
Does Knowing have end credit scenes?


Knowing does not have end credit scenes.




As a 1958 time capsule is unearthed, a cryptic message predicting global catastrophe is uncovered, setting off a desperate quest by professor John Koestler to prevent the impending doom. His son Caleb unwittingly holds the key to unraveling the mystery, but as they delve deeper into the truth, they must confront the possibility of a devastating future that seems all too real.

Runtime: 121 min

Box Office: $184M








User Score


6.2 /10

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Check out what happened in Knowing!

The cinematic journey commences with an atmospheric glimpse into the lives of elementary school students in Lexington, Massachusetts, circa 1959. Lucinda (Lara Robinson), a young pupil with an enigmatic gaze, stands mesmerized as if beholding an impending catastrophe. Her teacher, Miss Taylor (Danielle Carter), repeatedly urges her to rejoin the class, only to reveal that the students will be crafting predictions for the future and entombing them in a time capsule - an idea reportedly conceived by Lucinda herself, a notion that holds significant significance later on. As the lesson unfolds, we observe Lucinda slipping into a trance-like state, furiously scribbling seemingly arbitrary numbers onto a sheet of paper, as if controlled by unseen forces.

During the ceremony, the time capsule is ceremoniously lowered into the school grounds. Lucinda remains aloof, her eyes fixed on the proceedings with an air of detachment. Miss Taylor soon realizes that Lucinda has vanished from her designated spot and embarks on a search to locate her pupil. Her journey eventually leads her to a storage closet, where she finds Lucinda's fingers smeared with blood as she frantically scratches more numbers onto the wooden door.

Fast-forward to the present day, 50 years later, we find ourselves in the midst of a somber atmosphere as M.I.T. professor John Koestler (Nicolas Cage) and his son Caleb (Chandler Canterbury) go about their daily routine at home. John struggles to cope with the devastating loss of his wife, often finding solace in whiskey-soaked moments of quiet contemplation. Following his lecture class the next day, he becomes aware that he has missed his son's school celebration, where the same time capsule from 1959 is being opened.

As Miss Taylor (Alethea McGrath), now an esteemed figure, distributes the various letters and drawings to the current students, she hands Lucinda's page of numbers to Caleb. As he opens the letter and gazes upon its contents, he becomes acutely aware of a strange-looking individual clad in a trench coat observing him from a distance, accompanied by the eerie whispers that begin to echo within his mind. Caleb returns home with the letter, unaware of the profound impact it will have on his life.

As night falls, John's hands tremble as he uncovers a cryptic letter that holds a shocking revelation. The numbers on the page seem to hold more significance than initially thought, with a date and victim count eerily coinciding with the devastating September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. With his curiosity piqued, John hastily scrawls the entire sequence onto a blackboard, and through an internet search, discovers that these numbers appear to predict major catastrophic events of the past five decades, including the toll of human lives. The remaining unaccounted for numbers spark a sense of foreboding, hinting at impending calamities yet to come.

Meanwhile, John's sister Grace (Nadia Townsend) grows increasingly concerned about her brother's emotional well-being in the aftermath of his wife's passing. John confides in his colleague Phil about his astonishing discovery, only to be met with skepticism and dismissal. Undeterred, John sets out to uncover more information, tracking down Miss Taylor and learning about Lucinda's mysterious disappearance, which ended with her scratched numbers on a closet door serving as an ominous prelude.

As Caleb navigates his daily routine, he becomes unwittingly entangled in a series of unsettling events. A black car, its occupants shrouded in mystery, drives by him, one of the passengers handing him a smooth black stone. John's instincts scream for caution, but it's too late; the enigmatic strangers vanish into thin air. His journey to pick up his son is disrupted when an accident blocks the highway, forcing John to rely on his truck's GPS system to find an alternative route.

In a moment of clarity, John notices the present latitude and longitude coordinates on the GPS screen, which eerily mirror the same numbers that had previously stumped him. It's then that he connects the dots – these numbers are not just dates of disasters but also the precise locations where they occurred. As he engages with authorities at the scene of a sudden airplane crash into the nearby fields, John realizes that his obsession with Lucinda's letter may hold the key to unraveling the mysteries of fate and the unpredictable forces that shape our world.

