
Does Hotel Transylvania 2 have end credit scenes?


Hotel Transylvania 2 does not have end credit scenes.

Hotel Transylvania 2

Hotel Transylvania 2


In this charming animated comedy, Hotel Transylvania's Dracula faces an existential crisis as his grandson Dennis shows no signs of embracing his vampire heritage. As Mavis navigates human in-laws and culture shock, "Vampa" Drac enlists his friends to whip Dennis into shape. But the arrival of his gruff, old-school dad Vlad sparks chaos when he discovers humans are now welcome at the hotel, threatening to upend the entire monster community.

Runtime: 89 min

Box Office: $475M







User Score






User Score


6.6 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Hotel Transylvania 2!

As the sun rises on Mavis (Selena Gomez) and Johnny's (Andy Samberg) special day, Dracula (Adam Sandler) is consumed by a mix of emotions - excitement to celebrate their union, but also anxiety about the possibility that they might leave the hotel. He decides to put his reservations aside for the sake of the happy couple.

Fast forward to a month later, and Johnny shares some thrilling news with Dracula: Mavis wants to take to the skies with him! They engage in a game of hide-and-seek, but Mavis's enthusiasm is short-lived as she struggles to catch her breath. It becomes clear that her aerial ambitions are grounded due to her pregnancy.

Dracula's joy at the prospect of being a grandfather knows no bounds - until Mavis drops a bombshell: their little one might just be a human! As the due date approaches, Dracula concocts a plan to sneak into the delivery room disguised as a nurse. With a promise to protect his grandson from harm, he hands over the newborn to Mavis.

The first birthday of Dennis (Asher Blinkoff) arrives, and with it, a lively party featuring Johnny's eccentric parents, Mike (Nick Offerman) and Linda (Megan Mullally). Other familiar faces in attendance include Frankenstein (Kevin James) and Eunice (Fran Drescher), Wayne (Steve Buscemi) and Wanda (Molly Shannon), Griffin (David Spade), and Murray (Keegan-Michael Key). Dracula is convinced that Dennis will develop into a vampire, but Linda's observation that the little one lacks fangs leaves him undeterred.

Wayne offers some words of wisdom, pointing out that Dennis still has time to grow his fangs - until his fifth birthday, that is. Meanwhile, Mike advises Johnny to get a job, but Dracula steps in to save the day by reminding everyone that Johnny already has a job at the hotel, ensuring the comfort and security of their human guests.

Months later, Mavis summons Johnny and Dracula with some exciting news: Dennis has uttered his first word! The little one's inaugural utterance - "Bleh bleh bleh" - is met with less-than-impressed reactions from all parties involved. Undeterred, Dracula takes it upon himself to investigate whether Dennis's mouth is hiding any signs of fang growth, only to find none.

As the tender age of four, Dennis receives an unconventional lesson in shape-shifting from the mysterious Dracula. With arms flapping wildly and feet moving at breakneck speed, Dennis's attempts to transform into a bat are met with good-natured chuckles from his instructor. Dracula proposes a Faustian bargain: if Dennis can successfully morph into a winged creature, he'll be rewarded with a dazzling display of dance moves. Mavis, however, is less than thrilled about the idea, citing concerns that Wayne's rowdy pack might rough up her sensitive son. Dracula cleverly deflects her worries by asking if she doesn't want Dennis to surround himself with creatures of the night.

Mavis reluctantly agrees to bring Dennis to the celebration, where a precocious pup named Winnie dotes on him, declaring her ardent love and future marital intentions. Dennis squirms away from her affections, while Mavis revels in the festive atmosphere, taking pleasure in the limbo contest and piñata-bashing that ensues. However, as the party descends into chaos, Dennis finds himself knocked to the ground, his tooth extracted by the maelstrom of monster mayhem. Mavis's horror is palpable as she gazes upon her son's fallen state, while Dracula seizes the opportunity to scrutinize Dennis's fangs for signs of impending vampiric development.

As the reality of Dennis's human nature begins to sink in, Mavis confides in Johnny about their plans to relocate to California, where they hope to surround themselves with humans. Her ultimate goal remains unchanged: to shield Dennis from the supernatural until he reaches the age of five, at which point she anticipates his vampire powers will manifest. Saddened by this prospect, Dracula retreats to Johnny's quarters, where he discovers his friend beset by wanderlust, enamored with the hotel's unique charms.

