
Does Good Burger have end credit scenes?


Good Burger does not have end credit scenes.

Good Burger

Good Burger


In this tasty comedy, a lovable but slightly dim-witted teen and his quirky coworker concoct a plan to save their beloved burger joint from extinction when a sleek new rival opens across the street, threatening to sizzle their livelihood. Can they flip the script and keep their humble eatery on the menu?

Runtime: 95 min

Box Office: $24M









User Score


5.7 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Good Burger!

As the sun-kissed days of summer dawn, Dexter Reed (slacker extraordinaire) decides to take his mom's wheels out for a spin, ditching the monotony of high school life. However, things take an unexpected turn when he collides with none other than his stern but fair teacher, Mr. Wheat, in a fender bender that leaves both parties shaken. With no valid driver's license or insurance to speak of, Dexter finds himself staring down the barrel of a jail sentence. But Mr. Wheat, surprisingly sympathetic, offers a deal: pay for the damages (a whopping $1,900, which later escalates to $2,500) and he'll spare Dexter from a night in the slammer.

Dexter's solution to this predicament is to land a summer job, one that will help him scrape together the cash to cover his debt. After a tumultuous stint at the newly opened Mondo Burger restaurant, where he butts heads with the demanding owner and manager Kurt Bozwell (played by none other than the fast-talking), Dexter finds himself at the doorstep of Good Burger, a quirky eatery where he meets Ed, a lovable but slightly dim-witted cashier. As they work together, Dexter uncovers a shocking truth: Ed's carelessness behind the wheel was directly responsible for the fateful collision that started it all.

Despite initial resentment towards his new coworker, Dexter eventually extends an olive branch to Ed, choosing forgiveness over finger-pointing. Meanwhile, Good Burger struggles to stay afloat amidst the rising popularity of Mondo Burger, which boasts oversized burgers that leave customers salivating. In a last-ditch effort to turn things around, Dexter turns to Ed for help, convincing him to add his signature sauce to their menu. The result is nothing short of miraculous: sales skyrocket and Good Burger's fortunes are forever changed.

However, Dexter's newfound success comes at a cost. He exploits Ed's innocence, strong-arming him into signing a contract that grants Dexter 80% of the profits from their secret sauce. Ed, ever the good sport, remains oblivious to the shady deal he's just made. Kurt, still seething with envy over Good Burger's sudden resurgence, dispatches his loyal employee Roxanne on a mission to seduce Dexter and pry the recipe for Ed's magical sauce out of him. But things take an unexpected turn when Ed takes Monique (Dexter's coworker) out on a double date, only to clumsily injure her multiple times, ultimately prompting her to leave Good Burger behind.

As Monique (character name not provided) stumbles upon Dexter's contract, she chastises him for exploiting Ed's trust, prompting a pang of regret in Dexter's conscience. His attempts at apology are thwarted when he and Ed coincidentally happen upon a stray canine rejecting a discarded Mondo Burger in favor of the wholesome Good Burger. The suspicious duo dons disguises to infiltrate Mondo Burger's kitchen, where they uncover the sinister truth: their burgers have been artificially augmented with Triampathol, an illicit food chemical. Kurt, the mastermind behind this culinary deception, becomes aware of their discovery and has them committed to Demented Hills Asylum to prevent further exposure.

As Ed and Dexter languish in the asylum, Kurt and his henchmen infiltrate Good Burger, pilfering Ed's secret sauce and contaminating it with shark poison. The unsuspecting Otis, an elderly employee on duty that evening, stumbles upon their nefarious activities and is subsequently dispatched to Demented Hills along with his colleagues. Upon learning of Kurt's scheme from Otis, Ed and Dexter concoct a daring escape plan, commandeering an ice cream truck and racing back to Good Burger.

In hot pursuit, two asylum workers chase after them in a truck, but Ed's hail of ice cream projectiles eventually obstructs their view, causing the vehicle to crash. Ed arrives at Good Burger just in time to thwart Kurt's sinister plan, preventing an elderly woman from ingesting the poisoned sauce.

Ed and Dexter return to Mondo Burger with the intention of exposing Kurt's crimes to the authorities. While Dexter creates a diversion, Ed secretly pours multiple cans of Triampathol into the meat grinder. As Kurt corners Dexter on the rooftop, Ed arrives at the scene just as the artificial burger starts exploding due to an overload of Triampathol, bringing down Mondo Burger and destroying Mr. Wheat's newly restored car in the process.

In the aftermath, Mondo Burger is shut down, and Kurt is apprehended for his role in poisoning Good Burger's sauce and using illegal Triampathol. With a gesture of goodwill, Dexter provides Ed with a down payment, tears up their contract, and assures him that he gets to keep all the profits. As Ed and Dexter return to Good Burger, their coworkers hail them as heroes for their bravery and ingenuity.