In this gripping thriller, four dynamic women navigate the high-stakes world of motherhood, where confidence and fun must be balanced with the crushing responsibilities of parenthood.

In this gripping thriller, four dynamic women navigate the high-stakes world of motherhood, where confidence and fun must be balanced with the crushing responsibilities of parenthood.

Does Mother have end credit scenes?


Mother does not have end credit scenes.



6.6 /10

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Movie Quiz

Mother from 2020 Quiz: Test your knowledge of the surreal and intense film 'Mother' with this challenging quiz.

Who plays the character of Mother?

Plot Summary

As the cinematic canvas ignites with an otherworldly intensity, a figure, her skin seared by flames that crackle like a fiery whip, stands amidst the inferno’s chaotic roar. The cacophony of screams in the background serves as a haunting counterpoint to the desolate tableau. The scene shifts abruptly, transporting us to a man, aptly dubbed “Him” (Javier Bardem), who carefully places a crystal object in his bedroom, its facets glinting like shards of stardust. As he does so, the dilapidated structure surrounding him undergoes a transformative metamorphosis, its walls and floors suddenly resplendent with an aura of refined elegance.

Within this newly refurbished sanctum, a young woman, “Mother” (Jennifer Lawrence), materializes in Him’s bed, her eyes scanning the space as she calls out for Him, her voice laced with a hint of longing: “Baby?” The silence that follows is palpable, until Him emerges from the shadows, his arms enveloping Mother in a warm embrace. This tender moment belies the turmoil that has beset Him’s existence since the loss of his first wife, a creative drought he struggles to overcome.

Mother, meanwhile, is consumed by her own artistic endeavors, attempting to imbue the walls with vibrant hues as if channeling the very essence of color itself. As she steps out onto the porch, the world beyond the threshold comes into sharp relief: a vision of a beating heart pulses within the walls, its rhythmic throb serving as a poignant reminder of life’s fragility.

The tranquility is shattered by the arrival of an unexpected visitor, “Man” (Ed Harris), who knocks on the door with an air of innocence. Him welcomes him into their humble abode, his demeanor cordial and inviting, while Mother’s wariness is palpable. Man, a self-proclaimed aficionado of Him’s literary output, is drawn to the poet’s lair, where he discovers a treasure trove of written works. As the evening wears on, Him and Man engage in a lively conversation, with Him sharing his creative struggles, even as Mother makes her reservations clear.

Yet, despite her initial apprehension, Mother allows Man to stay, his presence a balm to Him’s writerly woes. However, their camaraderie is tempered by Man’s violent coughing fits, which Him tends to with a solicitousness that borders on the paternal. Later, as Mother observes Man vomiting in the bathroom, her gaze falls upon a gruesome wound, its edges ragged and raw. Him’s hand moves to cover it, a gesture that bespeaks a deeper understanding between them, one that transcends their initial unease and hints at a mystery waiting to be unraveled.

As the day unfolds, Mother’s curiosity is piqued as she inquires about Man’s well-being to Him (played by). The answer comes swiftly, with Man descending the stairs, radiating an aura of serenity. However, their respite is short-lived, as another knock at the door heralds the arrival of Woman (Michelle Pfeiffer), Man’s wife. Him welcomes her into the house with warmth, while Mother and Woman are left to navigate a delicate dance. The conversation turns to the prospect of starting a family, and Woman’s curiosity about the inner workings of Him’s office is palpable. Mother remains steadfast, reiterating that only those with explicit permission from Him can breach his sanctum.

The trio’s return is met with another coughing fit from Man, who struggles under the weight of mortality. Him reveals to Mother that Man’s fate is sealed, and he has come to pay homage to the enigmatic figure before it’s too late. The visit culminates in chaos as Man and Woman inadvertently shatter a crystal object, eliciting a devastating reaction from Him. He cradles the broken pieces in his hands, his anguish manifesting in a gruesome display of physical pain.

Mother’s attempts to usher the visitors out are rebuffed, as Man and Woman opt for an intimate moment instead. The tension builds until both Mother and Him concur that it’s time for them to depart. As they prepare to leave, the arrival of their sons (Domhnall and Brian Gleeson) sets off a powder keg of discord. Oldest Son’s ire is piqued by the perceived slight in his father’s will, leading to a violent confrontation that ultimately culminates in Younger Brother’s brutal assault.

Him intervenes, separating the combatants as Man and Woman flee the scene. They stumble upon their injured son, who lies bleeding on the floor. Him scoops up Younger Brother and carries him to the hospital, trailed by his parents. Mother is left to tend to the aftermath, her gaze lingering on a stubborn stain that refuses to be vanquished.

As she presses against it, the stain begins to seep into the basement, forming a macabre tableau of blood and light bulbs. The horror deepens as Mother discovers a hidden furnace oil tank, its contents slowly oozing out like a dark omen. Oldest Son materializes from the shadows, his presence marked by an unsettling stillness. He claims what’s his and vanishes into the night, leaving behind a trail of blood and secrets that threaten to consume them all.

