
Does Rogue One: A Star Wars Story have end credit scenes?


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story does not have end credit scenes.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story


In a distant corner of the galaxy, Galen Erso's tranquil life is shattered by Imperial coercion. Years later, his daughter Jyn discovers her father's critical role in crafting the Death Star, the Empire's most formidable terror. With the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance, Jyn joins a rebellious coalition to infiltrate the fearsome space station and pilfer its secrets for the Rebel Alliance's ultimate survival.

Runtime: 133 min

Box Office: $1.1B








User Score






User Score


7.8 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story!

As the curtain opens on this interstellar tale, we are thrust into a world of high-stakes action, sans the customary opening crawl. The Empire's presence is palpable as an Imperial ship touches down, setting off a chain reaction of events that will change the course of history.

Lyra Erso (Valene Kane), a woman with a fierce determination in her eyes, takes swift and decisive action to warn her husband Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen) and daughter Jyn Erso of the impending danger. As she frantically tries to gather her loved ones, Lyra reaches out to Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker), an old acquaintance with a penchant for rebellion.

With the Empire closing in, Galen musters his courage and says goodbye to Jyn, imparting words of love and wisdom as he prepares to face the music. Lyra, ever the protector, bestows upon her daughter a treasured necklace, imbuing it with the power of the Force - a symbol of hope and guidance that will see her through the trials ahead.

As the Empire's presence intensifies, Galen finds himself at odds with Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn), a ruthless Imperial officer who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Their tense standoff is cut short when Lyra, driven by desperation and defiance, attempts to take down Orson - only to meet her untimely demise.

In the aftermath of this tragic event, Jyn finds herself on the run, desperate to escape the Empire's clutches. Fast-forward to the Ring of Kafrene, where an older, wiser Jyn (Felicity Jones) is being held captive by the Imperial forces. Meanwhile, the Rebel Alliance is scrambling to uncover the truth behind the Empire's sinister plan to create a planet-destroying superweapon.

In the midst of this chaos, Bodhi Rook (Riz Ahmed), a former Imperial pilot turned rebel, finds himself caught in the crossfire as he's apprehended by the forces at Jedha. Elsewhere, Jyn is being transferred with other prisoners when suddenly, Rebel forces storm in and liberate them.

As Jyn attempts to make her escape, she's confronted by K-2SO (voiced by Alan Tudyk), a wise-cracking enforcer droid who serves as the Rebellion's muscle. With her freedom hanging precariously in the balance, Jyn is presented with an offer - find Saw Gerrera and uncover the secrets he holds, and she'll be granted her freedom.

As Jyn boards the Rebel ship alongside K-2SO and Cassian Andor (Diego Luna), she finds herself embroiled in a complex web of intrigue and deception. With the Empire closing in and the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance, Jyn must navigate this treacherous landscape to uncover the truth about her father's past and the sinister forces driving the Rebel Alliance's quest for freedom.

In the midst of chaos, Bodhi's tranquil existence at Jedha is disrupted by the imposing figure of Saw, now a hybrid of human and machine, his very breath dependent on the mask that covers his face. Meanwhile, Orson Krennic (actor not provided) engages in a calculating conversation with Grand Moff Tarkin at the Imperial stronghold, advocating for the weapon's efficacy through a test demonstration.

As Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor (Donnie Yen), and K-2SO arrive on Jedha, K-2SO is tasked with maintaining sentry duties while Cassian surveys the area. Jyn, however, is approached by Chirrut Imwe (Donnie Yen), a blind warrior whose extraordinary instincts are piqued by her necklace and the rare stone it contains. As Jyn and Cassian explore the city, they soon find themselves amidst a war zone, as Rebel and Imperial forces clash in a frenzy of blaster fire and chaos.

K-2SO's timely arrival proves instrumental in fending off Imperial stormtroopers, but Chirrut's exceptional skill, despite his visual impairment, is showcased as he effortlessly dispatches the enemy. However, their respite is short-lived, as they are ambushed by Saw's crew and captured along with Baze Malbus (Wen Jiang).

As Cassian, Chirrut, and Baze languish in a cell, Jyn finds herself brought before Saw, who expresses surprise at her presence but swiftly confronts her about the true intentions behind her captivity. With Jyn insisting she has no allegiance to the Rebel Alliance, Saw's defenses are breached, and he delivers a poignant monologue, underscoring that "there is no rebellion without hope."

In the midst of this tense exchange, the Empire decides to put their new weapon through its paces, as if sensing an opportunity to crush any lingering hopes. As Jyn stands before Saw, she is suddenly confronted with a holographic message from her father, Galen Erso (actor not provided). His words are laced with regret and determination, as he reveals that his collaboration with the Empire was motivated by a desire to give the Rebel Alliance its best chance.

Galen's apologetic tone gives way to resolve as he implores Jyn to continue his work, emphasizing the importance of saving both the Rebellion and her father's dream. As the hologram fades away, Jyn stands at a crossroads, poised to respond to the weighty burdens placed upon her shoulders.

As the Death Star unleashes its devastating firepower upon Jedha, Chirrut Îfrr, Baze Malbus, and K-2SO (Gavin Drea) converge on the ship while Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) extricates Jyn Erso from the rubble. Saw Gerrera's (Forest Whitaker) frailty becomes apparent as he implores Jyn to abandon him, an act that ultimately seals his fate beneath the Death Star's destructive might. With Jedha reduced to ruin and Saw's lifeless body, the Empire celebrates its triumph.

Meanwhile, Grand Moff Tarkin takes credit for the operation from Director Orson Koriyeni (Liang Yang) while issuing veiled threats against any future encroachments on his plans. On board the ship, Cassian receives clandestine instructions to eliminate Galen Erso if they encounter him, an order that weighs heavily upon his conscience.

