Kill List 2012

Box Office



95 min




A former hitman, struggling to reconcile his dark past with his desperate present, is lured back into the game by a lucrative assignment from his old partner. As the hits unfold with eerie ease, Jay's fragile grip on reality begins to slip, plunging him into a maelstrom of paranoia and terror that threatens to consume him entirely.

A former hitman, struggling to reconcile his dark past with his desperate present, is lured back into the game by a lucrative assignment from his old partner. As the hits unfold with eerie ease, Jay's fragile grip on reality begins to slip, plunging him into a maelstrom of paranoia and terror that threatens to consume him entirely.

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Kill List does not have end credit scenes.


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Plot Summary

Jay and Gal, two former British soldiers turned deadly hired guns, are struggling to leave their violent past behind. However, for Jay, the demons of a catastrophic mission in Kiev still linger, refusing to be exorcised. His wife Shel, desperate to see her husband’s life back on track, implores him to find gainful employment, but Jay’s inability to shake off the memories of his disastrous deployment has left them financially destitute.

In an effort to lift everyone’s spirits and provide a sense of normalcy, Shel hosts a dinner party, inviting Gal and his new girlfriend Fiona, a no-nonsense human resources manager. The evening is filled with forced joviality as Gal reveals he’s got a new job lined up for the pair. Shel encourages Jay to take the opportunity, sensing that it might be just what her husband needs to get his life back on track.

Meanwhile, Fiona slips away to the bathroom, where she inscribes a symbol on the mirror and discreetly takes a tissue used by Jay earlier in the evening - an act that seems almost routine, but actually sets off a chain of events that will have far-reaching consequences. As the night wears on, Jay accepts Gal’s job offer and they meet their shadowy client, who presents them with a list of three names to be eliminated.

The first target, dubbed “The Priest”, seems to recognize Jay before meeting his untimely demise. The second individual on the list, “The Librarian”, is an archivist with a collection of videos that defy comprehension. As Jay becomes increasingly unsettled by what he’s seen, his emotions boil over and he brutally assaults the archivist, extracting information about the creators of the disturbing footage.

As Gal delves into the files, he uncovers a folder containing details about their own troubled past - specifically, the fateful mission in Kiev that has haunted Jay ever since. Though they don’t initially recognize it, the file includes the same symbol that Fiona had carved on the mirror earlier. It’s an eerie discovery that sets them both on edge.

With Gal reluctantly agreeing to continue the job, they set their sights on eliminating the individuals responsible for the horrific videos. In a fit of rage and vengeance, Jay tracks down the perpetrators, meting out brutal justice in a frenzy of violence.

As Gal breaks the news that they’ve secured enough funds to cover the entire contract, Jay and his partner make a shocking decision: they’ll abandon the lucrative hitman gig and return home. But before they can put their plan into action, Jay’s infected hand sends him to the doctor, only to find that his regular physician has been replaced by an enigmatic stranger who offers cryptic advice instead of tangible treatment. Jay and Gal soon find themselves back at the client’s doorstep, offering to replace themselves with new hitmen to complete the remaining targets on the list. However, their client refuses to budge, issuing a chilling ultimatum: if they don’t fulfill their end of the bargain, both the hitmen and their families will be eliminated.

Meanwhile, Shel takes their son Sam to the family’s secluded cottage for safekeeping as Jay and Gal return to work. Their next target, “The MP”, is a Member of Parliament residing in a grand mansion. As they surveil the premises, they stumble upon a bizarre ritual in the woods that culminates in a gruesome human sacrifice. Jay opens fire with his assault rifle, and the leader of the ceremony presents himself for execution. Jay takes him down along with several cultists before the remaining masked members give chase, forcing the hitmen to flee into an underground complex. Gal falls captive and is brutally disembowelled, prompting Jay to perform a mercy killing.

As Jay emerges from the tunnels, he makes his way to the family cottage, only to find Shel prepared for battle after invaders have ravaged their home. When he ventures outside, he discovers that their car tires have been slashed and lit torches now surround the nearby field. Jay attempts to track down their attackers but is knocked unconscious. Upon regaining consciousness inside the cottage, he finds Shel armed and fighting off intruders.

Jay eventually stumbles out into the field, only to be confronted by a cult of masked figures who strip him bare and don a mask over his face. As they lead him before “The Hunchback”, Jay engages in a brutal knife fight with this mysterious figure. In the end, he emerges victorious, but the revelation that the Hunchback is none other than his wife, Fiona, armed with Sam strapped to her back, sends Jay reeling. Shel’s cold laughter echoes through the air as she meets her maker. The cultists, now revealed to include their client and the enigmatic doctor, hail Jay as their new leader, crowning him in a twisted ceremony.

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