In this eerie retelling of the classic fairy tale, siblings Gretel and Hansel find themselves alone in the treacherous woods after their mother's descent into madness. As they navigate the darkness, they're drawn to a tantalizing feast outside a secluded cottage, only to discover that the owner's generosity masks a sinister intent.

In this eerie retelling of the classic fairy tale, siblings Gretel and Hansel find themselves alone in the treacherous woods after their mother's descent into madness. As they navigate the darkness, they're drawn to a tantalizing feast outside a secluded cottage, only to discover that the owner's generosity masks a sinister intent.

Does Gretel & Hansel have end credit scenes?


Gretel & Hansel does not have end credit scenes.






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Movie Quiz

Gretel & Hansel Quiz: Test your knowledge about the dark and twisted tale of Gretel & Hansel from 2020.

What event causes Gretel to become aware of her mystical powers?

Plot Summary

In the unforgiving grip of winter, a cherubic infant, universally regarded as the village’s most precious gem, suddenly succumbs to a devastating illness. Her distraught father turns to an enigmatic enchantress, who successfully purges the affliction but imbues the child with a mystical power. As she grows into adolescence, the girl’s unique gift manifests in preternatural foresight, drawing the attention of villagers seeking guidance on life’s uncertain path. However, her omniscience ultimately becomes a curse, as she comes to realize that every mortal existence is doomed to end in mortality. Seized by existential despair, she employs her powers to terminate the lives of those around her, including her own father. The once-cherished child is subsequently abandoned in the woods, where she lures other innocent young ones to a grim and inescapable fate.

Years later, teenage Gretel (Sophia Lillis) and her younger brother Hansel (Sam Leakey) find themselves at a crossroads after their father’s passing. The siblings set out to meet with a potential employer, only for Gretel to be subjected to an unsettling inquiry about her virginity. When the man’s true intentions become apparent, they depart without securing employment. As night falls, the family’s dynamics are further strained when their mother berates Gretel for failing to secure a job and contribute to the household’s well-being. The mother’s ire is palpable as she demands that Gretel and Hansel vacate their home immediately, threatening to physically harm her daughter if they do not comply. With no other option, the siblings flee their home and take refuge in a nearby hut for the night.

As if fate had conspired against them, a terrifying apparition materializes, its blood-curdling wail sending shivers down the spines of Hansel and Gretel. The siblings’ initial terror transforms into panic as they flee from their pursuer, with only the Huntsman (Charles Babalola) intervening to save Hansel from certain doom. With their savior’s guidance, the pair finds temporary refuge in his humble abode, where they receive sustenance and direction towards those who might provide them with the means to survive.

The morning dawns, bringing with it a sense of desperation as Hansel and Gretel venture forth in search of sustenance and occupation. Their initial frustration gives way to elation when Gretel’s sharp eyes spot a bounty of edible mushrooms, imbued with an otherworldly essence that reduces them to helpless giggles. However, Hansel’s insatiable curiosity soon leads him astray, his nose guiding him towards the tantalizing aroma wafting from an unknown dwelling. Gretel’s warnings fall on deaf ears as he disappears into the mystery house, only to reappear under the watchful eye of Holda (Alice Krige), its occupant whose benevolent demeanor belies a hidden agenda.

As Hansel is tasked with honing his ax-wielding skills in the surrounding woods, Gretel remains behind, her unease growing as she begins to experience eerie visions and disembodied whispers guiding her towards an unknown destination. Though her suspicions about Holda’s true intentions are palpable, Gretel’s curiosity gets the better of her, leading her to succumb to a deep slumber, only to awaken in her bed, none the wiser about the secrets that lie hidden within the mysterious woman’s domain.

As Hansel ventures forth into the night, Holda imparts ancient wisdom to Gretel, guiding her to tap into her innate magical prowess. Unbeknownst to Hansel, Gretel embarks on a solo journey into the woods, where she harnesses her powers to summon a branch bearing succulent fruit within arm’s reach. Meanwhile, Hansel’s perception of reality begins to warp as he confronts a prophetic vision of the Enchantress and discovers a sinister carving on a nearby tree trunk, sowing seeds of mistrust towards Holda. Later that night, Gretel stealthily infiltrates Holda’s subterranean lair, where she finds Hansel entranced and the floor awash with an eerie substance. As the cellar fills with an unholy aroma, a younger witch materializes, transforming buckets of viscera into a grotesque feast eerily reminiscent of the meals she had served the siblings. The next day, Gretel sits in morbid silence beside Holda, who savors a mysterious morsel and extracts a long strand of childlike locks from her mouth. Gretel pleads with Holda to spare Hansel’s life, but the witch remains unmoved.

Through a series of mystifying visions, Holda reveals the dark history behind the tale of the Beautiful Child: she was once the mother, consumed by resentment towards her daughter after the girl’s brutal slaying of their father. Abandoned in the woods, the child lingered in Holda’s psyche, promising to share her powers with her if only she surrendered to the darkness. And so, Holda devoured her own children, adopting a disguise as an aged crone to lure other innocent souls to their demise. Gretel is bound and helpless as Holda transforms back into her youthful form, plotting to ensnare Hansel in a cage for a gruesome culinary fate.

However, Gretel refuses to succumb to despair, channeling her powers to send a staff hurtling towards Holda, impaling the witch to the wall amidst blazing flames. As Holda’s body burns and she writhes in agony, Gretel seizes the opportunity to shatter her bonds and make a daring escape. With Hansel finally freed from his trance-like state, Gretel decides to remain behind at the house while dispatching him on his journey with a loyal steed. The horse returns Hansel to his childhood home, where his mother’s absence is palpable.

As the sun sets, Gretel beholds the liberated spirits of the dead children emerging from the trees, their faces now radiant with peace. Yet, as she gazes upon her own hands, they have transformed into an unsettling shade reminiscent of Holda’s once-blackened skin. But in a resolute tone, Gretel’s voiceover affirms that she will brave the darkness and trust in her own inner strength.

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