating from Hollow Earth reaches Ilene, prompting her to assemble a team comprising Bernie, Trapper, Jia, and pilot Mikael. Together, they set out to intercept Kong as he returns to his subterranean realm, driven by an unseen force. Their journey takes them across the globe, where Godzilla has made his way to a nuclear power plant in France, feeding on radiation like a mythical creature. The jets that dare challenge him are met with disdain, dismissed like pesky insects.

Hampton's keen insight reveals Godzilla's true intentions: he is converging on Tiamat, a Titan of unfathomable power residing at the North Pole. If Godzilla succeeds in vanquishing this ancient behemoth, he will attain unprecedented strength. In Hollow Earth, however, Kong and his companions stumble upon a ravaged Monarch outpost, its researchers slaughtered, and their bodies left to rot. The only clue is a gruesome paw print emblazoned on the stone walls above, an unmistakable declaration of war.

Further down the rabbit hole, Kong stumbles upon a hidden realm, where he encounters Suko, a diminutive ape who harbors a deep-seated animosity toward her larger cousin. Despite Kong's peaceful overtures, Suko bites him and summons three other apes to join forces against their common enemy. The battle is intense, with Kong fighting for his life against overwhelming odds. He ultimately emerges victorious, but not without scars – both physical and emotional.

As the dust settles, Kong comes across another ape on the brink of disaster, only to save him from certain doom. However, this act of kindness is rewarded with treachery, as the rescued ape attempts to strike back at Kong. A swift kick sends the would-be assassin plummeting to his death, and Suko's guidance helps Kong navigate the treacherous terrain, forging a tentative bond between them.

As the crew's aerial expedition continues, another burst of energy sends their ship plummeting towards the ground. Trapper and Bernie instinctively sense impending doom, while Mikael's attempt to take charge proves fatal as he becomes the main course for a tree-dwelling creature. The remaining members make a break for it, eventually stumbling upon the ancient ruins of a temple dedicated to the revered Mothra. Jia's expertise activates an entrance, leading them through a mystical veil into the subterranean realm.

Suko leads Kong to a tranquil oasis, where he quenches his thirst until a gargantuan serpent emerges from the depths, hell-bent on eliminating the mighty ape. Kong retaliates with his trusty axe, severing the serpent's head and consuming its remains – even sharing some with Suko, who remains astonished despite having orchestrated the ambush.

Meanwhile, Monarch's tracking efforts pay off as they finally pinpoint Godzilla's trajectory, leading them to Tiamat, the ancient sea Titan. As she awakens from her slumber, the two titans engage in an epic battle. Despite Tiamat's attempts to entangle him, Godzilla turns the tables, assimilating her radiation energy and emerging from their underwater conflict as a formidable force.

The crew is soon discovered by warriors of the enigmatic Iwi tribe, who immediately recognize Jia as one of their own kindred spirits. The tribe's leader establishes a telepathic connection with Jia, drawing her forward to share visions and flashbacks that reveal the tribe's history and Jia's own personal memories. Ilene realizes that the distress signal they received originated from the Iwi, and the crew is guided deeper into the temple where Ilene translates their ancient tales.

As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that the Great Apes were once humanity's guardians, but a ruthless leader known as the Skar King rallied his forces against Godzilla and his kind. The mighty dinosaur intervened, trapping the Skar King and his army within Hollow Earth to prevent them from escaping. According to Iwi lore, a direct descendant of Jia will be instrumental in reawakening the revered Mothra – setting the stage for an ancient prophecy to unfold.

As Kong accompanies Suko to the domain of the Great Apes, he is met with an astonishing revelation. The tranquil surroundings are disrupted by the merciless Skar King, who forces the apes into grueling labor. Kong's instincts kick in as he witnesses one of Skar King's enforcers taunting another ape. Without hesitation, Kong intervenes, and the enforcer finds himself on the receiving end of a swift and devastating punch, sent crashing to the ground. The sudden display of Kong's prowess prompts Skar King to appear, his cold laughter echoing through the landscape as he mockingly gazes at Kong's distinctive metal tooth.

The tension escalates when Skar King attempts to exact revenge upon Suko, only for the apes' earlier victim to intervene, defending his fellow primate with valor. Enraged by this act of defiance, Skar King coldly dispatches the ape into a pit of scorching lava, eliciting a heart-wrenching wail from Suko as she beholds her friend's agonizing demise.

The stage is set for an epic confrontation between Kong and Skar King, with the latter wielding a whip crafted from the spine of another Titan. Despite Kong's formidable strength, Skar King summons his secret weapon: Shimo, an ice Titan rumored to have brought about the last Ice Age, whose power is harnessed through a crystal that inflicts excruciating pain on Ilene.

