
Does Rollerball have end credit scenes?


Rollerball does not have end credit scenes.




In the high-stakes world of rollerball, star player Jonathan must confront the darker side of the game as he and his teammates Marcus and Aurora deliver heart-pumping action to a mesmerized audience. But when creator Petrovich manipulates the sport for maximum entertainment value, Jonathan's thrill ride turns deadly – forcing him to fight for survival.

Runtime: 125 min








User Score






User Score


6.6 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Rollerball!

In the not-too-distant future of 2018, humanity has seemingly transcended its penchant for conflict, with the entire planet Earth basking in a harmonious era devoid of war, poverty, or violence. As the world's inhabitants seek to satiate their primal urges, they find themselves enthralled by the high-octane spectacle of Rollerball games. On this particular day, the Houston team, led by the exceptional Jonathan E (played by), takes on the formidable Madrid squad and emerges victorious, with Jonathan's impressive scoring prowess being a significant factor in the outcome.

As the dust settles on the chaotic game, the corporate executives, spearheaded by the fastidious Mr. Bartholomew, take center stage to congratulate the winning team. In a peculiar turn of events, Jonathan is summoned by Bartholomew to meet with him the following day, sparking curiosity about the nature of their encounter.

Houston, Texas, in this futuristic world, has evolved into a thriving metropolis reminiscent of Western Europe in its late 20th-century heyday. The next morning, Jonathan finds himself face-to-face with Bartholomew, who delivers the unexpected news that he must retire from the sport, a decision enforced by Energy Corporation executives. Jonathan, however, is resolute in his refusal to hang up his Rollerball gloves.

As the days unfold, Jonathan returns to his ranch via helicopter, situated amidst the picturesque piney woods of East Texas, where he's greeted by a young woman assigned to him by the corporation and his trusted friend and trainer, Clete. However, this fleeting romance is soon disrupted when the woman departs for Indianapolis on a whim.

Meanwhile, Jonathan dedicates himself to training the Rollerball team players, including newcomers brought into the fold. His desire for knowledge prompts a visit to a downtown Houston library hub alongside his friend Moonpie. There, they discover that the information they seek regarding the Energy Corporation is classified and inaccessible to them.

Jonathan's life becomes further complicated with the introduction of another young woman, Daphne, also assigned to him by the corporation. As tensions build within the team, Jonathan learns that the rules governing Rollerball are undergoing a drastic overhaul, with penalties abolished in a move aimed at stifling his competitive spirit.

The players themselves express their discontent, but they are ultimately bound by contractual obligations. The root of these changes can be traced back to Jonathan's defiant refusal to retire from the sport.

In a later development, Jonathan finds himself under the glare of television cameras as he participates in an interview with a computer program, discussing his storied past and the upcoming Rollerball game. This prearranged Q&A session is designed to promote his announced retirement, but it ultimately serves as a conduit for Bartholomew's machinations.

As the stakes continue to escalate, Jonathan's team prepares for their next challenge in a high-tech fitness room, where they are visited by a coach from the Tokyo team. This uninvited guest warns them about the martial arts techniques employed by his own squad, but the Houston players dismiss these concerns with aplomb, convinced of their own superiority.

As the sun dips into the piney woods of East Texas, Jonathan and Daphne mingle with the crème de la crème at a lavish cocktail party within the opulent walls of a grand mansion. Gone are the days of rustic simplicity; this area has evolved into a hub of prosperity, catering to the wealthy elite. The guests, resplendent in their finery, exhibit a subtle haze from the effects of aphrodisiac pills. Rumors swirl that the players themselves are artificial entities, but Jonathan remains steadfast in his refusal to heed Bartholomew's warnings to quit the game.

Meanwhile, amidst the merriment, some partygoers engage in a peculiar form of entertainment: using laser guns to blast at pine trees with reckless abandon. As the evening wears on, Jonathan finds himself back at his ranch, packed and ready to depart. He implores Daphne to join him, but she is torn between her loyalty to Jonathan and the Energy Corporation's demands for her return.

As tensions rise, Jonathan brandishes his spiked glove, issuing an ultimatum: Daphne must leave and not return. The stakes are raised when the players arrive in Tokyo, only to find themselves pummeled by their hosts with brutal efficiency. Moonpie suffers a devastating blow to the head from a spiked glove, plunging him into a coma. A Japanese doctor pleads with Jonathan to consent to removing Moonpie from life support, but he refuses to yield.

In a televised video conference, Bartholomew convenes with executives from the Energy Corporation to discuss the feasibility of terminating Jonathan's participation in the game and reverting Rollerball to its original purpose. The assembled corporate bigwigs concur on the necessity of this drastic measure.

As Jonathan delves deeper into the mysteries of the corporate wars and the decisions made by high-ranking officials, he finds himself in Geneva, Switzerland, surrounded by the world's largest computer bank. However, his quest for answers is met with a malfunctioning system that offers nothing but cryptic responses.

Ella, Jonathan's estranged wife, whom the corporation had previously removed from their lives, appears at his ranch, bearing a message of reassurance and caution. She urges Jonathan to abandon the game, warning him of impending doom if he continues. As a token of her sincerity, she attempts to convince him to surrender. However, Jonathan erases all video evidence of their encounter, effectively severing ties with his past.

The Rollerball team now faces off against New York City in a brutal, no-holds-barred match. With no substitutions, penalties, or time limits, the players are reduced to mere pawns as the arena descends into chaos. Jonathan scores, and the crowd erupts in cheers, while Bartholomew seethes with frustration. As the game reaches its climax, Jonathan skates tirelessly before the frame freezes, and the credits roll.