In this heartwarming comedy-drama, Lakshmi, a humble welder, sparks a revolution by creating low-cost sanitary pads after discovering his wife's unhygienic menstrual routine. As he faces rejection and ridicule, Lakshmi's determination and compassion propel him on an inspiring journey of innovation and self-acceptance, defying conventions to bring dignity to millions.

In this heartwarming comedy-drama, Lakshmi, a humble welder, sparks a revolution by creating low-cost sanitary pads after discovering his wife's unhygienic menstrual routine. As he faces rejection and ridicule, Lakshmi's determination and compassion propel him on an inspiring journey of innovation and self-acceptance, defying conventions to bring dignity to millions.

Does Pad Man have end credit scenes?


Pad Man does not have end credit scenes.


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7.9 /10

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Movie Quiz

Pad Man Quiz: Test your knowledge about the inspiring story of Laxmi and his mission to break menstrual taboos and create affordable sanitary products.

What is Laxmikanth Chauhan's primary motivation for creating sanitary napkins?

Plot Summary

In a society where the stigma surrounding menstruation lingers, Laxmikanth Chauhan (Akshay Kumar), a workshop partner and tool operator, stands out as an advocate for change. When he marries Gayatri (Radhika Apte) and witnesses her struggle with using dirty cloth during her menstrual cycle, he’s determined to make things better for his wife. His initial attempt to purchase sanitary napkins is met with resistance from Gayatri herself, who finds the expense too steep. Undeterred, Laxmi decides to take matters into his own hands, concocting a plan to create low-cost sanitary napkins.

However, his homemade products are far from perfect, and after facing criticism from his sisters and the local dispensary doctor (who’s been transferred, leaving him without any professional guidance), Laxmi is left feeling frustrated and defeated. Undeterred, he continues to seek feedback on his product, convincing a medical student to gather her colleagues’ opinions. But even this effort falls flat, as none of them are willing to cooperate.

As Laxmi’s perseverance begins to wane, he resorts to an unconventional approach: enlisting the help of a young girl who’s just started experiencing her periods. However, his plan backfires when he’s caught by his sisters, forcing them to leave their village in shame. With no other options left, Laxmi decides to take a bold step – he tests his own sanitary napkin and, despite initial leaks, continues to refine the product.

But this time, his experiment is witnessed by the entire village, leading to the formation of a panchayat that criticizes Laxmi for taking on such an initiative. His family disowns him, forcing him to leave their village behind. Though he’s lost everything, Laxmi’s passion for creating low-cost sanitary napkins refuses to fade. He begins researching new ways to make his vision a reality, driven by the desire to improve women’s lives.

As Laxmi ventures into the city, he secures employment as a domestic helper in the esteemed Professor’s apartment complex, allowing him to continue his research on the distinct characteristics of cotton and cellulose fibers. His curiosity eventually leads him to enlist the assistance of a young boy in conducting an online search for American companies that export cellulose fibers. After making contact with one such firm, Laxmi places an order and receives samples, which ultimately spark his quest to create a machine capable of producing cellulose-based products. He meticulously studies the manufacturing processes involved and sets out to design his own automated pad-making device, albeit at a substantial cost. To fund his project, Laxmi borrows money from a local moneylender, persevering through months of experimentation and production until he finally yields a functional machine that produces pads made from cellulose fibers.

Meanwhile, Pari Walia (Sonam Kapoor), an accomplished Tabla performer, finds herself in Indore for a performance when her menstrual cycle commences. However, her assistants are unable to procure sanitary products due to the local shops being closed for a festival. Their path crosses with Laxmi’s, who kindly provides them with one of his innovative pads. The next day, Laxmi visits Pari to gather her feedback on his product. Initially taken aback by the unexpected encounter, Pari is later moved by Laxmi’s inspiring story and vision for empowering women.

Pari’s endorsement of Laxmi’s invention sparks an invitation to participate in the prestigious IIT Delhi innovation competition, boasting a prize of Rs 2 Lakhs. With Pari by his side, Laxmi showcases his machine, capable of producing a sanitary pad at a fraction of the cost of imported alternatives (Rs 11). He is awarded the President’s honor, solidifying his reputation as a pioneer in the field.

Pari, however, encourages Laxmi to secure a patent and sell the rights to his invention to a prominent corporation for a substantial profit. However, Laxmi remains steadfast in his commitment to making sanitary products accessible to millions of Indian women at an affordable price. Despite receiving national recognition, Laxmi struggles to earn the respect of his village community, which views his innovation as a stain on their traditional way of life.

Undeterred, Pari chooses to abandon her lucrative corporate career to join forces with Laxmi in his mission. As she begins selling the pads door-to-door, the product’s success is undeniable. Pari soon recruits an army of female sellers who join her and Laxmi, rebranding the pads under the name “Pari.” Sales skyrocket as their joint efforts yield a remarkable turnaround.

As Pari (character name) cleverly proposes, Laxmi is encouraged to forge an alliance with a pioneering financial institution dedicated to empowering women across India. This innovative partnership enables the procurement of machines that can be used to manufacture sanitary napkins, generating income and creating job opportunities for women in the process. Meanwhile, Pari’s affections for Laxmi begin to blossom, but he ultimately hesitates to pursue his feelings when Gayathri reenters the picture.

Laxmi’s tireless advocacy culminates in a powerful address at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, earning her the esteemed Padma Shri Award from the Government of India. This remarkable achievement serves as a testament to Laxmi’s unwavering dedication to her cause and her unshakeable resolve to effect meaningful change in the lives of women worldwide.

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