
Does Persepolis have end credit scenes?


Persepolis does not have end credit scenes.




A spirited 9-year-old Marjane navigates the turbulent streets of Tehran during Iran's Islamic Revolution. As fundamentalist forces seize control, she defiantly rejects conformity, embracing punk rock and Western culture. But when violence erupts and fear grips her city, Marjane must confront the harsh realities of war-torn Iran, where freedom is a distant memory.

Runtime: 96 min

Box Office: $23M







User Score






User Score


8.0 /10

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Check out what happened in Persepolis!

As the present day fades away, like the wisps of cigarette smoke wafting through the airport's terminal, we're transported back to a pivotal moment in 1978 Tehran - a city on the cusp of revolution. Marjane Satrapi (Marjane), now a grown woman unable to board her flight to Iran, is suddenly thrust into a nostalgic reverie. Her mind drifts back to her childhood, where she was an imaginative and idealistic nine-year-old girl, dreaming of becoming a prophet and emulating the martial arts mastery of Bruce Lee.

In this formative period, Marji's life was inextricably linked to the tumultuous events unfolding around her. As her middle-class family participated in protests and rallies, hoping for a brighter future, Marji struggled to reconcile her own desires with the tumult of the times. She sought to align herself with her generation's ideals, whether by threatening the child of an unpopular government official or vying for prestige through connections to political prisoners.

Marji's youthful zeal often led her into precarious situations, such as a botched attempt to attack the son of a man notorious for killing Communists for sport. Her mother intervenes, reminding Marji that justice should not be taken into one's own hands - a lesson reinforced by an otherworldly visitor who appears to her that night, dispensing wisdom on forgiveness and restraint.

As Marjane's family life continues to unfold, the arrival of Uncle Anoush (Uncle) brings a dose of reality. Released from prison after years of being persecuted for his Communist beliefs, he shares tales of his time on the run and in confinement, cautioning Marjane about the dangers of standing up for what is right. This poignant reminder serves as a harbinger of the challenges that lie ahead, as Marjane navigates the complexities of her heritage and the tumultuous world around her.

As the political landscape in Iran shifts dramatically, a fleeting sense of unity gives way to crushing despair. The election of Islamic Fundamentalists as the new leading power brings with it a wave of repressive measures that ravage Iranian society. For Marji (character), the once-promising future now lies in shambles. The draconian laws imposed by the government - forcing women to conform to modest dress codes and targeting perceived enemies like Anoush for their beliefs - are a stark reminder of the unforgiving nature of the regime.

As if the suffocating atmosphere weren't enough, the Iran-Iraq war breaks out, unleashing a torrent of violence and destruction that leaves Marji reeling. The government's callous disregard for human life is on full display as she witnesses her father being intimidated by teenage officials wielding machine guns and her critically ill uncle being denied medical treatment due to bureaucratic red tape. In this bleak world, the family finds solace in secret gatherings where they can momentarily escape the constraints of the oppressive regime.

As Marji navigates this treacherous landscape, she becomes increasingly defiant, refusing to conform to the government's expectations. She secretly purchases Western heavy metal music on the black market, dons unorthodox clothing like a denim jacket, and celebrates punk rock and pop sensations like Michael Jackson. Her outspoken nature earns her little respect, however, and Marji begins to feel the weight of her rebelliousness.

In desperation, her parents send her to a school in Vienna, Austria in 1983, hoping to provide a safe haven from the turmoil back home. However, Marji finds herself struggling to adjust to life at a Christian boarding school, where she's met with judgmental nuns and superficial classmates who take their freedoms for granted while making her feel ashamed of her Iranian heritage.

Despite forming new friendships, Marji remains isolated and adrift in this foreign land. Her sense of shame culminates in a passionate yet ultimately doomed love affair with a charismatic local that ends on her eighteenth birthday when she discovers his infidelity. After drifting from place to place, seeking refuge from the turmoil of her life, Marji finds herself driven into homelessness, where she narrowly escapes death due to bronchitis before being rescued off the streets.

As the war-weary world slowly came into focus for Marji (character name), she embarked on a journey of rediscovery in 1993, returning to Iran with her family's blessing. Initially, she became ensnared by the monotony of life, spending days glued to the television screen, failing to spark any meaningful change. However, as the weight of Iran's stagnant reality bore down upon her, Marji succumbed to clinical depression, her spirit crushed by the desolate landscape and the devastating toll it had taken on her family. It was then that she found solace in a dream, where the whispers of God and the unyielding spirit of Karl Marx guided her towards a path of resilience.

Reinvigorated by this epiphany, Marji reengaged with life, pouring herself into academic pursuits, socializing with fellow students, and even embarking on a romantic relationship. Yet, amidst this newfound vitality, she was confronted by the harsh realities of Iranian society, where political beliefs were met with brutal reprisal, petty religious dogma held sway, and the double standards perpetuated against women seemed insurmountable.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Marji's rebellious nature remained steadfast, as she confronted the sexist hypocrisy in her university's forum on public morality and refused to back down from the authorities who sought to intimidate her. However, as the suffocating grip of Iran's patriarchal society tightened its hold, Marji began to employ personal survival tactics, feigning outrage at a perceived pass to avoid arrest for wearing makeup and marrying her boyfriend to evade the watchful eye of the religious police.

Her grandmother's wisdom proved a beacon in these tumultuous times, reminding Marji that her grandfather and uncle had given their lives in pursuit of freedom and justice. Torn between loyalty to her family and the suffocating environment of Iran, Marji found herself at a crossroads, as the threads of her life began to fray.

Ultimately, her marriage fell apart, and the tension culminated in a party raid by the police, resulting in the tragic loss of a friend attempting to flee. In the aftermath of this trauma, Marji's family deemed it imperative for her to leave Iran permanently, fearing she would become a target for the authorities as a political dissident. With a heavy heart, Marji agreed, and soon after her departure, her grandmother passed away, leaving an indelible mark on her already battered soul.

As Marji (actor name) steps off the plane and into the present moment, the weight of her past still lingers. With a heavy heart, she hails a taxi from the airport, the urban landscape a jarring contrast to the memories that haunt her. The driver's inquiry about her hometown sparks a mixture of frustration and longing as Marji confesses, "Iran." Her voice carries the sorrow of a lifetime, weighed down by the impossibility of returning to the land she once called home.

As the taxi glides through the city streets, Marji's thoughts drift back to her grandmother, whose wise words had once brought solace to her troubled teenage years. The image of her grandmother carefully placing jasmine petals into her brassiere to fill the air with its sweet fragrance still lingers vividly in her mind. The scent of jasmine, a potent reminder of innocence and joy, now serves as a bittersweet link to her childhood, a fleeting glimpse of happiness amidst the turmoil that has defined her life.