
Does Grace Is Gone have end credit scenes?


Grace Is Gone does not have end credit scenes.

Grace Is Gone

Grace Is Gone


A former military man, now a humble store clerk, struggles to connect with his daughters as their mother fights in Iraq. As he navigates the challenges of single parenthood, tragedy strikes, forcing him to confront the harsh reality and make impossible choices. Embarking on a poignant road trip, Stanley's hard exterior slowly cracks, revealing a loving father desperate to preserve innocence before shattering news forever changes their lives.

Runtime: 85 min

Box Office: $1.1M









User Score


6.7 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Grace Is Gone!

As the story unfolds, we find Stanley Phillips (John Cusack) sitting solo in a support group for spouses of military personnel deployed overseas, a poignant reminder of his own impending loss. The next morning, he's rocked by the devastating news that his soldier wife has passed away in Iraq. Reeling from the blow, Stanley is tasked with breaking this heart-wrenching truth to their two young daughters, Heidi (Shelan O'Keefe) and Dawn (Gracie Bednarczyk), but he's initially at a loss for words. With no idea how to prepare them for this harsh reality, Stanley resorts to a desperate plan, showing up at home before they return from school.

The following day, the family's neighbor has left a casserole on their front steps, but Stanley forbids his daughters from eating it, sensing that the truth must be kept hidden just a little longer. Instead, he hastily bundles them into the family SUV and whisks them away to dinner at a local entertainment complex, only to abruptly cut short their evening in the arcade, much to the girls' dismay.

As they drive away from town, Stanley poses an open-ended question: "If you could do anything, what would it be?" Dawn's enthusiastic response is to visit Enchanted Gardens (Cyprus Gardens, FL), a whimsical destination that resonates with her. Heidi objects, citing an impending homework report on their mother due the next day, but Stanley chooses to indulge Dawn's fantasy and sets course for Florida.

As the girls drift off to sleep, Stanley stops at a rest area and leaves a series of poignant "updates" on his home answering machine for his deceased wife, Grace (Katie Honaker), whose warm voice still greets callers. Over the next three days, Stanley finds himself drawn to his boyhood home, where he catches up on lost sleep while avoiding confrontations with his anti-war brother, John (Alessandro Nivola).

Meanwhile, Heidi sneaks a call to her school to arrange for her homework to be emailed, but the sympathetic school secretary assumes the girls are grieving normally at home, blissfully unaware of the crushing truth. As the Philips family trio finally enters Enchanted Gardens, Heidi seems to sense that something is amiss, her intuition piqued by Stanley's erratic behavior and the unexplained "sabbatical" from work he's taken.

As the sun began its leisurely descent into the horizon, Stanley's tires crunched onto the sandy shores of the gulf beach, a welcome respite from the cacophony of amusement park revelry that had filled his day. The two exhausted young girls, their laughter and shrieks of delight now replaced with yawns and restless energy, slumped in the seats as Stanley navigated the winding coastal road, finally coming to a stop near the surf's edge. With a heavy heart, he gathered his resolve and broke the news to the pair that their mother, Grace, was no longer with them. The setting sun cast a golden glow over the scene as they absorbed the weight of his words.

In a poignant juxtaposition, two brief vignettes followed: Heidi, her bright eyes shining with determination, delivered her school report on Grace, her voice steady and clear, as if channeling her mother's memory in a church eulogy. Later that day, the surviving family trio - Stanley, Heidi, and her sister - stood united before the headstone of Grace Phillips in the cemetery, their collective grief momentarily suspended as they honored the life of the woman who had been taken from them too soon.