In this whimsical adventure, renowned animator Hayao Miyazaki spins the tale of Marco Pagott, a World War I ace turned porcine phenomenon. As Porco Rosso, he takes to the skies once more, battling air pirates with wit and cunning. But amidst aerial dogfights, he finds himself smitten with a sultry singer and drawn to Fio's ingenuity, leading him on a journey of self-discovery amidst the thrill of flight.

In this whimsical adventure, renowned animator Hayao Miyazaki spins the tale of Marco Pagott, a World War I ace turned porcine phenomenon. As Porco Rosso, he takes to the skies once more, battling air pirates with wit and cunning. But amidst aerial dogfights, he finds himself smitten with a sultry singer and drawn to Fio's ingenuity, leading him on a journey of self-discovery amidst the thrill of flight.

Does Porco Rosso have end credit scenes?


Porco Rosso does not have end credit scenes.






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Movie Quiz

Porco Rosso Quiz: Test your knowledge about the enchanting tale of Porco Rosso and its characters.

What is Marco Pagot's alter ego's name?

Plot Summary

In a world where humanity had lost its way, Marco Pagot (voice: Michael Keaton in the Disney English dub), now rebranded as Porco Rosso, a former World War I pilot turned airborne bounty hunter, had become disillusioned with the state of things. His transformation into a pig was more than just a curse; it was a constant reminder of his lost faith. From his humble island hideout, Porco would offer his services to those in need for a fee, always keeping a watchful eye out for opportunities to make a buck.

When word reached him that a group of unsuspecting girls had been kidnapped from a cruise liner by a band of ruthless sea pirates, Porco sprang into action. With lightning-quick reflexes, he took down the pirates’ aircraft, leaving them reeling. In exchange for their freedom and half of their ill-gotten gains, Porco demanded they turn over the captives. The pirates, desperate to get out of a tight spot, agreed, and Porco returned the girls to their relieved families.

Following this daring rescue mission, Porco paid a visit to Gina (voice: Susan Egan), an old friend who owned the Hotel Adriano and moonlighted as its lead singer. It was here that he crossed paths with Donald Curtis (voice: Cary Elwes), an American pilot hired by a group of sea pirates looking to settle scores with Porco. As the evening wore on, Porco and Gina shared stories of old times, their laughter mingling with the sounds of music drifting from the club.

Porco’s eyes wandered to the walls, where a photo caught his attention – a snapshot of youthful faces, one of which had been cruelly scratched out. He implored Gina to take it down, but she refused, revealing that this was the only known image of Marco before he succumbed to the curse. Porco departed, his mind preoccupied with the memories and regrets that came with being a pig.

As news spread about several pirate crews pooling their resources to target another cruise liner, Porco decided to take a break from the action and head to Milan for some much-needed R&R. However, before he could even get there, an unexpected dogfight broke out when Curtis spotted him. Porco’s plane suffered severe damage, its engine sputtering to a stop. With his trusty aircraft on the verge of becoming scrap metal, Porco managed to save it by hiding it in the foliage on a small island. Believing he had finally met his maker, Curtis flew off, unaware that Porco was still very much alive – and more determined than ever to take down those who sought to do him harm.

As Porco safely lands his plane in Milan, he takes a moment to reassure Gina of his well-being, having heard rumors that Curtis had attempted to take him down. Despite reports of his supposed demise, Porco remains undeterred, opting instead to reconnect with old friend Piccolo (voice: David Ogden Stiers) and solicit his expertise in repairing the aircraft. Upon arriving at Piccolo’s SPA workshop, however, Porco is met with an unexpected surprise - the absence of Piccolo’s former workforce, replaced by a team of novice mechanics, including his spirited granddaughter Fio (voice: Kimberly Williams-Paisley).

Initially skeptical of Fio’s abilities, Porco is won over by her genuine passion and aptitude for aircraft design. As the plane nears completion, whispers of Italian authorities bearing a warrant for Porco’s arrest serve as a stark reminder that his sanctuary in Milan may not be as secure as he had hoped.

In a daring early-morning escape, Porco and Fio take to the skies, dodging law enforcement as they make their way to Porco’s island hideaway. However, their hopes of finding solace are quickly dashed when sea pirates, intent on causing chaos, arrive on the scene, seeking to wreak havoc on Porco and his prized plane. In a stunning turn of events, Fio brokers a peace between the rival factions, invoking the code of honor among sea pirates.