As Kong valiantly attempts to deflect Shimo's icy blast with his trusty axe, he finds himself frozen in place, his arm encased in ice and afflicted with frostbite, leaving him weakened. With his strength waning, Kong makes a desperate retreat, pursued by Skar King's minions. However, the cunning ape leader has set a trap, which Kong cleverly navigates, sacrificing his pursuers to falling rocks while shielding himself behind another ape, ultimately emerging victorious and exacting revenge upon those who had sought to vanquish him.

As the Iwi community welcomes Jia back among her own people, Bernie's cameras capture every moment of this poignant reunion. Meanwhile, Ilene implores Trapper to prioritize Jia's well-being above all else. The veil between worlds is lifted as Suko brings Kong, grievously injured, into their midst. Gazing upon his ravaged arm, the Iwi sense the depth of his despair - he has lost his home. With sorrowful resignation, Kong conveys this loss to Jia. Trapper seizes the opportunity to deploy cutting-edge technology from "Operation Powerhouse", a project designed to augment Kong's abilities in the face of another Titan attack. Though shut down, Trapper manages to locate and apply the B.E.A.S.T. glove to Kong's arm, restoring his strength and mobility. With newfound vitality, Kong sets out to summon Godzilla's attention, heedless of the perilous consequences that might ensue. In a separate development, Skar King guides Shimo and leads the apes towards conquest.

As MOTHRA awakens in Hollow Earth, her power resonates through the earth, charging Godzilla with an intense pink glow. Kong emerges onto the surface world, traversing a portal in Cairo, while Godzilla responds to his roar from Gibraltar, marching inexorably towards their confrontation. Unenthused by Kong's reappearance, Godzilla charges forward, determined to assert dominance. Kong attempts to reason with his rival, but Godzilla remains resolute. The two titans clash, reducing the pyramids to rubble.

In response, MOTHRA ascends from beneath the earth, interrupting the battle. Her sudden appearance serves as a catalyst for Godzilla's change of heart, and he sets aside his differences with Kong to join forces in a mighty roar of unity.

As the ominous presence of Skar King and his forces draws near, humanity conjures a plan to harness the power of Iwi technology and unleash a gravity surge. By manipulating their crystals, they aim to momentarily stymie the diabolical Titans' escape. Meanwhile, Skar King instructs Shimo to freeze the veil and dismantle it, allowing him to infiltrate the domain. The stage is set for an epic showdown as Godzilla and Kong charge forward together, hurtling towards Shimo and Skar King respectively. As the surge takes hold, the two apes and lizards engage in a mid-air battle royale, with Skar King's enforcer attempting to intervene, while Suko joins the fray, sending the treacherous ape tumbling to his demise. Mothra valiantly shields the humans as they make a desperate bid for safety. The four primary Titans then plummet through the portal, emerging into the surface world in Rio De Janeiro.

Upon their arrival on the beach, the Titans unleash chaos among the unsuspecting patrons. Skar King seizes the opportunity to exploit Shimo's icy powers, unleashing a frosty onslaught that freezes several structures and sends an icy blast soaring into the sky. Kong manages to land a few blows against Skar King, but Shimo's formidable abilities make it increasingly difficult for him to gain the upper hand. Godzilla builds up his atomic breath, only to have Skar King dodge the attack at the last moment, sacrificing his crystal in the process. As the Titans converge on the lost artifact, Suko leaps through the portal, axe in hand, and crashes into the fray, shattering the crystal with a decisive swing, freeing Shimo from her former master's control. With Skar King's ultimate weapon rendered powerless, Kong seizes the opportunity to exact revenge, hurling his adversary towards Godzilla like a volleyball. The latter then suspends Skar King in mid-air as Shimo turns on her former master, encasing him in a frozen prison. Kong delivers the final blow, shattering Skar King into a thousand pieces. As the dust settles, Godzilla employs his atomic breath to dispel the icy assault, restoring balance to the environment.

In the aftermath, Godzilla returns to rest at the ancient Colosseum, while Mothra labors to repair the veil in Hollow Earth. Ilene believes that Jia has reached a crossroads and is prepared to part ways with her, embracing her Iwi heritage. However, Jia signals her commitment to remain by Ilene's side, wherever their journey may take them. As the two women bid each other farewell, Trapper and Bernie look on, a testament to the enduring bonds forged in the face of adversity.

As the mighty Kong re-emerges among his Great Ape kin, he is accompanied by Suko, a steadfast companion, and Shimo, whose transformation from a forlorn outcast to a thriving individual is a testament to Kong's benevolent leadership. The once-maligned Shimo now basks in the warmth of Kong's protection, her eyes shining with gratitude as she beholds her savior.

With an air of authority, Kong assumes his rightful place at the forefront of the ape community, his imposing physique and dominant roar commanding respect from the gathered throng. As he raises his axe to the sky, a clarion call that echoes through the land, the other apes respond in kind, their mighty bellows reverberating through the jungle as a declaration of loyalty and fealty to their new leader.