The eerie silence of the night was shattered when Caleb's peaceful slumber was disrupted by an unsettling presence. A stranger, shrouded in mystery, materialized beside his bed, their gaze fixed on the windowpane. As Caleb's eyes followed theirs, he beheld a haunting spectacle: a raging forest fire consuming hundreds of helpless animals, their cries and screeches piercing the air. The horror was too much to bear as John rushed to comfort his distraught friend, only to notice the enigmatic stranger lingering by the trees, vanishing into thin air before he could confront them.

The next day, John and Caleb embarked on a mission to track down Diana (Rose Byrne) and her daughter Abby (Lara Robinson), whose existence was intertwined with that of Lucinda, an innocent victim they had encountered earlier. Their quest led them to a museum, where John cleverly manipulated the situation by using Caleb as bait to initiate a conversation with Diana. However, his deception was met with anger and disdain, prompting Diana to storm off with her daughter.

John's investigation took another unexpected turn when he discovered a chilling terrorist plot unfolding in NYC. He pored over his computer, inputting coordinates that led him to a disturbing revelation: the numbers matched those on the cryptic sheet. Convinced of the letter's authenticity, John hastened to New York to thwart the impending attack. His initial mistake - mistaking a person carrying stolen DVDs for a bomb-wielding terrorist - was followed by a devastating train collision at a station, leaving destruction in its wake.

Upon his return home, John was surprised to find Diana and Abby sitting outside his residence, their expressions now tinged with empathy. As they drove together, Diana shared the unsettling revelation that her mother had foretold her own demise on October 22 - a date eerily coinciding with the final groupings of numbers, which were sealed by what appeared to be the backwards double letter E.

In the cramped quarters of Lucinda's room, John stumbles upon a visually striking collage of calamities from around the world, meticulously pasted on the walls. The far corner of the space holds a haunting depiction of Judgment Day, with a radiant, otherworldly object occupying its center. As he navigates the cluttered floor, his fingers brush against an unassuming black rock, eerily similar to the one Caleb had earlier received as a harbinger of doom. His curiosity piqued, John lifts the bedframe and discovers an array of smooth stones hidden beneath. The underside of the bed reveals an even more astonishing discovery: a sprawling message scrawled across its surface in bold, cryptic letters – "Everyone Else" – the same enigmatic phrase that had appeared in Lucinda's letter. It becomes starkly clear to John that this final prophecy will have far-reaching consequences, affecting every human being on the planet.

Meanwhile, the enigmatic strangers reappear, their presence heralded by an unsettling chorus of disembodied voices. The sound of a blood-curdling scream sends John and Diana racing towards the truck. As they arrive, they find Abby shaken but unharmed, recounting her own bizarre encounter with the mysterious men. With a growing sense of unease, John confronts one of the strangers, only to be momentarily blinded by an intense, blinding light emanating from within the stranger's body. The would-be assailant escapes, leaving John stunned and disoriented.

As the truth begins to dawn on him, John realizes that this final event is inextricably linked to the very fabric of our solar system. He hastens to his laboratory office, where he meets Phil, sharing with him a hypothetical model for a catastrophic solar flare they had previously developed. With gravity-defying implications, John reveals that this hypothetical scenario has become all too real – a massive solar flare on the brink of destroying life as we know it. Urging Phil to prioritize spending time with his loved ones, John's mind is preoccupied by the haunting words of Lucinda's letter: "Everyone Else."

As they prepare to depart, John's thoughts turn back to the cryptic message scrawled across the bedframe. He remembers Miss Taylor's enigmatic discussion about Lucinda's peculiar habit of scratching numbers onto the closet door. With a growing sense of urgency, John and his companions hasten to the school, where he breaks into the building with reckless abandon, racing towards the closet in search of crucial answers. The moment he finds the final set of coordinates, he scribbles them down before rushing back out to his truck – only to be met with an appalling realization: Diana and the children are nowhere to be found.