In a bold move, Dracula devises a plan to showcase the monsters' remarkable abilities to Dennis, hoping that this spectacle will inspire him to embrace his vampire heritage. With only seven days left until Dennis's fateful fifth birthday, Dracula sets in motion a scheme designed to awaken his protégé's true nature, setting the stage for a transformative journey that will forever alter the trajectory of their lives.

As Johnny and Mavis soar through the skies, their tranquil getaway is abruptly disrupted by an unexpected entourage of monsters, with the amorphous Blob perched precariously on a Rascal scooter attached to Dracula's motorcycle. The trio arrives in Santa Cruz, where they rent a vehicle, while the group of creatures heads into the nearby forest. Dracula instructs Frankenstein to demonstrate his frightening prowess to Dennis, but two joggers passing by instead ask for a photo opportunity with the imposing figure. Undeterred, Dracula orders Wayne to stalk a deer, only to be sidetracked by a wayward frisbee, much to Dennis's amusement.

Dracula's patience wearing thin, he decides to abandon the group, and in the chaos that ensues, the Blob becomes detached from the motorcycle, tumbling down a nearby cliff. The vampire lord reassures his companions that his shapeless form will allow him to survive any fall. Meanwhile, Johnny and Mavis find themselves exploring Santa Cruz, where Mavis is captivated by the offerings at a minimart, indulging in potato chips and Slurpees.

Back at the forest, it's Murray's turn to impress Dennis with his supernatural abilities, but instead of conjuring a sandstorm, he suffers an injury that only manages to produce a small pile of sand. The group's next stop is a park where children are showcasing their bicycle skills, prompting Johnny to borrow a bike and show off his own tricks. Mavis, inspired by her partner's display, takes to the air with impressive loop-de-loops and mid-air stops.

As they depart for Johnny's parents' house, Mavis decides to check in on Dennis, only to find him fast asleep. To conceal this from Mavis, Griffin dons sunglasses on Dennis and pretends to be awake, moving his arms and speaking in a manner that would fool anyone who didn't know better. Dracula is forced to intervene, deciding it's time to teach Dennis the ways of vampirism himself.

The group sets off for the Vampire Summer Camp, where Dracula spent his childhood, and they're greeted by the camp director, who regales them with tales of Dracula's legendary exploits as a young vampire. The children at the camp are indulging in a peculiar snack - mice. As Johnny and Mavis arrive at Mike and Linda's house, they discover that the guest room has been transformed into a makeshift coffin, which Mavis sees as an ideal space to raise Dennis.

Upon their arrival, Linda announces that she's invited other human-monster couples over, further complicating their already unconventional lives.

As the moon casts its silvery glow upon the foreboding tower, Count Dracula whisks away Dennis and their companions to an ominous altitude of 200 feet. With a wicked glint in his eye, he sends Dennis plummeting towards the ground, relying on the boy's perceived capacity for flight to spare him from a gruesome demise. However, as the minutes tick by, the monstrous entourage gathers at the tower's edge, their macabre chorus punctuating the air with a collective "He's still not flying!" As Dennis hurtles towards his predicted doom, Dracula takes to the skies, swooping down to snatch him from the jaws of death.

Meanwhile, Frankenstein's lumbering gait proves catastrophic as he leans precariously against the tower's railing, sending the very structure crashing down upon the unsuspecting campfire below. A fiery inferno erupts, consuming the hapless creature as he careens wildly through the buildings, leaving a trail of destruction and flames in his wake. Amidst the chaos, a tree falls with crushing force, flattening the hearse that had borne the group's macabre procession.

As Johnny and Mavis find themselves perched atop a rooftop, the latter confesses her fear that Dennis will grow up amidst Transylvania's dark mystique, forever trapped in a world of unholy monstrosities. Her companion, however, cherishes the prospect of Dennis blossoming into a curious and vibrant individual, much like his beloved Mavis. The sudden ringtone on Johnny's phone shatters the momentary reprieve, as he reveals a disturbing video captured by an unknown friend – Dennis' own desperate plummet from the tower.

Mavis's alarm is palpable as she implores Johnny to hasten their return to the hotel, her voice rising above the cacophony of sirens and firemen battling the blazes. Dracula answers the phone, his cold tone dismissing any notion of urgency, only for Dennis to seize the opportunity to confide in Mavis about Dracula's illusory flight lessons. The count, however, is not having it, brutally smashing the device before the boy can complete his tale.

