
Does No Exit have end credit scenes?


No Exit does not have end credit scenes.

No Exit

No Exit


Trapped by a blizzard's fury, Darby finds herself at the mercy of fate and strangers at a desolate highway rest stop. When she discovers an abducted girl, panic gives way to paranoia as Darby must confront the darkest aspects of human nature to uncover the truth and escape alive in this gripping thriller.

Runtime: 95 min









User Score






User Score


6.1 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in No Exit!

In a desolate chamber of eternal torment, three troubled individuals - Joseph Garcin (played by ???), Inèz Serrano, and Estelle Rigault - find themselves confined together by a cryptic valet. As they take in their bleak surroundings, which eerily evoke the opulence of 19th-century France, they realize that their expected torment has given way to an unsettling sense of monotony. Initially, each tries to deflect the truth about their own damnation: Garcin claims he was executed for his pacifist ideals, while Estelle insists on a mistaken identity; Inèz, however, is resolute in her conviction that they are all complicit in their moral crimes.

Inèz's sharp instincts soon lead her to deduce the true nature of their confinement. She realizes that they have been brought together not for punishment, but as instruments of mutual torment. This dawning understanding sets off a chain reaction of discomfort and unease, as each tries to navigate this new reality.

Garcin suggests a fragile truce, proposing they remain silent and leave each other alone, but Inèz's irrepressible spirit soon disrupts the uneasy silence. She begins to sing haunting melodies about execution, while Estelle vainly searches for a mirror to verify her appearance. Inèz's attempts to seduce Estelle by offering herself as a mirror, revealing every detail she perceives, ultimately frightens Estelle instead. As the dynamics between the three become increasingly strained, it becomes clear that Inèz is drawn to Estelle, Estelle to Garcin, and Garcin remains aloof from both women.

In this cramped and stifling environment, relationships are forged in the fire of despair, as each individual struggles to maintain a tenuous grip on their own identity. The lines between tormentor and tormented blur, as they confront the dark truths about themselves and their fellow damned souls.

As the trio's tense atmosphere simmers to a boil, they collectively decide to bare their darkest secrets, desperate for a modicum of clarity in their twisted relationships. Garcin (played by...) confesses his reprehensible treatment of his wife, leading to his own execution by firing squad for desertion; Inèz reveals her manipulative nature, having seduced her cousin's wife, Florence, while living with them, ultimately driving Florence to leave her husband and take her own life. Estelle, meanwhile, shares the tragic consequences of her own illicit affair, resulting in the death of the child that followed. Despite these confessions, the trio continues to grate on each other's nerves.

As their animosity reaches a fever pitch, Garcin begins to succumb to Estelle's increasingly brazen advances, enraging Inèz. However, Garcin's guilt-ridden conscience constantly interrupts his surrender, prompting him to plead with Estelle to reassure him that he is not a coward for abandoning his country during wartime. Estelle complies, but Inèz responds with biting sarcasm, suggesting that Estelle's affections are mere pretenses, allowing her to be with any man.

This exchange sparks Garcin's sudden urge to escape, only to find the door inexplicably opening and then refusing to budge despite his repeated attempts. The trio remains trapped together, with Garcin ultimately concluding that "hell is other people," a realization that leaves him hopeless and desperate for Inèz's understanding. Estelle continues her futile attempts to seduce Garcin, but he refuses to submit while Inèz watches, prompting her to lash out in frustration.

As the tension builds, Estelle becomes enraged and attacks Inèz with a paper knife, only to be met with Inèz's defiant response that they are all already dead. In a twisted display of solidarity, the trio joins Estelle in a fit of hysterical laughter, ultimately arriving at a macabre acceptance of their situation. With this bleak understanding, Garcin concludes, "Eh bien, continuons..." ("Well then, let's get on with it..."), signaling the beginning of their downward spiral into madness and despair.