Reservation Road 2007

Box Office



102 min




A devastating hit-and-run on Reservation Road sets off a chain reaction of trauma and retribution between two families. Ethan Learner's idyllic world is shattered when his son Josh is killed, while Dwight Arno's desperation drives him to flee the scene. As the truth unravels, both men must confront their darkest impulses and make impossible choices, forever altering their lives.

A devastating hit-and-run on Reservation Road sets off a chain reaction of trauma and retribution between two families. Ethan Learner's idyllic world is shattered when his son Josh is killed, while Dwight Arno's desperation drives him to flee the scene. As the truth unravels, both men must confront their darkest impulses and make impossible choices, forever altering their lives.

Does Reservation Road have end credit scenes?


Reservation Road does not have end credit scenes.






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6.6 /10

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Movie Quiz

Reservation Road Quiz: Test your knowledge on the emotional journey of 'Reservation Road' and its complex characters and themes.

Who is the main character seeking justice for his son?

Plot Summary

In this poignant tale of tragedy and consequence, Ethan Learner (Joaquin Phoenix) and his family are forever changed when their lives take a devastating turn on Reservation Road. The evening had begun with promise, Ethan’s wife Grace (Jennifer Connelly), their children Josh (Sean Curley) and Emma (Elle Fanning), and Ethan himself all returning home from a musical recital, but it was here that fate would intervene in the most cruel of ways. As Ethan stopped at a gas station to allow Emma to use the restroom, the family’s tranquility was shattered by a split second of chaos. Josh, just 10 years old, is struck and killed by an SUV driven by Dwight Arno (Mark Ruffalo), a decision that would haunt both men for eternity.

The event sets off a ripple effect of emotional turmoil as both families are forced to confront the harsh reality of their new lives. For Dwight, a divorced attorney struggling with his ex-wife Ruth (played with complexity) over custody rights for their son Lucas, the guilt and anguish of what he had done would prove overwhelming. His attempt to bury the truth by hiding the damaged SUV in his garage only serves to exacerbate his inner turmoil.

Meanwhile, Ethan and his family are left reeling from the loss of Josh, their bright-eyed son, who had been full of life just moments before. As the days turn into weeks, and the police investigation stalls, Ethan finds himself consumed by grief and a sense of responsibility to uncover the truth behind the hit-and-run. His search takes him online, where he connects with other parents who have suffered similar losses at the hands of reckless drivers.

In a twist that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats, Ethan’s quest for justice leads him to hire an attorney - none other than Dwight himself (Mark Ruffalo). As both men navigate the complexities of their own moral compasses, the stage is set for a heart-wrenching confrontation that will challenge the very fabric of their characters.

As Grace (character) struggles to tend to her family’s needs, she finds herself neglecting even the most fundamental responsibilities, such as picking up Emma from school or stocking the pantry with groceries. Her forgetfulness reaches new heights when she calls in charity to clean out Josh’s room, effectively erasing his entire childhood without so much as a second thought. Ethan (character), home from who-knows-where, is left seething as he witnesses the systematic dismantling of his brother’s personal space. His anger simmers beneath the surface as Grace nonchalantly declares it’s time to “move on,” leaving Ethan bewildered by her callousness.

Meanwhile, Dwight’s conscience is eating away at him like a slow-burning fire. He knows that his criminal endeavors will eventually catch up with him, forcing him into the cold, unforgiving confines of a prison cell. In a desperate attempt to make amends, he redoubles his efforts to bond with Lucas, sensing that these fleeting moments are all he’ll have once he’s behind bars. Unfortunately, his increasing nervousness at work doesn’t go unnoticed, and Dwight’s boss takes him to task for neglecting his clients, including the likes of Ethan Learner.

In a bizarre coincidence, Ethan happens upon an SUV with a telltale scratch on its right front fender. His curiosity gets the better of him, and he snaps a few photos of the vehicle before moving on. Little does he know that the car’s owner has already notified the authorities, who promptly arrest Ethan for trespassing. The owner provides damning evidence of the SUV’s condition, and Dwight seizes the opportunity to post bail for his unwitting friend.

As the two families converge at a school event, Emma takes center stage with a heartfelt piano performance in honor of her brother. It’s a poignant reminder that, despite their differences, we’re all connected by our shared humanity. Ruth, Emma’s piano teacher, is none other than the very same individual who had been instrumental (pun intended) in Josh’s musical development. Lucas, meanwhile, has secured a role in a school skit, his youthful exuberance and enthusiasm infectious.

As both families make their way out of the auditorium, Ethan catches a glimpse of Dwight, donning the same baseball cap that had been emblazoned on his forehead during that fateful day when he struck Josh. A lightbulb moment strikes him – it’s then that he realizes the true extent of Dwight’s involvement in his family’s struggles. The next day, Emma and Ethan pay a visit to Ruth, expressing their gratitude for her guidance and mentorship. It’s a seemingly innocuous gesture, but one that sets the stage for Ethan’s epiphany. After using the bathroom, Ethan slips into Lucas’s room, where he uncovers a photograph of Dwight and his son standing proudly in front of the very same SUV with its distinctive grill. His mind racing, Ethan makes a fateful decision – he purchases a gun, hell-bent on confronting the man who has been manipulating their lives from behind the scenes.

As Dwight’s resolve solidifies, he sets out to make amends by crafting a heartfelt apology video for Lucas, pouring his sincerity onto the screen as he laments the consequences of his actions and declares his enduring love. The weight of his decision settled, Ruth surprisingly grants Lucas permission to spend part of spring break with his father, a gesture that brings a glimmer of hope to their complicated dynamic. As night falls, Dwight settles in for what he hopes will be a quiet evening, but the tranquility is short-lived as a knock at the door shatters the silence. Ethan appears, clutching the photograph and brandishing a firearm, his eyes cold with calculation.

Dwight’s pleas for mercy ring out as he implores Ethan not to extinguish his life, arguing that imprisonment would be a more just punishment than death. The tension is palpable as they stand there, frozen in anticipation. But fate intervenes when Lucas rises from bed to use the bathroom, and Dwight seizes the opportunity to gently guide him back to slumber. The door closes behind them once again, and Ethan’s grip on reality begins to slip. He forces Dwight into the trunk of his car, a dark and foreboding space that seems to swallow all sense of hope.

As they journey to a deserted lake, the silence between them becomes oppressive, a heavy shroud that hangs over their heads like a guillotine. Ethan’s intent is clear: he intends to end Dwight’s life with a single bullet. But as Dwight’s words of contrition spill out like a river, pouring from his heart and soul, something strange happens. The weight of his actions seems to sink in, and the gun slips from Ethan’s grasp, falling into the lake like a stone.

As the darkness lifts, we are left with Lucas, sitting alone in front of the video that will forever change his understanding of his father.

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