As the conflagration continues to ravage the campsite, a new imperative arises: the group must swiftly return to the hotel. Alas, they find themselves without a vehicle, and so the Blob materializes on his scooter, ferrying them away from the inferno. Mavis, meanwhile, decides that conventional air travel is far too slow for her liking, transforming into a bat to sweep up Johnny in her aerial grasp.

The Blob, however, becomes entangled in traffic, forced to seek refuge behind a screen of foliage as Mavis soars through a raincloud, emerging drenched and bedraggled. Undeterred, she navigates the treacherous skies once more, this time threading the needle between lightning bolts. Frankenstein's malevolent intervention soon ensues, as he blows the Blob up like a balloon before releasing him to shoot forward with reckless abandon.

In the midst of this chaos, Dracula holds Dennis aloft, granting the boy a fleeting sense of flight as the world rushes by in a kaleidoscope of motion and sound.

As Mavis and Dracula (in parentheses) simultaneously arrive at the hotel, she presents him with a viral video showcasing Dennis' unfortunate fall. Her ire piqued, she announces that she'll be hosting his birthday celebration there, followed by their relocation to California. The night preceding the party, Mavis shares with Dracula her decision to invite his human-despising father, Vlad (Mel Brooks), unaware of the potential consequences.

Dracula discreetly approaches Johnny and implores him to conceal the truth from Vlad about his family's humanity, lest they become an appetizer for the elder vampire. Johnny, in a moment of creative problem-solving, decides to transform the party into a costume affair, where everyone dons monster attire, with Johnny himself opting for a shoddy vampire disguise. Unbeknownst to Dracula, Vlad arrives alongside his demonic companion Bela (Rob Riggle), and Dracula instructs Frankenstein to keep them at arm's length from Mavis and the humans.

Brandon, the actor who portrayed Kakie, makes an appearance as a performer. Vlad meets Johnny, mistaking him for a peculiar-looking vampire. When he encounters Dennis, he becomes fixated on extracting his great-vamp-son's fangs, only to be disappointed by their absence. Dracula had indeed experienced a similar "late-fanging" and offers guidance: all they need to do is scare the fangs out of Dennis.

Kakie sets up for his act, while Vlad covertly manipulates events offstage. He makes Kakie's head spin in mid-air and subsequently induces a possessed-like behavior in the performer. Dennis leaps into Dracula's arms as Mavis notices her grandfather's uncharacteristic behavior and begins to wonder what he's up to. Vlad continues to toy with Kakie, making his body contort and morph, prompting Dracula to intervene, deeming it unnecessary. Mavis inquires about the commotion, and Dracula reveals that they were attempting to scare Dennis into growing fangs. Johnny candidly admits their desperation, causing Mavis to realize he was complicit in the scheme. The group, including Johnny's parents, erupts into a heated argument.

Dennis, feeling distraught, flees the party, with Winnie hot on his heels. Winnie leads Dennis to a dog fort, where Bela spots them and summons additional demons. Mavis and Johnny become aware of Dennis' absence and join the throng in searching for him. The partygoers scatter as Bela swoops into the fort, snatching Dennis and Winnie, who bites his hand in response. Bela flings her away, causing her to crash to the ground. This ignominy sparks a rage within Dennis, prompting his fangs to emerge, and his vampiric powers manifest instantaneously.

As the demonic invasion reaches its climax, an unlikely coalition of creatures emerges to repel the forces of darkness. Led by the enigmatic Count Dracula (played by (Chris Sarandon)), Johnny, Mavis, and their monstrous entourage join forces to vanquish the malevolent entities, sending them fleeing in disarray. Meanwhile, Bela - once a loyal servant to Vlad, now a rogue agent - seizes the opportunity to strike at his former master's most vulnerable ally, Johnny. However, Vlad, having undergone a profound transformation, intervenes just in time, employing his vampiric powers to shrink Bela and issue a stern warning: never again shall you threaten my family or me.

In the aftermath of this tense confrontation, Mavis (played by (Nina Siemaszko)) decides to continue raising Dennis at the hotel, where the festivities have yet to conclude. With Dennis's birthday celebration still in full swing, they return to the party and prepare to indulge in the long-awaited cake. However, their joy is short-lived as the eccentric gremlin matriarch devours the entire confectionery masterpiece in a single, impressive bite. Undeterred by this gastronomic catastrophe, the partygoers press on, reveling in a night of uninhibited mirth and merriment - even the usually stoic Count Dracula and Vlad, who indulge in an exuberant dance routine that defies their undead reputation.