When a boisterous party lifestyle starts to unravel, Los Angeles schoolteacher Kate must confront the devastating consequences of her drinking problem. With her life spinning out of control, Kate hits rock bottom and finds herself alone on the streets. Seeking redemption, she joins forces with her vice principal-turned-mentor to embark on a grueling journey towards sobriety.

When a boisterous party lifestyle starts to unravel, Los Angeles schoolteacher Kate must confront the devastating consequences of her drinking problem. With her life spinning out of control, Kate hits rock bottom and finds herself alone on the streets. Seeking redemption, she joins forces with her vice principal-turned-mentor to embark on a grueling journey towards sobriety.

Does Smashed have end credit scenes?


Smashed does not have end credit scenes.


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Smashed Quiz: Test your knowledge of the film 'Smashed' and its themes surrounding addiction, relationships, and personal growth.

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Plot Summary

Kate Hannah (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), a spirited elementary school teacher, bursts into her classroom, overcome with a sudden and intense nausea. In a moment of candor, she confesses to a curious student that she’s expecting, only to reveal the truth later to her substitute teacher Dave (Nick Offerman) - that her morning sickness was actually just a nasty hangover from the previous night. As she struggles to come to terms with her impulsive behavior, Kate attends a party with her husband Charlie (Aaron Paul) and his brother Owen (Kyle Gallner), where she lets loose and indulges in a drinking binge.

The next evening finds Kate in a haze of confusion, disoriented and alone on the streets after a night of reckless abandon. She stumbles upon her damaged car and, after piecing together the events of the previous night, makes her way home to find Charlie sleeping peacefully on their table. As they hit the club scene together, Kate opens up about her wild escapade, expressing a fervent desire to turn over a new leaf and kick her drinking habit for good - but her husband’s nonchalant response suggests he may not be entirely on board with her newfound sobriety.

As the night wears on, Kate and Charlie embark on a series of questionable activities, including cycling under the influence and playing croquet while downing tequilas and margaritas. The evening culminates in a passionate encounter between the two, but Kate’s growing sense of unease and desperation for a drink becomes increasingly apparent.

In a desperate bid to satiate her cravings, Kate heads out into the night to procure some wine, only to be thwarted by a late-night cashier who refuses to sell her any. Frustrated and feeling trapped, Kate unleashes a primal scream, urinating on the floor in protest of the locked bathroom door. The cashier, taken aback by her behavior, asks her to leave, and as she exits, Kate snatches a bottle of wine from the store’s shelves, her craving finally sated - at least for the time being.

As Kate’s consciousness slowly returns after another episode of blacking out, she finds herself in a desolate landscape, a stark reminder of her precarious existence. Back at work, an unexpected revelation awaits: Dave, her seemingly ordinary colleague, is actually a recovering addict who has walked the same path she’s currently traversing. He extends an invitation to join him at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, assuring her that it’s a small, intimate gathering of like-minded individuals. It’s there that Kate forges a connection with Jenny (Octavia Spencer), a remarkable individual who has traded in her former vices for a passion for cooking and the fulfillment of running her own catering business. As Kate begins to open up to Jenny, she decides to entrust this compassionate soul as her sponsor, introducing herself to the group with a sense of trepidation and hope.

As Kate navigates the AA meetings, she starts to experience gradual growth, but it’s clear that her surroundings are not conducive to her newfound sobriety. The world outside the meeting rooms seems to be conspiring against her, where everyone’s intoxication is a constant reminder of her own struggles. One fateful evening, after Dave drives Kate home from the meeting, he confesses his long-held crush on her, only to follow it up with an appalling and crass comment that leaves Kate reeling.

In bed, Kate confides in Charlie about her frustrations, lamenting the fact that they don’t connect on a deeper level like they used to. She reveals her desire to reconcile with her estranged mother, Rochelle (Mary Kay Place), a woman who has struggled with addiction and is now a constant reminder of Kate’s own demons.