As John inputs the coordinates into his GPS device, he is stunned to discover that they lead directly to Lucinda's trailer, a location they had previously visited. With a growing sense of urgency, he manages to reach Diana on her cell phone and desperately implores her to take both children to Lucinda's trailer instead of the caves. This decision would prove crucial, as the flare they are searching for is capable of penetrating miles underground, ensuring the devastating consequences of their current course.

As Diana stops at a gas station, Caleb is suddenly abducted by a mysterious stranger, who seamlessly takes control of her vehicle and drives off with the two children in tow. Undeterred, Diana sets out to pursue the kidnappers, only to meet with an unfortunate accident that leaves her fate hanging precariously in the balance.

Meanwhile, John springs into action, tracking down the direction of the chase and eventually coming across the scene where Diana's lifeless body lies, a grim reminder that time is running out. As paramedics struggle to revive her without success, John takes note of the clock striking midnight, a poignant reminder that October 22nd, the fateful day predicted by Diana's mother for her demise, has finally arrived.

With his heart heavy with grief and concern for his children, John makes his way to Lucinda's trailer, where he discovers tire tracks leading deep into the woods. Following these cryptic clues, he eventually stumbles upon a clearing blanketed in an eerie, smooth black stone, eerily reminiscent of previous instances throughout the film.

As John grapples with the uncertainty surrounding Caleb's whereabouts, his son suddenly materializes, calm and serene, cradling a white rabbit as if it were a precious treasure. Not far behind, Abby emerges unscathed, her eyes filled with an unsettling tranquility as she confides in her father that the mysterious strangers have assured her of her mother's safe passage.

The truth slowly begins to unravel: the kidnappers had acted precipitously because Diana refused to heed John's warning and take their children to Lucinda's trailer. Caleb reveals that they were whisked away to a supposedly safer location, far removed from the impending catastrophe. As John struggles to process this revelation, four enigmatic figures emerge from the shadows, their presence a chilling harbinger of the apocalyptic events yet to come.

As the celestial canvas unfolds, a mesmerizing spectacle greets our gaze: a constellation of lights high above, gradually giving way to an enormous spacecraft majestically emerging from the clouds. The behemoth's underbelly opens, and a colossal orb-like transporter materializes on the ground, imbuing the air with an aura of mystique. It becomes clear that these enigmatic strangers are extraterrestrial beings, sent to salvage this family from the brink of catastrophe. As John's eyes well up with sorrow, he comes to terms with the realization that these aliens have been dispatched specifically to save Caleb and Abbey, leaving their adult counterparts behind. Initially resistant, Caleb eventually relents as John convinces him that his presence will always be felt, and that he must join forces with Abby to ensure their safe passage. The trio shares an emotional farewell before Caleb and Abbey make their way towards the radiant orb. As they do, the strangers shed their human disguises, revealing their true, luminescent forms. The orb then returns to its mothership, ascending into the heavens as hundreds of similar vessels concurrently depart from around the world, illustrating that countless children are being whisked away to safety.

The following day, John awakens to a drizzly morning and an unsettling orange glow dominating the sky - a harbinger of impending doom. As he navigates the city in disarray, buildings engulfed by flames, temperatures soaring, and panic-stricken civilians scattering through the streets, his thoughts are consumed by the fate of his loved ones. He spots his old partner Phil clinging to his wife on the sidewalk, then stops before an apartment building where his sister and parents reside. With a heavy heart, John shares the news that Caleb is now in a safe place. The quartet shares a poignant group hug as the approaching flare incinerates everything around them, its fiery tendrils vaporizing the city. The final, haunting shot of our once-blue planet is seen from space, as it disintegrates into nothingness.

The narrative then shifts to an otherworldly landscape, replete with an array of unfamiliar colors and teeming plant life. The spaceship we've witnessed earlier descends, releasing Caleb, Abbey, and their pet rabbits onto the alien terrain before departing. As they smile, more spacecraft converge to deposit additional children, while a magnificent glowing tree towers majestically in the background, a testament to the resilience of hope in the face of cataclysm.