As Jyn navigates the uncertainty surrounding her father's fate, she convinces her companions to set their sights on Edu, a fateful decision that would soon lead them into a maelstrom of chaos. Upon landing, the crew discovers their ship irreparably damaged and decides to procure a new vessel. Cassian and Baze venture out, leaving Jyn and Chirrut to ponder their leader's motivations.

In a parallel universe, Director Orson Koriyeni subjects Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen) and other Imperial personnel to brutal interrogations, seeking to uncover any hidden Rebel sympathizers. When Orson threatens to execute the suspects en masse, Galen takes a stand, revealing his true allegiance. Despite this confession, Orson dispatches his victims without hesitation.

As Jyn, Chirrut, and Baze infiltrate Edu, they unwittingly stumble upon Cassian's covert mission. The Rebel Alliance's internal conflict comes to a head when Jyn confronts her father in a critical condition. With tears streaming down her face, she reunites with Galen before his untimely demise. As the dust settles, Cassian intervenes, whisking Jyn away from the carnage.

The narrative takes a darker turn as Orson Koriyeni reports to Darth Vader (voiced by James Earl Jones), who responds with calculated fury, force-choking Orson before releasing him with an ominous warning: repair the Death Star without flaw.

As the Rebel Alliance's doubts about Jyn's (character name) credibility linger, she presents her proposal to infiltrate Scarif, a stronghold of the Empire's Death Star plans. Despite her impassioned plea, "Rebellions are built on hope," the Council remains unconvinced, paving the way for Cassian to approach Jyn with an alternative plan. Joined by their newfound allies, they adopt the codename "Rogue One" and set course for Scarif.

Upon arrival, Bodhi cleverly manipulates the Empire's forces into granting them permission to land, allowing K-2SO (actor name), Jyn, and Cassian to slip away unnoticed. Meanwhile, other rebels secretly infiltrate the planet, planting explosives in anticipation of their mission. Director Orson also appears, monitoring the Empire's activities related to the Death Star and Grand Moff Tarkin.

As tensions escalate, the rebels detonate their explosives, triggering a full-scale battle across Scarif. The arrival of additional Rebel forces, including an unexpected cameo from R2-D2 and C-3PO, further complicates the situation. In response, the Empire deploys a force field to prevent more Rebel reinforcements from entering the planet.

Inside the control room, K-2SO's door-opening gesture enables Jyn and Cassian to access the database, where they must navigate treacherous Imperial forces to extract the Death Star plans. As they search for the crucial information, K-2SO valiantly defends his companions against stormtroopers, ultimately sacrificing himself to permanently seal the control room door. The duo finds the plans hidden beneath the codename "Stardust," with K-2SO warning them of the impending force field and advising manual transmission.

Outside, the battle rages on, with Rebel forces successfully taking down several AT-ATs. Bodhi's ingenuity allows him to locate the control switch, but his attempts to activate it are thwarted by the chaos. Undeterred, Chirrut takes a heroic risk, walking back to the switch and turning it on, only to be felled by Imperial fire. As he succumbs to his wounds in Baze's arms, he whispers a profound farewell, reassuring his friend that their bond remains unbroken, forever connected through the Force.

Within the heart of the Imperial stronghold, Jyn Erso (Jyn) and Cassian Andor (Cassian) find themselves in a desperate bid to secure the prized Stardust file. However, their pursuit is abruptly interrupted by Director Orson Krennic, who descends upon them with a hail of blaster fire. Despite their valiant efforts, Jyn narrowly escapes as Cassian falls, his body riddled with bullets. Meanwhile, Bodhi Rook's (Bodhi) technical expertise allows him to establish communication channels, only for him to be brutally cut down by a stray bomb hurled by an Imperial stormtrooper.

As chaos erupts around them, Baze Malbus (Baze) is galvanized by the sacrifice of Chirrut Îmwe and charges forward, his determination ultimately leading to his own demise at the hands of a fallen stormtrooper's explosives. Amidst this carnage, Jyn finally reaches the top of the command console, where she must recalibrate the antenna to transmit crucial data to the Rebel Alliance. Unbeknownst to her, Director Orson is hot on her heels.

Just as Jyn completes the calibration and prepares to send the vital information, the location is rocked by the ferocious battle unfolding outside. She stumbles but recovers, only to be confronted once more by the relentless Director Orson. However, just as all hope seems lost, a gravely injured Cassian appears from nowhere, his blaster blazing as he takes down their tormentor.

With Orson defeated and the shield lowered, Jyn successfully transmits the Death Star plans to the Rebel Alliance. As this pivotal moment unfolds, Grand Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader bear witness to the unfolding destruction on the distant planet of Scarif.

In a poignant twist, the sacrifice of Rogue One is acknowledged by the Rebel forces as they mourn the loss of their fallen comrades. On the fateful beach of Scarif, Jyn and Cassian share a tender moment, hand in hand, as the Death Star's devastating power obliterates the planet and its inhabitants.

The scene then shifts to the Rebel flagship, where Darth Vader unleashes his wrath upon the unsuspecting Rebels, driven by an unrelenting pursuit of the memory card containing the stolen Death Star plans. As he closes in on the final hatch, Princess Leia Organa's (Leia) ship, piloted by none other than herself, makes a daring escape.

Within the sanctuary of Leia's ship, we find ourselves in the presence of General Leia Organa, as rendered through cutting-edge CGI. With C-3PO by her side, she is asked to decipher the secrets contained within the stolen plans. Her response is straightforward yet profound: "Hope." And so, the stage is set for the epic adventure that will unfold in the iconic film, A New Hope.