Kate and Charlie embark on a trip to Lake Arrowhead, where Rochelle resides. As they spend time together, Kate shares her experiences at the AA meetings, but her mother remains skeptical about the longevity of this newfound commitment to sobriety. The conversation turns nostalgic as Rochelle regales Kate with stories of their past Christmases spent together at Santa’s village, a cherished tradition that has been absent from their lives for some time.

As they watch TV together, Kate and her mother bond over shared memories and unfinished business. Their intimacy is palpable as they reconnect after a long period of estrangement. The following day, Kate is taken aback when her coworkers surprise her with a baby shower, leaving her feeling uncertain and out of place. Outside, Dave apologizes for his earlier transgression, but Kate ensures he understands the gravity of his mistake, emphasizing that such comments are never acceptable towards women.

As tensions simmer beneath the surface, Kate’s world is turned upside down once more when she discovers that Charlie has shared a secret with their friend Owen – one that was meant to remain confidential. At Owen’s birthday celebration, Kate’s anger boils over as she confronts Charlie about his betrayal. As the night wears on and Charlie becomes increasingly intoxicated, Kate rebuffs his advances and refuses to accompany him to the bar, her frustration and disappointment hanging precariously in the balance.

The following day at school, an inquisitive student presses Kate about her apparent lack of weight gain, a phenomenon that defies the expected outcome of her supposed pregnancy. In response, Kate feigns a miscarriage, only to be met with accusatory whispers from her students suggesting she had terminated her unborn child. Her reprimand serves as a stark reminder of the harsh realities she faces. Later that evening, Kate confides in Charlie about her decision to reveal the truth to Mrs. Barnes, but he swiftly discourages her, warning that confessing could result in her termination.

As tensions rise, financial disputes begin to simmer between them, with Kate firing back at Charlie that she would never rely on his parents’ wealth and that her entire life has been a struggle to escape poverty. Fueled by frustration, Kate ultimately decides to reveal the truth to Mrs. Barnes, leading to her dismissal from her position.

Seeking solace in a bar, Kate’s sobriety begins to slip away. Later, Jenny and Dave must intervene to drive her home safely. As she stumbles through the evening, Kate becomes embroiled in an altercation with Charlie, accusing him of never truly supporting her throughout her struggles and expressing her reluctance to be in a relationship with someone who cannot fully understand her need for sobriety.

Time passes, and Kate delivers a heartfelt speech at an AA meeting, celebrating a full year of sobriety. She recounts the devastating consequences of her failed marriage, lost job, and solitary living arrangement, as well as her longing for the camaraderie she once shared with old friends, but ultimately expresses gratitude towards her newfound support system.

Meanwhile, Charlie is seen indulging in reckless behavior at a bar, surrounded by Owen and a blonde woman. Yet, despite his best efforts to move on, he finds himself unable to shake off his lingering feelings for Kate. He eventually departs the establishment, apologizing and acknowledging that he should be getting home. As he makes his way back, Charlie’s evening takes an unfortunate turn when he is confronted by authorities for riding a bicycle while intoxicated.

The next day, Charlie extends an olive branch to Kate by sharing the details of his recent misadventure over the phone. As fate would have it, Kate decides to drop by, allowing them to reconnect on a nostalgic note. The two former lovers spend some quality time reminiscing about old times before diving back into their shared passion - croquet. However, this friendly outing quickly turns sentimental as Charlie reveals his struggles since their separation. He confesses that he’s yet to encounter anyone remotely fascinating, and the ache of missing her becomes palpable. Kate politely requests they stick to the game, but Charlie can’t help himself, expressing genuine happiness for her newfound success - albeit acknowledging she’s better off without him.

Kate then presents a condition: only if Charlie commits to attending AA meetings would she even consider rekindling their relationship. Her words are laced with concern for his well-being rather than any desire to revive their romance. Charlie’s next plea falls flat as Kate declines his invitation to go out on a date, leaving him little choice but to ask her to play another round of croquet. This final request serves as a last-ditch attempt to redeem himself in Kate’s eyes. As she pauses before responding, the audience is left wondering if Kate might ultimately give Charlie another chance to reform and grow. The film ends on this poignant note, with Kate’s eventual decision left tantalizingly uncertain.

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