As tensions ease, Curtis emerges from the shadows, determined to settle the score with Porco in a duel. With Fio’s unwitting consent, Curtis proposes marriage if he emerges victorious - a proposal contingent upon Porco’s defeat, with the added condition that Curtis would cover the costs of repairing Porco’s plane and any outstanding fees for its upkeep.

As the sun dips below the horizon, the sea pirates depart, leaving Porco (Tony Todd) and Fio to settle in for a restless night’s sleep. Fio’s eyes linger on Porco’s porcine features, her gaze momentarily piercing the veil of his curse. When she addresses him, his visage reverts to its pig-like state, and Fio’s inquiry about the curse is met with Porco’s characteristic reserve. Undeterred, Fio playfully proposes a solution reminiscent of the timeless tale of the princess and the frog - a kiss, perhaps, might restore Porco to his human form. Porco dismisses her notion, urging Fio to retire for the evening. She agrees, but only if he’ll regale her with a story before slumber.

Porco obliges, launching into an account that whisks Fio away to a bygone era. He recounts a dogfight involving himself and comrades, including Gina’s (Lola Crivelli) late husband. The narrative unfolds like a cinematic reel, with Porco’s plane emerging from a cloud bank only to find itself at the mercy of forces beyond his control. As he gazes upon a majestic procession of aircraft soaring above, Fio’s imagination is transported to a realm where planes converge in perfect harmony. Porco’s story takes a poignant turn as the downed enemy planes, including those belonging to his fallen comrades and Gina’s husband, rise up to join the aerial ballet. The tale concludes with Porco’s plane drifting back below the clouds, leaving him unconscious and adrift over the open ocean.

The following day, the sea pirates prepare for the air duel between Porco (Tony Todd) and Curtis. Gamblers from across the Mediterranean have congregated on a small island, eager to place their bets on the two pilots as members of rival pirate gangs take sides. The stakes are high, and the anticipation is palpable.

As the duel commences, Curtis (voiced by [actor’s name]) attempts to outmaneuver Porco, but the latter’s code of honor prevents him from firing a fatal shot. The battle rages on, with Porco’s guns jamming just as he gains the upper hand. Curtis finds himself in a similar predicament, and soon both pilots are hurling whatever they can at each other while trading barbs.

As the aerial duel between Curtis (character) and Porco reaches its climax, the two adversaries eschew their planes in favor of a brutal, fist-slinging showdown. The air is thick with tension as they exchange blows, each landing a series of devastating punches. Amidst the chaos, Porco’s mind turns to Gina, waiting patiently for his return, and this thought seems to galvanize him. In a stunning turn of events, Porco emerges victorious from the brawl, only to find himself face-first in the water.

Just as it appears all hope is lost, Gina arrives on the scene, her ire raised by Marco’s (Porco’s) apparent attempt to destroy Fio’s life alongside his own. This outburst seems to imbue Porco with a newfound determination, allowing him to rally and claim victory over Curtis.

As panic sets in among the onlookers, Gina warns them that the Italian Air Force has been alerted to their shenanigans and is en route to intercept. The majority of the spectators make a hasty retreat from the island, while Porco, with Fio’s protests falling on deaf ears, loads her into his plane. As they take to the skies, Fio leans out to plant a kiss on Porco’s lips, leaving little doubt about the depth of their feelings.

In the aftermath, Porco and Curtis form an unlikely alliance, working together to lead the Italian Air Force on a wild goose chase. Not before, however, Curtis notices a subtle but significant change in Porco’s appearance – a development that will have far-reaching consequences for the air pirate’s future.

As Fio provides a voice-over narrative to tie up loose ends, we learn that Porco successfully evades capture and goes on to live a life of adventure. Curtis, meanwhile, returns to the United States, where he becomes a Hollywood starlet. Fio and Gina forge an enduring bond, with Fio frequently visiting her at her establishment.

Years later, the Piccolo Company remains a fixture on the island, with Fio at its helm, utilizing her design expertise and aviation knowledge to build a reputation as a master engineer. As for Porco and Gina’s romantic prospects, Fio cryptically hints that their relationship may have blossomed, but the truth remains a closely guarded secret.

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