As the mournful atmosphere of the wake dissipates, Him reveals to Mother that Younger Brother’s life force has been extinguished. The arrival of strangers at the house, all bearing solemn faces, serves as a somber reminder of the passing of time. Mother’s growing unease is palpable as she confronts the intrusive nature of these unknown individuals, her frustration boiling over into a heated argument with Him. It is in this charged atmosphere that the couple’s passion ignites, their bodies entwined in a fervent expression of love and life.

The morning brings news of a newfound life, as Mother announces to Him that she believes herself to be pregnant. Elated by the prospect of fatherhood, Him finds inspiration in his writing once more. His creative juices flowing, he completes his work and sends it out into the world, capturing the attention of The Herald (Kristen Wiig), whose enthusiasm is matched only by her sharp wit.

As Mother’s pregnancy progresses, the house becomes a magnet for fans of Him’s work, drawing them in like moths to a flame. One devotee, accompanied by a child who has succumbed to an unfortunate accident involving his trousers, arrives at the door, followed shortly by another individual who seeks refuge in the bathroom sink. The tide of fanfare soon turns into a deluge as The Herald and others appear, their fervor bordering on fanaticism.

Mother’s attempts to hide from the chaos only seem to fuel it further, as the throng of enthusiasts begins to wreak havoc on the house. People are bound and gagged, while The Herald moves through the space with an unsettling calmness, dispatching those who pose a threat to her with calculated precision. A blast of violence shatters the room, claiming The Herald’s life in its wake. In the aftermath, a SWAT team bursts into the scene, struggling to contain the increasingly frenzied crowd. As the dust settles, it becomes clear that these fans are merely pawns in a larger game, their fervor masking a darker, more sinister purpose - that of a pagan cult hell-bent on chaos and destruction.

Here is the rephrased text:

As the contractions intensify, Mother’s instincts take over, and she finds herself in Him’s office, delivering a baby boy. The new father’s paternal instincts surge, but Mother remains resolute, refusing to relinquish her son until the room is fan-free. The hours tick by as she holds her newborn tight, exhausted, until finally, sleep claims her. When she awakens, it’s too late - Him has already spirited their son away, revealing him to the crowd with a gruesome twist: they’re passing him around, unfazed by his unwitting urination. As the mob begins to brutalize the infant, the crowd’s cruel callousness culminates in a horrific act of violence that shatters Mother’s world. Her anguished wails shake the very foundations of their home as she confronts the unthinkable: her child has been reduced to mere flesh for the cannibalistic throng. Enraged, Mother turns on the fans, slashing and stabbing with reckless abandon until a swift candlestick blow sends her crashing to the ground.

The throng’s violence only intensifies, and Mother finds herself at their mercy, her clothes torn asunder by their merciless hands. Him bursts in, tears streaming down his face, imploring the crowd to cease. But it’s too late - Mother has already witnessed the unspeakable: her child’s murder at the hands of the mindless horde.

Her grief and anguish overwhelming, Mother flees to the basement, where she uncovers a dark secret: the oil tank that will change everything. Igniting the contents with a lighter, she sets in motion a chain reaction that will consume their home, reducing all within its walls to ashes.

As flames engulf the house, Him frantically pleads with her to spare the property, but Mother’s resolve is unbroken. Together, they ride out the inferno, emerging scarred and singed. Him cradles Mother’s charred form in his arms, as she whispers a haunting question: “Who are you?” The answer comes in a chilling whisper: “I am I, and this is your home.” When she asks where he’s taking her, he responds with an equally unnerving revelation: to the beginning. And when she inquires about his desires, he reveals his true intention: to claim her love.

Mother offers it willingly, only to have Him dig deep into her scorched chest, extracting her heart as if it were a tangible thing. As her body crumbles, reduced to nothing more than the ash that has been their home for so long, Him stands over her, bathed in the fiery glow of destruction, his true nature laid bare at last.

As Him’s grasp relaxes, the fragile vessel containing his heart shatters, releasing a cascade of memories and emotions like a torrent of autumn leaves scattering in the wind. Amidst the ruins of his office, he nonchalantly retrieves the crystal relic, its facets glinting in the dim light as if infused with the essence of his very soul. With a low, throaty chuckle that hints at a mix of melancholy and malevolence, he deploys this sacred object to its familiar resting place amidst the newly minted, pristine surroundings.

The edifice, once ravaged by the forces of chaos, has been restored to its former glory, as if the very fabric of reality had been rewoven. And in a bed now spotless and inviting, a youthful woman stirs, her voice like a gentle breeze rustling the leaves of a forgotten journal. “Baby?” she calls out into the void, her words echoing through the sterile silence, a plaintive cry that pierces the heart of those who have witnessed the devastation that has transpired.

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