
Does Shook have end credit scenes?


Shook does not have end credit scenes.




As social media sensation Mia's digital life spirals out of control, a sinister online presence forces her to play a deadly game: solving gruesome puzzles to spare loved ones from brutal slaughter. But as the stakes rise, Mia must confront whether this twisted ordeal is reality or just a cruel prank – and if she'll survive to expose the truth.

Runtime: 88 min









User Score






User Score


4.1 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in Shook!

As the Southland Dog Killer's brutal tactics shift from targeting pets to claiming the life of beloved beauty influencer Genelle, social media darling Mia Larson cancels her planned livestream with friends Lani, Jade, and Santi to instead focus on her sister Nicole's cherished dog Chico. Meanwhile, Nicole embarks on a journey to San Francisco for treatment of the debilitating hereditary brain condition that claimed their mother's life, leaving Mia to grapple with her own demons.

In an eerie turn of events, Mia begins receiving unsettling messages and phone calls from Nicole's neighbor Kellan, who reveals disturbing videos of his alleged kidnapping of Nicole, Mia's friends, and Chico. Kellan's malevolent game forces Mia to make impossible choices between the lives of those closest to her, all while he taunts her with gruesome punishments if she dares to flee or seek help.

As Mia navigates this twisted labyrinth, Chico seemingly meets its demise when she chooses Lani over the dog. In a stunning revelation, Mia also sacrifices Nicole, leaving her reeling from the weight of her decisions. However, just as the darkness seems insurmountable, Lani breaks the silence, exposing Kellan's absence and revealing that everything was an elaborate prank orchestrated by her.

Mia is left seething with anger and betrayed by her friends' callousness, particularly when she discovers Lani exploited footage of Nicole's anguish at their mother's funeral. This fresh trauma prompts Mia to reach out to Nicole, apologizing for abandoning her in times of need. But just as the sisters are reconnecting, Lani calls back with a chilling warning: someone else is lurking in the shadows.

As Mia searches for answers and tries to make sense of the chaos, she stumbles upon Lani's lifeless body floating in the pool. The prankster's facade crumbles further when Kellan reappears, forcing Mia to endure excruciating pain through self-administered injections. In a devastating blow, Mia discovers Santi suffocated and Jade's role in the sinister scheme is exposed.

The truth behind Lani's lavish lifestyle is finally revealed: she was broke and worked at Whole Foods, fabricating her online persona for financial gain. As the reality sets in, Mia realizes that this was never just a harmless prank – it was a calculated assault on her psyche, designed to break her.

As Mia's eyes widened in horror, her gaze fell upon a lifeless form - the unmistakable corpse of her mother, concealed away in a closet's dark recesses. The very same space where the fragile boundaries between reality and nightmare had long since blurred. Nicole, the mastermind behind the sinister plot, now emerged from the shadows, her malevolent intentions writ large on her face like an open wound. With calculating calm, she revealed that her tormented Mia was merely a pawn in her game of psychological manipulation, orchestrated to punish her sister for perceived selfishness towards their family.

As the full extent of Nicole's depravity unfolded, it became clear that even the initial setup, replete with gruesome dog killings, was but a mere precursor to the true horror that awaited. The revelation sent Mia tumbling down a rabbit hole of existential despair as she struggled to comprehend the unfathomable cruelty that had been perpetrated against her and their mother.

Nicole's cold calculation reached new depths as she produced a video evidence of her mother's smothering on her deathbed, leaving Mia reeling in a desperate bid to rationalize the unhinged brutality. The sisters' twisted dynamic reached its zenith when Nicole threatened to slaughter Jade unless Mia willingly submitted to a gruesome act of self-mutilation.

Mia, driven by desperation and a desperate desire for survival, took matters into her own hands, employing a baseball bat to shatter one leg and attempting to break the other by leaping over a banister. The futile attempts only served as a prelude to Nicole's merciless slaughter of Jade, leaving Mia shattered and alone.

As the sisters' confrontation continued to unfold, with Mia's followers bearing witness to the gruesome spectacle via livestream, the real Kellan arrived at the doorstep, his suspicions piqued by the eerie atmosphere. Unbeknownst to him, he was about to fall prey to Nicole's calculated machinations, and in a flash of cold calculation, she cut down the unsuspecting visitor.

Seizing the opportunity to turn the tables on her sister, Mia launched a daring counterattack, leaving Nicole unconscious as their livestreamed confrontation came to an abrupt halt. As the camera panned out, Mia limped out into the night, collapsing onto the sidewalk's cold surface. Big Mike's arrival in his car provided a fleeting respite from the chaos, but it was clear that Mia had transcended her online persona, now forever changed by the horrors she had endured.

And yet, as the livestream continued to play on, Nicole remained very much alive, trapped in a web of despair and desperation, leaving viewers with an unsettling glimpse into the abyss of human depravity.